subroutine initglobal use modmpi, only : myid, comm3d, my_real, mpierr use decomp_2d implicit none integer :: advarr(4) real phi, colat, silat, omega, omega_gs integer :: i, j, k, n character(80) chmess ! Global constants ! Select advection scheme for scalars. If not set in the options file, the momentum scheme is used if (iadv_tke < 0) iadv_tke = iadv_mom if (iadv_thl < 0) iadv_thl = iadv_mom if (iadv_qt < 0) iadv_qt = iadv_mom !CvH remove where !where (iadv_sv<0) iadv_sv = iadv_mom !tg3315 added - only uses kappa advection scheme... do n = 1, nsv iadv_sv(n) = iadv_kappa end do !ends here !timestepping if (courant < 0) then select case (iadv_mom) case (iadv_cd2) courant = 1.5 case default courant = 1.4 end select if (any(iadv_sv(1:nsv) == iadv_kappa) .or. any((/iadv_thl, iadv_qt, iadv_tke/) == iadv_kappa)) then courant = min(courant, 1.1) elseif (any(iadv_sv(1:nsv) == iadv_upw) .or. any((/iadv_thl, iadv_qt, iadv_tke/) == iadv_upw)) then courant = min(courant, 1.1) elseif (any(iadv_sv(1:nsv) == iadv_cd2) .or. any((/iadv_thl, iadv_qt, iadv_tke/) == iadv_cd2)) then courant = min(courant, 1.5) end if end if ! phsgrid !jmax = jtot/nprocy ! Only in z-pencil and not true generally - uneven no. !imax = itot/nprocx ! Only in z-pencil isen = imax ! Only in z-pencil - replace eventually so it is pencil-independent (in poisson) jsen = jmax ! Only in z-pencil - replace eventually so it is pencil-independent (in poisson) !set the number of ghost cells. NB: This switch has to run in order of required ghost cells advarr = (/iadv_mom, iadv_tke, iadv_thl, iadv_qt/) if (any(advarr == iadv_kappa)) then ih = 2 jh = 2 kh = 1 ! SO: think this is inconsistent elseif (any(advarr == iadv_cd2) .or. any(iadv_sv(1:nsv) == iadv_cd2)) then ih = 1 jh = 1 kh = 1 ihc = 1 jhc = 1 khc = 1 end if ! J. Tomas added this for using only kappa scheme for sv(:) if (any(iadv_sv(1:nsv) == iadv_kappa) .or. (iadv_thl == iadv_kappa)) then ih = 1 jh = 1 kh = 1 ihc = 2 jhc = 2 khc = 2 end if ! Eventually ib etc should be completely replaced. ! All arrays start at 1, like in 2DECOMP, and end at e.g. zsize(1) = imax in old terminology ib = 1 ! Remove eventually jb = 1 jgb = jb ! global j range (starting at the same as j as the processor j range) jge = jtot ! global j range kb = 1 ! Make redundant !kmax = ktot ! Define indices in terms of 2DECOMP's. Subject to change! z=pencil 'special' for now, but could rename e.g. imax -> imax3 imax1 = xsize(1) !=itot imax2 = ysize(1) imax = zsize(1) jmax1 = xsize(2) jmax2 = ysize(2) !=jtot jmax = zsize(2) kmax1 = xsize(3) kmax2 = ysize(3) kmax = zsize(3) ie = imax je = jmax ke = kmax decomp_main%zlevel = (/ih, jh, kh/) if (zstart(1) == 1) then ibrank = .true. else ibrank = .false. end if if (zend(1) == itot) then ierank = .true. else ierank = .false. end if if (zstart(2) == 1) then jbrank = .true. else jbrank = .false. end if if (zend(2) == jtot) then jerank = .true. else jerank = .false. end if !write(*,*) "myid, ibrank, ierank", myid, ibrank, ierank phi = xlat*pi/180. colat = cos(phi) silat = sin(phi) omega = 7.292e-5 omega_gs = 7.292e-5 om22 = 2.*omega*colat om23 = 2.*omega*silat om22_gs = 2.*omega_gs*colat om23_gs = 2.*omega_gs*silat ! Variables allocate (dsv(nsv)) ! Create the physical grid variables allocate (dzf(kb - kh:ke + kh)) allocate (dzf2(kb - kh:ke + kh)) allocate (dzfi(kb - kh:ke + kh)) allocate (dzfiq(kb - kh:ke + kh)) allocate (dzfi5(kb - kh:ke + kh)) allocate (dzh(kb:ke + kh)) allocate (dzhi(kb:ke + kh)) allocate (dzhiq(kb:ke + kh)) allocate (dzh2i(kb:ke + kh)) allocate (zh(kb:ke + kh)) allocate (zf(kb:ke + kh)) allocate (dxf(ib-ih:itot+ih)) allocate (dxf2(ib-ih:itot+ih)) allocate (dxfi(ib-ih:itot+ih)) allocate (dxfiq(ib-ih:itot+ih)) allocate (dxfi5(ib-ih:itot+ih)) allocate (dxh(ib:itot+ih)) allocate (dxhi(ib:itot+ih)) allocate (dxhiq(ib:itot+ih)) allocate (dxh2i(ib:itot+ih)) allocate (xh(ib:itot+ih)) allocate (xf(ib:itot+ih)) allocate (yh(jb:jtot+jh)) allocate (yf(jb:jtot+jh)) allocate (delta(ib-ih:itot+ih, kb:ke + kh)) rslabs = real(itot*jtot) dx = xlen/float(itot) dy = ylen/float(jtot) ! MPI ! Note, that the loop for reading zf and calculating zh ! has been split so that reading is only done on PE 1 write (cexpnr, '(i3.3)') iexpnr if (nrank == 0) then open (ifinput, file='prof.inp.'//cexpnr) read (ifinput, '(a72)') chmess read (ifinput, '(a72)') chmess do k = kb, ke read (ifinput, *) zf(k) end do close (ifinput) ! ! J. Tomas: Read the x-coordinates of the cell centers from xgrid.inp.XXX ! ! SO: still reads for now, but need to remove any reference to xf, xh, etc eventually ! open (ifinput, file='xgrid.inp.'//cexpnr) ! read (ifinput, '(a72)') chmess ! read (ifinput, '(a72)') chmess ! ! do i = ib, itot ! read (ifinput, *) xf(i) ! end do ! close (ifinput) end if ! end if nrank==0 ! MPI broadcast ktot elements from zf call MPI_BCAST(zf, ktot, MY_REAL, 0, comm3d, mpierr) ! MPI broadcast itot elements from xf ! call MPI_BCAST(xf, itot, MY_REAL, 0, comm3d, mpierr) zh(kb) = 0.0 do k = kb, ke zh(k + 1) = zh(k) + 2.0*(zf(k) - zh(k)) end do zf(ke + kh) = zf(ke) + 2.0*(zh(ke + kh) - zf(ke)) do k = kb, ke dzf(k) = zh(k + 1) - zh(k) end do dzf(ke + 1) = dzf(ke) dzf(kb - 1) = dzf(kb) dzh(kb) = 2*zf(kb) do k = kb + 1, ke + kh dzh(k) = zf(k) - zf(k - 1) end do ! j. tomas: same trick for x-direction... ! xh(ib) = 0.0 ! do i = ib, itot ! xh(i + 1) = xh(i) + 2.0*(xf(i) - xh(i)) ! end do ! xf(itot + ih) = xf(itot) + 2.0*(xh(itot + ih) - xf(itot)) do i=ib,itot+ih xh(i) = (i-1) * dx xf(i) = xh(i) + dx/2 end do do j=jb,jtot+jh yh(j) = (j-1) * dy yf(j) = yh(j) + dy/2 end do ! These should be removed eventually do i = ib, itot dxf(i) = xh(i + 1) - xh(i) end do dxf(itot + 1) = dxf(itot) dxf(ib - 1) = dxf(ib) dxh(ib) = 2*xf(ib) do i = 2, itot + ih dxh(i) = xf(i) - xf(i - 1) end do do k = kb, ke + kh do i = ib - ih, itot + ih delta(i, k) = (dxf(i)*dy*dzf(k))**(1./3.) end do end do !-------------------------------------------------- ! *** Check whether the grid is equidistant ***** !-------------------------------------------------- !if (myid == 0) then !do k=kb,ke+kh !if (.not.(dzf(k).eq.dzf(1))) ! write (6, *) & ! 'WARNING, You are working with a non-equidistant grid!!!!' !end if !end do !end if ! end if myid==0 dzhi = 1./dzh dzfi = 1./dzf dzf2 = dzf*dzf dxhi = 1./dxh dxfi = 1./dxf dxf2 = dxf*dxf dxi = 1./dx dx2 = dx*dx dyi = 1./dy dy2 = dy*dy dzhiq = 0.25*dzhi dzfiq = 0.25*dzfi dxhiq = 0.25*dxhi dxfiq = 0.25*dxfi dyiq = 0.25*dyi dxiq = 0.25*dxi dzh2i = dzhi*dzhi dxh2i = dxhi*dxhi dy2i = dyi*dyi dx2i = dxi*dxi dzfi5 = 0.5*dzfi dxfi5 = 0.5*dxfi dyi5 = 0.5*dyi dxi5 = 0.5*dxi ! Grid used in kappa scheme advection (extra ghost nodes) if (any(iadv_sv(1:nsv) == iadv_kappa) .or. (iadv_thl == iadv_kappa)) then allocate (dzfc(kb - khc:ke + khc)) allocate (dxfc(ib - ihc:itot + ihc)) allocate (dzfci(kb - khc:ke + khc)) allocate (dxfci(ib - ihc:itot + ihc)) allocate (dzhci(kb - 1:ke + khc)) allocate (dxhci(ib - 1:itot + ihc)) dzfc(kb - kh:ke + kh) = dzf(kb - kh:ke + kh) dzfc(kb - khc) = dzfc(kb - kh) dzfc(ke + khc) = dzfc(ke + kh) dxfc(ib - ih:itot + ih) = dxf(ib - ih:itot + ih) dxfc(ib - ihc) = dxfc(ib - ih) dxfc(itot + ihc) = dxfc(itot + ih) dzhci(kb:ke + kh) = dzhi(kb:ke + kh) dzhci(kb - 1) = dzhci(kb) dzhci(ke + khc) = dzhci(ke + kh) dxhci(ib:itot + ih) = dxhi(ib:itot + ih) dxhci(ib - 1) = dxhci(ib) dxhci(itot + ihc) = dxhci(itot + ih) dzfci = 1./dzfc dxfci = 1./dxfc end if tnextrestart = trestart tnextfielddump = tfielddump ! tnextstatsdump = tstatsdump timeleft = runtime ! tg3315 previously btime + runtime end subroutine initglobal