periodicEBcorr Subroutine

public subroutine periodicEBcorr()


  • proc~~periodicebcorr~~UsesGraph proc~periodicebcorr periodicEBcorr module~modfields modfields proc~periodicebcorr->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~periodicebcorr->module~modglobal module~modmpi modmpi proc~periodicebcorr->module~modmpi decomp_2d decomp_2d module~modfields->decomp_2d mpi mpi module~modmpi->mpi




proc~~periodicebcorr~~CallsGraph proc~periodicebcorr periodicEBcorr mpi_allreduce mpi_allreduce proc~periodicebcorr->mpi_allreduce

Called by

proc~~periodicebcorr~~CalledByGraph proc~periodicebcorr periodicEBcorr program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~periodicebcorr

Source Code

  subroutine periodicEBcorr
  ! added by cew216
! ! use a volume sink to counter a  heat/moisture flux from the SEB
! ! sink acts above buildings
  ! use initfac, only :  max_height_index
  use modfields, only : thlp, qtp
  !use modglobal, only: ltempeq, lperiodicEBcorr, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, imax, jtot
  use modglobal, only : ltempeq, lmoist, lperiodicEBcorr, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke,&
                          itot, jtot, totheatflux,sinkbase, totqflux, &
                          zh, dx, dy ,dzh, fraction
  use modmpi, only : comm3d, mpierr, MY_REAL, myid, MPI_SUM
  integer :: i, j, k, n, M
  real :: tot_Tflux, tot_qflux, sensible_heat_out, latent_heat_out,R_theta,R_q, H_proj, E_proj, R_theta_scaled,R_q_scaled, abl_height,phi_theta_t,phi_q_t  !, !tot_qflux !, sink_points
  !write(*,*) 'lperiodicEBcorr ', lperiodicEBcorr
  !write(*,*) 'fraction', fraction
  if (lperiodicEBcorr .eqv. .false.) return

  !call MPI_ALLREDUCE(bctfluxsum,   tot_Tflux,1,MY_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm3d,mpierr)
  !call MPI_ALLREDUCE(bcqfluxsum,   tot_qflux,1,MY_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm3d,mpierr)
  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(totheatflux,tot_Tflux,1,MY_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm3d,mpierr)
  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(totqflux,tot_qflux,1,MY_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm3d,mpierr)
  ! Grylls 2021;  R=(phitop-phibot)/l= -phibot/hABL
  ! Since tot_Tflux = phibot/LxLydeltaV
  ! according to  M if use new tot_Tflux then we have phibot = tot_heatflux/lxly
  ! then define phitop = (1-frac)phibot
  ! R = frac*(phitop-phibot)/l
  ! then needs scaling because of the sink based! code this and comment it.
  !name sinkbase with a k so we now its a vertical index
  !!!! The point is to define phitop phibot and R above the loop so the stuff in the loop looks like the eqns.
  ! Do the same for humidity
  ! This follows the work in Grylls 2021
  H_proj = tot_Tflux/(itot*jtot) ! [Kms^-1]This is total heat flux in divided by the domain cross section.
  E_proj = tot_qflux/(itot*jtot)
  abl_height = ke/fraction ! We reverse engineer the ABL height from domain height and fraction
  R_theta = H_proj/abl_height ![Ks^-1] This is the forcing F\theta from Grylls 2021
  R_q = E_proj/abl_height
 ! Ke is the number of points in the vertical over which we would apply R if we included the canopy
  M = ke - (sinkbase+1) +1 ! The number of points over which we will apply rscaled. We only apply the forcing above the canopy so it has to be made bigger.
  R_theta_scaled = R_theta * ke/(M) ! [Ks^-1]The forcing is scaled up beacuse we do not apply it to the whole volume, only to points above the canopy. We add one to sinkbase to be above the buildings and add 1 to (ke-(sinkbase+1)) to correctly count the points.
  R_q_scaled = R_q * ke/(M)
  !phi_theta_t = 0 ! For debugging the flux profile !(1-fraction)*H_proj! The heat flux out the top of the domain.
  phi_theta_t = (1-fraction)*H_proj
  phi_q_t = (1-fraction)*E_proj

   if (ltempeq) then
     do i = ib,ie
       do j = jb,je
         do k = sinkbase +1 , ke!max_height_index +1 , ke ! Only apply the correction over the volume above the buidlings
           !thlp(i,j,k) = thlp(i,j,k) + fraction*tot_Tflux*(zh(k+1)-zh(k))/(imax*jtot*(zh(ke+1) - zh(max_height_index+1)))
           !thlp(i,j,k) = thlp(i,j,k) - fraction*tot_Tflux/(itot*jtot*(ke-sinkbase)) ! Most recent working version pre M changes cew216 20240112
           thlp(i,j,k) = thlp(i,j,k) + R_theta_scaled
         end do
       end do
     end do
   !end if
  !sensible_heat_out = (1-fraction)*tot_Tflux/(itot*jtot)
    do i = ib,ie
      do j = jb,je
        thlp(i,j,ke) = thlp(i,j,ke) + phi_theta_t
      end do
    end do
  end if
  if (lmoist) then
    do i = ib,ie
       do j = jb,je
        do k = sinkbase +1,ke ! Only apply the correction over the volume above the buidlings
          !qtp(i,j,k) = qtp(i,j,k) + fraction*tot_qflux*(zh(k+1)-zh(k))/(imax*jtot*(zh(ke+1) - zh(max_height_index+1)))
          !qtp(i,j,k) = qtp(i,j,k) - fraction*tot_qflux/(itot*jtot*(ke-sinkbase))
          qtp(i,j,k) = qtp(i,j,k) + R_q_scaled
        end do
      end do
    end do
    latent_heat_out = (1-fraction)*tot_qflux/(itot*jtot*(zh(ke+1)-zh(ke)))
     do i = ib,ie
       do j = jb,je
        qtp(i,j,ke) = qtp(i,j,ke) + phi_q_t
      end do
    end do
  end if
  !write(*,*) 'fraction', fraction
  end subroutine periodicEBcorr