fixuinf2 Subroutine

public subroutine fixuinf2()


  • proc~~fixuinf2~~UsesGraph proc~fixuinf2 modforces::fixuinf2 module~modfields modfields proc~fixuinf2->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~fixuinf2->module~modglobal module~modmpi modmpi proc~fixuinf2->module~modmpi module~modsurfdata modsurfdata proc~fixuinf2->module~modsurfdata mpi mpi module~modmpi->mpi




proc~~fixuinf2~~CallsGraph proc~fixuinf2 modforces::fixuinf2 proc~detfreestream modforces::detfreestream proc~fixuinf2->proc~detfreestream mpi_allreduce mpi_allreduce proc~detfreestream->mpi_allreduce

Called by

proc~~fixuinf2~~CalledByGraph proc~fixuinf2 modforces::fixuinf2 program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~fixuinf2


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine fixuinf2
    use modglobal, only : ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,kh,dxf,xh,dt,&
    use modsurfdata,only: thl_top
    use modfields, only : u0,thl0,dpdxl,dgdt,dpdx,thlsrcdt
    use modmpi, only    : myid,comm3d,mpierr,mpi_sum,my_real,nprocs
    implicit none

    real  utop,freestream,freestrtmp,rk3coef
    integer i,j

    utop = 0.

    if ((ifixuinf==2) .and. (rk3step==3)) then
      call detfreestream(freestream)

      freestreamav=  freestream*dt/inletav + (1.-dt/inletav)*freestreamav

      ! Write some statistics to monitoring file
      ! if (myid==0) then
      !   open(unit=11,file='freestr.txt',position='append')
      !   write(11,3002) timee,freestream,freestreamav
      !   3002      format (13(6e14.6))
      !   close(11)
      ! endif

      !    dgdt =  (1./tscale) * (freestream - Uinf)
      !    dgdt =  (1./dt) * (freestreamav - Uinf)
          dgdt =  (1./tscale) * (freestreamav - Uinf)            ! plus sign because dpdx is SUBTRACTED from Navier-Stokes eqs
      !    dgdt =  (1./inletav) * (freestreamav - Uinf)

      !    if (ltempeq) then  !tg3315 commented
      !      call detfreestrtmp(freestrtmp)
      !      freestrtmpav=  freestrtmp*dt/inletav + (1.-dt/inletav)*freestrtmpav
      !      thlsrcdt = -(1./tscale) * (freestrtmpav - thl_top)   ! minus sign because thlsr is ADDED to Navier-Stokes eqs.

      !      if (myid==0) then
      !        open(unit=11,file='theta_top.txt',position='append')
      !        write(11,3009) timee,freestrtmp,freestrtmpav
      !3009    format (13(6e20.12))
      !        close(11)
      !      endif
      !    end if

    end if
  end subroutine fixuinf2