tderive Subroutine

private subroutine tderive()


  • proc~~tderive~~UsesGraph proc~tderive modpois::tderive module~modboundary modboundary proc~tderive->module~modboundary module~modfields modfields proc~tderive->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~tderive->module~modglobal module~modmpi modmpi proc~tderive->module~modmpi mpi mpi module~modmpi->mpi




proc~~tderive~~CallsGraph proc~tderive modpois::tderive proc~bcp modboundary::bcp proc~tderive->proc~bcp proc~slabsum modmpi::slabsum proc~tderive->proc~slabsum proc~excj modmpi::excj proc~bcp->proc~excj mpi_allreduce mpi_allreduce proc~slabsum->mpi_allreduce mpi_sendrecv mpi_sendrecv proc~excj->mpi_sendrecv

Called by

proc~~tderive~~CalledByGraph proc~tderive modpois::tderive proc~poisson modpois::poisson proc~poisson->proc~tderive program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~poisson


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tderive

!                                                                 |
!*** *tderive*  read input fields for initialisation              |
!                                                                 |
!      Hans Cuijpers   I.M.A.U.     06/01/1995                    |
!                                                                 |
!     purpose.                                                    |
!     --------                                                    |
!                                                                 |
!     Refill array p with pressure values. The poisson-solver     |
!     produced a pressure array p in which the i-index varied     |
!     between 2 and i1, the j- and k-index between 1 and resp.    |
!     jmax and kmax. For our further calculations we'll change    |
!     the range for the j-index to vary between 2 and j1.         |
!                                                                 |
!     Further we set cyclic boundary conditions for the pressure- |
!     fluctuations in the x-y plane.                              |
!                                                                 |
!**   interface.                                                  |
!     ----------                                                  |
!                                                                 |
!             *tderive* is called from *program*.                 |
!                                                                 |

    use modfields, only : up, vp, wp, pres0, IIc, IIcs
    use modglobal, only : ib,ie,ih,jb,je,jh,kb,ke,kh,dxhi,dyi,dzhi,linoutflow,rslabs
    use modmpi,    only : myid,excj,slabsum,avexy_ibm
    use modboundary,only : bcp
    implicit none
    integer i,j,k
    real, dimension(kb-kh:ke+kh) :: pij
!    logical, dimension(ib:ie, jb:je, kb:ke) :: pnan
    real :: pijk
!    integer :: ipnan

  ! Mathieu ATTTT: CHANGED!!! Loop removed!!!

  ! **  Boundary conditions **************

    call bcp(p) ! boundary conditions for p.

  ! **  Calculate time-derivative for the velocities with known ****
  ! **  pressure gradients.  ***************************************

!   if (myid == 0) then
!     write(*,*) "net ts", p(ib, jb, :)
!   end if

    !pnan = isnan(p(ib:ie, jb:je, kb:ke))
    !ipnan = 0
    !do k=kb,ke
    !do j=jb,je
    !do i=ib,ie
    !  if (pnan(i,j,k)) then
    !    ipnan = ipnan + 1
    !  end if
    !end do
    !end do
    !end do
!   write(*,*) "NaN", myid, ipnan

!    write(*,*) "NaN", myid, dble(isnan(p)) !sum(real(isnan(p)))

    do k=kb,ke
    do j=jb,je
    do i=ib,ie
      vp(i,j,k) = vp(i,j,k)-(p(i,j,k)-p(i,j-1,k))*dyi
    end do
    end do
    end do

    if (linoutflow ) then
      do k=kb,ke
      do j=jb,je
      do i=ib,ie+1
        up(i,j,k) = up(i,j,k)-(p(i,j,k)-p(i-1,j,k))*dxhi(i)           ! see equation 5.82 (u is computed from the mass conservation)
      end do
      end do
      end do
      do k=kb,ke
      do j=jb,je
      do i=ib,ie
        up(i,j,k) = up(i,j,k)-(p(i,j,k)-p(i-1,j,k))*dxhi(i)           ! see equation 5.82 (u is computed from the mass conservation)
      end do
      end do
      end do

    do k=kb+1,ke
    do j=jb,je
    do i=ib,ie
      wp(i,j,k) = wp(i,j,k)-(p(i,j,k)-p(i,j,k-1))*dzhi(k)
    end do
    end do
    end do

    ! tg3315 02/02/2019
    ! account for pressure offset that results from ill-defined problem in pressure
    ! correction method when periodic horizontal BCs are applied. Arises within cyclic
    ! reduction scheme (called by BLKTRI) and due to the numerics in PRODP in
    ! cycred.f which define the BC in the periodic case. A linear offset existed in
    ! the pressure correction term (p) and this can be controlled by subtracting
    ! the volume averaged modified pressure from this value at all time steps.
    ! Periodic: p - <p>_ijk
    ! Makes no change on physical effect of modified pressure in code.

    ! tg3315 - update 24/06/19 -- there is a missing term in the application of the periodic BCs for pup, could this be part of the problem? Test with this to see if can avoid use of pijk below.
    ! refer to mvr for necessity of this

    ! useful refs:

    pij =0.; pijk=0.;

    if (.not. linoutflow) then
      call slabsum(pij(kb:ke),kb,ke,p(ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke),ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke)
      pij = pij/rslabs
      pijk = sum(pij(kb:ke))/(ke-kb)
    end if

    do k=kb-1,ke+1
    do j=jb-1,je+1
    do i=ib-1,ie+1
      pres0(i,j,k)=pres0(i,j,k)+p(i,j,k)-pijk ! update of the pressure: P_new = P_old + p

  end subroutine tderive