initstatsdump Subroutine

public subroutine initstatsdump()


  • proc~~initstatsdump~~UsesGraph proc~initstatsdump modstatsdump::initstatsdump module~modfields modfields proc~initstatsdump->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~initstatsdump->module~modglobal module~modmpi modmpi proc~initstatsdump->module~modmpi module~modstat_nc modstat_nc proc~initstatsdump->module~modstat_nc mpi mpi module~modmpi->mpi module~modstat_nc->module~modmpi netcdf netcdf module~modstat_nc->netcdf




proc~~initstatsdump~~CallsGraph proc~initstatsdump modstatsdump::initstatsdump mpi_bcast mpi_bcast proc~initstatsdump->mpi_bcast proc~define_nc modstat_nc::define_nc proc~initstatsdump->proc~define_nc proc~ncinfo modstat_nc::ncinfo proc~initstatsdump->proc~ncinfo proc~open_nc modstat_nc::open_nc proc~initstatsdump->proc~open_nc proc~writestat_dims_nc modstat_nc::writestat_dims_nc proc~initstatsdump->proc~writestat_dims_nc nf90_def_var nf90_def_var proc~define_nc->nf90_def_var nf90_enddef nf90_enddef proc~define_nc->nf90_enddef nf90_inq_dimid nf90_inq_dimid proc~define_nc->nf90_inq_dimid nf90_inq_varid nf90_inq_varid proc~define_nc->nf90_inq_varid nf90_put_att nf90_put_att proc~define_nc->nf90_put_att nf90_redef nf90_redef proc~define_nc->nf90_redef proc~nchandle_error modstat_nc::nchandle_error proc~define_nc->proc~nchandle_error nf90_create nf90_create proc~open_nc->nf90_create nf90_def_dim nf90_def_dim proc~open_nc->nf90_def_dim proc~open_nc->nf90_def_var proc~open_nc->nf90_enddef nf90_get_var nf90_get_var proc~open_nc->nf90_get_var proc~open_nc->nf90_inq_dimid proc~open_nc->nf90_inq_varid nf90_inquire nf90_inquire proc~open_nc->nf90_inquire nf90_inquire_dimension nf90_inquire_dimension proc~open_nc->nf90_inquire_dimension nf90_open nf90_open proc~open_nc->nf90_open proc~open_nc->nf90_put_att nf90_sync nf90_sync proc~open_nc->nf90_sync proc~writestat_dims_nc->nf90_inq_varid proc~writestat_dims_nc->nf90_inquire_dimension nf90_put_var nf90_put_var proc~writestat_dims_nc->nf90_put_var nf90_strerror nf90_strerror proc~nchandle_error->nf90_strerror

Called by

proc~~initstatsdump~~CalledByGraph proc~initstatsdump modstatsdump::initstatsdump program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~initstatsdump


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine initstatsdump
    use modmpi,   only : my_real,mpierr,comm3d,mpi_logical,mpi_integer,mpi_character,cmyid
    use modglobal,only : imax,jmax,kmax,cexpnr,ifnamopt,fname_options,kb,ke,ladaptive,btime,&
    use modstat_nc,only: open_nc, define_nc,ncinfo,writestat_dims_nc
    use modfields,only : ncstaty,ncstatyt,ncstattke,ncstatxy,ncstatslice,ncstatxyt,ncstatt
    implicit none
    integer :: ierr

    namelist/NAMSTATSDUMP/ &



       read (ifnamopt,NAMSTATSDUMP,iostat=ierr)
       if (ierr > 0) then
          write(0, *) 'ERROR: Problem in namoptions NAMSTATSDUMP'
          write(0, *) 'iostat error: ', ierr
          stop 1
       write(6 ,NAMSTATSDUMP)
    end if

    call MPI_BCAST(klow        ,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,comm3d,ierr) !have to do this? just want nc for first CPU
    call MPI_BCAST(khigh       ,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,comm3d,ierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(nstatt      ,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,comm3d,ierr)
    ! call MPI_BCAST(nstaty      ,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,comm3d,ierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(ncstatyt    ,80,MPI_CHARACTER,0,comm3d,mpierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(ncstaty     ,80,MPI_CHARACTER,0,comm3d,mpierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(ncstattke   ,80,MPI_CHARACTER,0,comm3d,mpierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(ncstatxy    ,80,MPI_CHARACTER,0,comm3d,mpierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(ncstatxyt   ,80,MPI_CHARACTER,0,comm3d,mpierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(ncstatt     ,80,MPI_CHARACTER,0,comm3d,mpierr)
    call MPI_BCAST(ltdump      ,1,MPI_LOGICAL,0,comm3d,ierr)

    !> Generate y-averaged NetCDF:  
    if(lydump) then

      yname(7:9) = cexpnr
      call ncinfo(tncstaty(1,:),'time'      ,'Time'                         ,'s'      ,'time')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 1,:),'uy'        ,'Streamwise velocity'          ,'m/s'    ,'m0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 2,:),'vy'        ,'Spanwise velocity'            ,'m/s'    ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 3,:),'wy'        ,'Vertical velocity'            ,'m/s'    ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 4,:),'thly'      ,'Temperature'                  ,'K'      ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 5,:),'qty'       ,'Moisture'                     ,'kg/kg'  ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 6,:),'sca1y'     ,'Scalar field 1'               ,'kg/m^3' ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 7,:),'sca2y'     ,'Scalar field 2'               ,'kg/m^3' ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 8,:),'sca3y'     ,'Scalar field 3'               ,'kg/m^3' ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty( 9,:),'upwpy'     ,'Turbulent mom. flux'          ,'m^2/s^2','m0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty(10,:),'wpthlpy'   ,'Turbulent heat flux'          ,'K m/s'  ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty(11,:),'usgsy'     ,'SGS mom. flux'                ,'m^2/s^2','m0mt') 
      call ncinfo(ncstaty(12,:),'thlsgsy'   ,'SGS heat flux'                ,'K m/s'  ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstaty(13,:),'uwyik'     ,'Advective mom. flux'          ,'m^2/s^2','m0mt') 
      call ncinfo(ncstaty(14,:),'wthlyk'    ,'Advective heat flux'          ,'K m/s'  ,'t0mt')

      if (myid==0) then
        call open_nc(yname, ncidy, nrecy, n1=imax, n3=khigh-klow+1)
        if (nrecy==0) then
          call define_nc( ncidy, 1, tncstaty)
          call writestat_dims_nc(ncidy)
        end if
      call define_nc( ncidy, nstaty, ncstaty)
      endif !myid==0

    !> Generate time and y averaged NetCDF:
    if (lytdump) then
      ytname(8:10) = cexpnr
      call ncinfo(tncstatyt(1,:),'time'       ,'Sampling time'             ,'s'       ,'time')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 1,:),'uyt'        ,'Streamwise velocity'       ,'m/s'     ,'m0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 2,:),'vyt'        ,'Spanwise velocity'         ,'m/s'     ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 3,:),'wyt'        ,'Vertical velocity'         ,'m/s'     ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 4,:),'thlyt'      ,'Temperature'               ,'K'       ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 5,:),'qtyt'       ,'Moisture'                  ,'kg/kg'   ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 6,:),'sca1yt'     ,'Scalar field 1'            ,'kg/m^3'  ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 7,:),'sca2yt'     ,'Scalar field 2'            ,'kg/m^3'  ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 8,:),'sca3yt'     ,'Scalar field 3'            ,'kg/m^3'  ,'t0tt')

      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 9,:),'upwpyt'     ,'Turbulent mom. flux'       ,'m^2/s^2' ,'m0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 10,:),'wpthlpyt'   ,'Turbulent heat flux'       ,'K m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 11,:),'wpqtpyt'   ,'Turbulent moisture flux'   ,'kg/kg m/s','t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 12,:),'wpsca1tpyt','Turbulent scalar flux'     ,'M m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 13,:),'wpsca2tpyt','Turbulent scalar flux'     ,'M m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 14,:),'wpsca3tpyt','Turbulent scalar flux'     ,'M m/s'   ,'t0mt')

      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 15,:),'uwyt'      ,'Kinematic mom. flux'       ,'m^2/s^2' ,'m0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 16,:),'wthlyt'    ,'Kinematic heat flux'       ,'K m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 17,:),'wqtyt'     ,'Kinematic moisture flux'   ,'K m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 18,:),'wsca1yt'   ,'Kinematic scalar flux'     ,'K m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 19,:),'wsca2yt'   ,'Kinematic scalar flux'     ,'K m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 20,:),'wsca3yt'   ,'Kinematic scalar flux'     ,'K m/s'   ,'t0mt')

      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 21,:),'upupyt'     ,'mom. variance'            ,'m^2/s^2' ,'m0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 22,:),'wpwpyt'     ,'mom. variance'            ,'m^2/s^2' ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 23,:),'thlpthlpyt' ,'temp. variance'           ,'K^2'     ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 24,:),'qtpqtpyt'   ,'moisture. variance'       ,'kg^2/kg^2','t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 25,:),'sca1tpsca1pyt','scalar. variance'       ,'M^2'     ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 26,:),'sca2tpsca2pyt','scalar. variance'       ,'M^2'     ,'t0tt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 27,:),'sca3tpsca3pyt','scalar. variance'       ,'M^2'     ,'t0tt')

      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 28,:),'usgsyt'    ,'SGS mom. flux'             ,'m^2/s^2' ,'m0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 29,:),'wsgsyt'    ,'SGS mom. flux'             ,'m^2/s^2' ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 30,:),'thlsgsyt'  ,'SGS heat flux'             ,'K m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 31,:),'qtsgsyt'   ,'SGS moisture flux'         ,'kg/kg m/s','t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 32,:),'sca1sgsyt' ,'SGS scalar flux'           ,'M m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 33,:),'sca2sgsyt' ,'SGS scalar flux'           ,'M m/s'   ,'t0mt')
      call ncinfo(ncstatyt( 34,:),'sca3sgsyt' ,'SGS scalar flux'           ,'M m/s'   ,'t0mt')

      if (myid==0) then
        call open_nc(ytname, ncidyt, nrecyt, n1=imax, n3=khigh-klow+1)
        if (nrecyt==0) then
          call define_nc( ncidyt, 1, tncstatyt)
          call writestat_dims_nc(ncidyt)
        end if
        call define_nc( ncidyt, nstatyt, ncstatyt)
      endif !myid==0

    !> Generate y and x averaged NetCDF:
    if (lxydump) then
      xyname(8:10) = cexpnr
      call ncinfo(tncstatxy(1,:),'time'    ,'Time'                        ,'s'      ,'time')
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 1,:),'uxy'     ,'Streamwise velocity'         ,'m/s'    ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 2,:),'vxy'     ,'Spanwise velocity'           ,'m/s'    ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 3,:),'wxy'     ,'Vertical velocity'           ,'m/s'    ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 4,:),'thlxy'   ,'Temperature'                 ,'K'      ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 5,:),'qtxy'    ,'Moisture'                    ,'kg/kg'  ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 6,:),'pxy'     ,'Pressure'                    ,'kgm/s^2','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 7,:),'upwpxy'  ,'Mom. flux'                   ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 8,:),'wpthlpxy','Heat flux'                   ,'Km/s'   ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy( 9,:),'vpwpxy'  ,'Mom. flux'                   ,'Km/s'   ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy(10,:),'usgsxy'  ,'SGS mom. flux'               ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy(11,:),'thlsgsxy','SGS heat flux'               ,'Km/s'   ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy(12,:),'vsgsxy'  ,'SGS mom. flux'               ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy(13,:),'uwxyik'  ,'Advective mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  ) 
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy(14,:),'wthlxy'  ,'Advective heat flux'         ,'K m/s'  ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxy(15,:),'vwxy'    ,'Advective mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      if (myid==0) then      
        call open_nc(xyname, ncidxy, nrecxy, n3=khigh-klow+1)
        if (nrecxy==0) then
          call define_nc( ncidxy, 1, tncstatxy)
          call writestat_dims_nc(ncidxy)
        end if
        call define_nc( ncidxy, nstatxy, ncstatxy)
      end if
    end if

    !> Generate time, y and x averaged NetCDF:
    if (lxytdump) then
      xytname(9:11) = cexpnr
      call ncinfo(tncstatxyt(1,:),'time'      ,'Time'                        ,'s'      ,'time')
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 1,:),'uxyt'       ,'Streamwise velocity'         ,'m/s'    ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 2,:),'vxyt'       ,'Spanwise velocity'           ,'m/s'    ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 3,:),'wxyt'       ,'Vertical velocity'           ,'m/s'    ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 4,:),'thlxyt'     ,'Temperature'                 ,'K'      ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 5,:),'qtxyt'      ,'Moisture'                    ,'kg/kg'  ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 6,:),'pxyt'       ,'Pressure'                    ,'kgm/s^2','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 7,:),'upwpxyt'    ,'Turbulent mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 8,:),'wpthlpxyt'  ,'Turbulent heat flux'         ,'K m/s'  ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 9,:),'vpwpxyt'    ,'Turbulent mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 10,:),'upvpxyt'   ,'Turbulent mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 11,:),'uwxyt'     ,'Kinematic mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 12,:),'wthlxyt'   ,'Kinematic heat flux'         ,'K m/s'  ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 13,:),'uvxyt'     ,'Kinematic mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 14,:),'vwxyt'     ,'Kinematic mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 15,:),'wwxyt'     ,'Kinematic mom. flux'         ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 16,:),'usgsxyt'   ,'SGS mom. flux'               ,'m^2/s^2','mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 17,:),'thlsgsxyt' ,'SGS heat flux'               ,'K m/s'  ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 18,:),'vsgsxyt'   ,'SGS mom. flux'               ,'K m/s'  ,'mt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 19,:),'thlpthlptxy','Temp. variance'             ,'K^2'    ,'tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 20,:),'upuptxyc'  ,'u variance'                  ,'m^2/s^2','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 21,:),'vpvptxyc'  ,'v variance'                  ,'m^2/s^2','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 22,:),'wpwptxyc'  ,'w variance'                  ,'m^2/s^2','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatxyt( 23,:),'tketxyc'   ,'tke'                         ,'m^2/s^2','tt'  )

      if (myid==0) then      
        call open_nc(xytname, ncidxyt, nrecxyt, n3=khigh-klow+1)
        if (nrecxyt==0) then
          call define_nc( ncidxyt, 1, tncstatxyt)
          call writestat_dims_nc(ncidxyt)
        end if
        call define_nc( ncidxyt, nstatxyt, ncstatxyt)
      end if
    end if

    !> Generate time averaged NetCDF:
    if (ltdump) then
      tname(7:9) = cmyid
      tname(11:13) = cexpnr
      call ncinfo(tncstatt(1,:),'time'      ,'Time'                        ,'s'      ,'time')
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 1,:),'ut'        ,'Streamwise velocity'         ,'m/s'    ,'mttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 2,:),'vt'        ,'Spanwise velocity'           ,'m/s'    ,'tmtt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 3,:),'wt'        ,'Vertical velocity'           ,'m/s'    ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 4,:),'thlt'      ,'Temperature'                 ,'K'      ,'tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 5,:),'qtt'       ,'Moisture'                    ,'kg/kg'  ,'tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 6,:),'pt'        ,'Pressure'                    ,'kgm/s^2','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 7,:),'sca1t'     ,'Concentration field 1'       ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 8,:),'sca2t'     ,'Concentration field 2'       ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt( 9,:),'sca3t'     ,'Concentration field 3'       ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(10,:),'sca4t'     ,'Concentration field 4'       ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(11,:),'PSS'       ,'PSS defect'                  ,'gm/s'   ,'tttt'  )

      call ncinfo(ncstatt(12,:),'upwpt'     ,'Turbulent momentum flux'     ,'m^2/s^2','mtmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(13,:),'vpwpt'     ,'Turbulent momentum flux'     ,'m^2/s^2','tmmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(14,:),'upvpt'     ,'Turbulent momentum flux'     ,'m^2/s^2','mmtt'  )      
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(15,:),'wpthlpt'   ,'Turbulent heat flux'         ,'K m/s'  ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(16,:),'wpsca1pt'  ,'Turbulent flux 1'            ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(17,:),'wpsca2pt'  ,'Turbulent flux 2'            ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(18,:),'wpsca3pt' ,'Turbulent flux 3'            ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(19,:),'wpsca4pt'  ,'Turbulent flux 4'            ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )

      call ncinfo(ncstatt(20,:),'thlpthlpt','Temperature variance'        ,'K^2'    ,'tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(21,:),'upuptc'   ,'u variance'                  ,'m^2/s^2','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(22,:),'vpvptc'   ,'v variance'                  ,'m^2/s^2','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(23,:),'wpwptc'   ,'w variance'                  ,'m^2/s^2','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(24,:),'tketc'    ,'TKE'                         ,'m^2/s^2','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(25,:),'sca1psca1pt','Concentration variance 1'  ,'g^2/m^6','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(26,:),'sca2psca2pt','Concentration variance 2'  ,'g^2/m^6','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(27,:),'sca3psca3pt','Concentration variance 3'  ,'g^2/m^6','tttt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(28,:),'sca4psca4pt','Concentration variance 4'  ,'g^2/m^6','tttt'  )

      call ncinfo(ncstatt(29,:),'sv1sgs'   ,'SGS flux 1'                  ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(30,:),'sv2sgs'   ,'SGS flux 2'                  ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(31,:),'sv3sgs'   ,'SGS flux 3'                  ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstatt(32,:),'sv4sgs'   ,'SGS flux 4'                  ,'gm/s'   ,'ttmt'  )

      ! call ncinfo(ncstatt(33,:),'sca1t_max','Max concentration field 1'   ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )
      ! call ncinfo(ncstatt(34,:),'sca2t_max','Max concentration field 2'   ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )
      ! call ncinfo(ncstatt(35,:),'sca3t_max','Max concentration field 3'   ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )
      ! call ncinfo(ncstatt(36,:),'sca4t_max','Max concentration field 4'   ,'g/m^3'  ,'tttt'  )

!      if (myid==0) then      
        call open_nc(tname, ncidt, nrect, n1=imax, n2=jmax, n3=khigh-klow+1)
        if (nrect==0) then
          call define_nc( ncidt, 1, tncstatt)
          call writestat_dims_nc(ncidt)
        end if
        call define_nc( ncidt, nstatt, ncstatt)
!      end if
    end if

    !> Generate time, y and x averaged NetCDF for tke budget:
    if (ltkedump) then
      tkename(9:11) = cexpnr
      call ncinfo(tncstattke(1,:),'time' ,'Time'                                 ,'s'       ,'time')
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 1,:),'p_b'  ,'p_bant production or consumption term', 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 2,:),'t_p'  ,'total viscous transport (?)'          , 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 3,:),'adv'  ,'Advection by mean wind'               , 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 4,:),'t_t'  ,'Total turb???'                        , 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 5,:),'t_sgs','total SGS  term'                      , 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 6,:),'p_t'  ,'Shear production term'                , 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 7,:),'t_v'  ,'Resolved viscous dissipation term'    , 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )
      call ncinfo(ncstattke( 8,:),'d_sgs','SGS dissipation term'                 , 'm^2/s^3','tt'  )

      if (myid==0) then      
        call open_nc(tkename, ncidtke, nrectke, n3=khigh-klow+1)
        if (nrectke==0) then
          call define_nc( ncidtke, 1, tncstattke)
          call writestat_dims_nc(ncidtke)
        end if
        call define_nc( ncidtke, nstattke, ncstattke)
      endif !myid==0

    !> Generate sliced NetCDF:
    if (lslicedump) then

      slicename(11:13) = cmyid
      slicename(15:17) = cexpnr

      call ncinfo(tncstatslice(1,:),'time'     ,'Time'   ,'s'   ,'time')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 1,:),'sca_kb1'  ,'Scalar field at kb', '-', 'tt0t')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 2,:),'sca_ave1' ,'Averaged scalar field over canyon', '-', 'tt0t')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 3,:),'sca_kb2'  ,'Scalar field at kb+1', '-', 'tt0t')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 4,:),'sca_ave2' ,'Averaged scalar field over canyon', '-', 'tt0t')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 5,:),'sca_kb3'  ,'Scalar field at kb+1', '-', 'tt0t')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 6,:),'sca_ave3' ,'Averaged scalar field over canyon', '-', 'tt0t')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 7,:),'u_kb'     ,'Streamwise velocity at kb', '-', 'mt0t')
      call ncinfo(ncstatslice( 8,:),'v_kb'     ,'Spanwise velocity at kb', '-', 'tm0t')

      call open_nc(slicename, ncidslice, nrecslice, n1=imax, n2=jmax)

      if (nrecslice==0) then
        call define_nc( ncidslice, 1, tncstatslice)
        call writestat_dims_nc(ncidslice)  
      end if

      call define_nc( ncidslice, nstatslice, ncstatslice)

    end if

    !> Set times to zero so works for warm starts... could have issues with warmstarts here...
    tsamplep = 0.
    tstatsdumpp = 0.

  end subroutine initstatsdump