subroutine initEB !initialise everything necessary to calculate the energy balance use modglobal, only:AM, BM,CM,DM,EM,FM,GM, HM, IDM, inAM, bb,w,dumv,Tdash, bldT, nfcts,nfaclyrs use initfac, only:facd, faccp, faclam, fackappa, netsw, facem, fachf, facef, fachfi, facT, facLWin,facefi,facwsoil,facf,facets,facTdash,facqsat,facf,fachurel use modmpi, only:myid, comm3d, mpierr, MY_REAL, nprocs, cmyid use modstat_nc,only: open_nc, define_nc,ncinfo,writestat_dims_nc integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n real :: dum if (.not. lEB) return allocate(AM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(inAM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(CM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(bb(1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(BM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(DM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(EM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(FM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(GM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(HM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(IDM(1:nfaclyrs+1,1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(w(1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(dumv(1:nfaclyrs+1)) allocate(Tdash(1:nfaclyrs+1)) BM=0.;DM=0.;EM=0.;FM=0.;GM=0.;HM=0.;w=0.;dumv=0.;Tdash=0.; AM=0.;inAM=0.;CM=0.;IDM=0.;bb=0. do j=1,nfaclyrs+1 IDM(j,j)=1.0 end do !Fortran is column major, i.e. left dimensions should be iterated first ! e.g. (1,1)->(2,1)->(3,1)->(1,2)->... since they are next to each other on memory !first index moves "up and down" second "left and right" (as always) m=1; !position along columns do j=2,nfaclyrs+1 AM(j,m)=0.5 AM(j,m+1)=0.5 m=m+1 end do AM(1,1)=1.0 if (nfaclyrs == 3) then inAM = matinv4(AM) !!alternatively !inAM=matinv3(AM) !!or else inAM=gaussji(AM,IDM,nfaclyrs+1) end if ! write facet temperatures to, and energies to if (lwriteEBfiles) then Tname(6:8) = cexpnr EBname(7:9) = cexpnr allocate(ncstatT(nstatT,4)) call ncinfo(tncstatT(1,:),'t', 'Time', 's', 'time') call ncinfo(ncstatT( 1,:),'T' ,'Temperature', 'K','flt') call ncinfo(ncstatT( 2,:),'dTdz','Temperature gradient','K/m','flt' ) allocate(ncstatEB(nstatEB,4)) call ncinfo(tncstatEB(1,:),'t', 'Time', 's', 'time') call ncinfo(ncstatEB( 1,:),'netsw', 'Net shortwave', 'W/m^2','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatEB( 2,:),'LWin', 'Incoming longwave', 'W/m^2','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatEB( 3,:),'LWout', 'Outgoing longwave', 'W/m^2','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatEB( 4,:),'hf', 'Sensible heat', 'W/m^2','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatEB( 5,:),'ef', 'Latent heat', 'W/m^2','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatEB( 6,:),'WGR','Water content', '?','ft') if (myid==0) then call open_nc(Tname, ncidT, nrecT, nfcts=nfcts, nlyrs=nfaclyrs+1) call open_nc(EBname, ncidEB, nrecEB, nfcts=nfcts) if (nrecT==0) then call define_nc( ncidT, 1, tncstatT) call writestat_dims_nc(ncidT) end if if (nrecEB==0) then call define_nc( ncidEB, 1, tncstatEB) call writestat_dims_nc(ncidEB) end if call define_nc( ncidT, nstatT, ncstatT) call define_nc( ncidEB, nstatEB, ncstatEB) endif !myid==0 end if end subroutine initEB