intqH Subroutine

public subroutine intqH()


  • proc~~intqh~~UsesGraph proc~intqh modEB::intqH module~initfac initfac proc~intqh->module~initfac module~modglobal modglobal proc~intqh->module~modglobal module~modmpi modmpi proc~intqh->module~modmpi module~initfac->module~modglobal module~initfac->module~modmpi netcdf netcdf module~initfac->netcdf mpi mpi module~modmpi->mpi




proc~~intqh~~CallsGraph proc~intqh modEB::intqH mpi_allreduce mpi_allreduce proc~intqh->mpi_allreduce

Called by

proc~~intqh~~CalledByGraph proc~intqh modEB::intqH proc~eb modEB::EB proc~eb->proc~intqh program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~eb


Source Code

Source Code

   subroutine intqH !time integration of heat and latent heat from facets
      use modglobal, only:nfcts, dt, rk3step, lEB
      use initfac, only:faccth, fachfsum, fachf, fachfi, facef, facefi, facefsum
      use modmpi, only:nprocs, myid, comm3d, mpierr, mpi_sum, my_real
      real :: dummy
      integer :: n
      if (.not. lEB) return
      if (rk3step .eq. 3) then
         !sum over all processors since a facet can be split onto more than one processor
         fachfsum = 0.
         facefsum = 0.
         call MPI_ALLREDUCE(fachf(1:nfcts), fachfsum(1:nfcts), nfcts, MY_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)
         call MPI_ALLREDUCE(facef(1:nfcts), facefsum(1:nfcts), nfcts, MY_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)

         if (myid == 0) then
            !time summation of total facet heatlux (will be divided by dtEB in EB to get time mean flux)
            do n = 1, nfcts
               fachfi(n) = fachfi(n) + dt*fachfsum(n) !sum up the fluxes over time
               facefi(n) = facefi(n) + dt*facefsum(n)
            end do
         end if
      end if
      fachf = 0.
      fachfsum = 0.
      facefsum = 0.
      facef = 0.
   end subroutine intqH