thermo Subroutine

public subroutine thermo(thl, qt, ql, pressure, exner)


  • proc~~thermo~~UsesGraph proc~thermo thermo module~modglobal modglobal proc~thermo->module~modglobal module~modsurfdata modsurfdata proc~thermo->module~modsurfdata


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in) :: thl(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh)
real, intent(in) :: qt(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh)
real, intent(out) :: ql(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb:ke+kh)
real, intent(in) :: pressure(kb:ke+kh)
real, intent(in) :: exner(kb:ke+kh)

Called by

proc~~thermo~~CalledByGraph proc~thermo thermo proc~thermodynamics thermodynamics proc~thermodynamics->proc~thermo proc~readinitfiles readinitfiles proc~readinitfiles->proc~thermodynamics program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~thermodynamics program~dalesurban->proc~readinitfiles

Source Code

  subroutine thermo (thl,qt,ql,pressure,exner)

    !  use modglobal, only : ih,jh,i1,j1,k1,es0,at,bt,rd,rv,rlv,cp,tmelt
    use modglobal, only : ih,jh,ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,kh,es0,at,bt,rd,rv,rlv,cp,tmelt
    use modsurfdata, only : thls
    implicit none

    integer i, j, k
    real tl, es, qs, qsl, b1
    !  real, intent(in)  :: qt(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb:ke+kh),thl(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb:ke+kh),exner(kb:ke+kh),pressure(kb:ke+kh)
    real, intent(in)  :: qt(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh),thl(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh),exner(kb:ke+kh),pressure(kb:ke+kh)
    real, intent(out) :: ql(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb:ke+kh)
    real :: Tnr,qsatur,Tnr_old
    integer :: niter,nitert

    if (lqlnr) then
       !mc      calculation of T with Newton-Raphson method
       !mc      first guess is Tnr=tl
       nitert = 0
       do k=kb,ke+kh
          do j=jb,je
             do i=ib,ie

                tl  = thl(i,j,k)*exner(k)
                do while (abs(Tnr-Tnr_old)/Tnr>1e-5)
                   niter = niter+1
                   Tnr_old = Tnr
                   es    = es0*exp(at*(Tnr-tmelt)/(Tnr-bt))
                   qsatur= rd/rv*es/(pressure(k)-(1-rd/rv)*es)
                   Tnr = Tnr - (Tnr+(rlv/cp)*qsatur-tl- &
                        (rlv/cp)*qt(i,j,k))/(1+(rlv**2*qsatur)/ &
                end do
                nitert =max(nitert,niter)
                niter = 0

                ql(i,j,k) = dim(qt(i,j,k)-qsatur,0.)

             end do
          end do
       end do

       do k=kb,ke+kh
          do j=jb,je
             do i=ib,ie
                tl  = thl(i,j,k)*exner(k)
                es  = es0*exp(at*(tl-tmelt)/(tl-bt))
                qsl = rd/rv*es/(pressure(k)-(1-rd/rv)*es)
                b1  = rlv**2/(tl**2*cp*rv)
                qs  = qsl*(1.+b1*qt(i,j,k))/(1.+b1*qsl)
                ql(i,j,k) = dim(qt(i,j,k)-qs,0.)
             end do
          end do
       end do
    end if

  end subroutine thermo