modchecksim.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~modchecksim.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~modchecksim.f90 modchecksim.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90 modfields.f90 sourcefile~modchecksim.f90->sourcefile~modfields.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90 modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modchecksim.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modmpi.f90 modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modchecksim.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modsubgriddata.f90 modsubgriddata.f90 sourcefile~modchecksim.f90->sourcefile~modsubgriddata.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~modchecksim.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~modchecksim.f90 modchecksim.f90 sourcefile~program.f90 program.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modchecksim.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!> \file modchecksim.f90
!!  Monitors Courant and Peclet numbers, and divergence.

!!  Monitors Courant and Peclet numbers, and divergence.
!!  These numbers are put out to screen either every tcheck seconds, or every time step (if tcheck=0).
!!  \autor Jasper Tomas, TU Delft, June 4th 2015
!!  \author Thijs Heus,MPI-M
!!  \author Hans Cuijpers, KNMI
!!  \par Revision list
!  This file is part of DALES.
! DALES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! DALES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program.  If not, see <>.
!  Copyright 1993-2009 Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University, Utrecht University, KNMI
module modchecksim
  use modglobal, only : longint

  implicit none
  public initchecksim,checksim

  real    :: tcheck = 0.
  !integer(kind=longint) :: tnext = 3600.,itcheck
  real    :: tnext = 0.
  real    :: dtmn =0.,ndt =0.

!> Initializing Checksim. Read out the namelist, initializing the variables
  subroutine initchecksim
    use modglobal, only : ifnamopt, fname_options,dtmax,ladaptive,btime
    use modmpi,    only : myid,my_real,comm3d,mpierr
    implicit none
    integer :: ierr
    namelist/NAMCHECKSIM/ &

      read (ifnamopt,NAMCHECKSIM,iostat=ierr)
      if (ierr > 0) then
        write(0, *) 'ERROR: Problem in namoptions NAMCHECKSIM'
        write(0, *) 'iostat error: ', ierr
        stop 1
      write(6 ,NAMCHECKSIM)

      if ((.not. ladaptive) .and. (tcheck < dtmax)) then
        tcheck = dtmax
      end if
    end if

    call MPI_BCAST(tcheck     ,1,MY_REAL   ,0,comm3d,mpierr)
!    itcheck = floor(tcheck/tres)
    tnext = tcheck+btime

  end subroutine initchecksim
!>Run checksim. Timekeeping, and output
  subroutine checksim
    use modglobal, only : timee, rk3step, dt_lim,dt
    use modmpi,    only : myid
    implicit none
    character(20) :: timeday
    if (timee ==0.0) return
    if (rk3step/=3) return
    dtmn = dtmn +dt; ndt =ndt+1.
    if(timee<tnext) return
    tnext = tnext+tcheck
    dtmn  = dtmn / ndt
    if (myid==0) then
      call date_and_time(time=timeday)
      write (*,*) '================================================================='
      write (*,'(3A,F9.2,A,F12.9)') 'Time of Day: ', timeday(1:10),'    Time of Simulation: ', timee, '    dt: ',dtmn
    end if
    call calccourant
    call calcdiffnr
    call chkdiv
    dtmn  = 0.
    ndt   = 0.

  end subroutine checksim
!>      Calculates the courant number as in max(w)*deltat/deltaz
  subroutine calccourant
    use modglobal, only : ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,kh,dxhi,dyi,dzhi,dt,timee
    use modfields, only : um,vm,wm
    use modmpi,    only : myid,comm3d,mpierr,mpi_max,my_real
    implicit none

    real          :: courtotl, courtot
    integer       :: i, j, k

    courtotl = 0.0
    courtot  = 0.0
    do k=kb,ke
      do j=jb,je
        do i=ib,ie
          courtotl = max(courtotl,(um(i,j,k)*dxhi(i) + vm(i,j,k)*dyi + wm(i,j,k)*dzhi(k))*dtmn)
        end do
      end do
    end do

    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(courtotl,courtot,1,MY_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm3d,mpierr)
    if (myid==0) then
      write(*,'(A,ES10.2)') 'Courant numbers (x,y,z,tot):',courtot
    end if

  end subroutine calccourant

!> Calculates the diffusion number as max(ekm) *deltat/deltax**2
  subroutine calcdiffnr

    use modglobal,      only : ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,kh,dxh2i,dy2i,dzh,dt,timee
    use modsubgriddata, only : ekm,ekh
    use modmpi,         only : myid,comm3d,mpierr,mpi_max,my_real
    implicit none

    real diffnrtotl,diffnrtot
    integer       :: i,j,k

    diffnrtotl = 0.
    diffnrtot  = 0.
    do k=kb,ke
    do j=jb,je
    do i=ib,ie
!      diffnrtotl = max(diffnrtotl,  ekm(i,j,k)*(1/dzh(k)**2 + dxh2i(i) + dy2i)*dtmn )  ! or should I interpolate ekm to the correct position?
      diffnrtotl = max(diffnrtotl,  ekm(i,j,k)*(1/dzh(k)**2 + dxh2i(i) + dy2i)*dtmn, &
                                    ekh(i,j,k)*(1/dzh(k)**2 + dxh2i(i) + dy2i)*dtmn )  ! or should I interpolate ekm to the correct position?
    end do
    end do
    end do

    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(diffnrtotl,diffnrtot,1,MY_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm3d,mpierr)
    if (myid==0) then
      write(6,'(A,ES10.2)') 'Diffusion number:',diffnrtot
    end if

  end subroutine calcdiffnr

  !ils13, 13.08.18: currently unused, not called
  !> tg3315 27/02/18 - was not outputting cell Peclet number so added this to give cell Reynolds number
  subroutine calcreyn

    use modglobal, only : ib,ie,jb,je,ke,kb,dy,dxh,dzh
    use modfields, only : u0,v0,w0
    use modmpi,    only : myid,comm3d,mpi_sum,mpi_max,my_real,mpierr
    use modsubgriddata, only : ekm,ekh
    implicit none

    real reyntotl,reyntot
    integer       :: i,j,k

    reyntotl = 0.
    reyntot  = 0.
    do k=kb,ke
      do j=jb,je
        do i=ib,ie
      reyntotl = max(reyntotl,  u0(i,j,k) * dxh(i) / ekm(i,j,k), v0(i,j,k) * dy / ekm(i,j,k),  &
                                    w0(i,j,k) * dzh(k) / ekm(i,j,k))  ! or should I interpolate ekm to the correct position?
        end do
      end do
    end do

    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(reyntotl,reyntot,1,MY_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm3d,mpierr)
    if (myid==0) then
      write(6,'(A,ES10.2)') 'Cell Reynolds number:',reyntot
    end if

  end subroutine calcreyn

!> Checks local and total divergence
  subroutine chkdiv

    use modglobal, only : ib,ie,jb,je,ke,kb,dxf,dxfi,dy,dzf
    use modfields, only : u0,v0,w0!,divergentie
    use modmpi,    only : myid,comm3d,mpi_sum,mpi_max,my_real,mpierr
    implicit none

    real div, divmax, divtot
    real divmaxl, divtotl
    integer i, j, k

    divmax = 0.
    divtot = 0.
    divmaxl= 0.
    divtotl= 0.

    do k=kb,ke
    do j=jb,je
    do i=ib,ie
      div = &
                (u0(i+1,j,k) - u0(i,j,k) )*dxfi(i) + &
                (v0(i,j+1,k) - v0(i,j,k) )/dy + &
                (w0(i,j,k+1) - w0(i,j,k) )/dzf(k)
!      divergentie(i,j,k)=div
      divmaxl = max(divmaxl,abs(div))
      divtotl = divtotl + div*dxf(i)*dy*dzf(k)
    end do
    end do
    end do

    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(divtotl, divtot, 1,    MY_REAL, &
                          MPI_SUM, comm3d,mpierr)
    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(divmaxl, divmax, 1,    MY_REAL, &
                          MPI_MAX, comm3d,mpierr)

      write(6,'(A,2ES11.2)')'divmax, divtot = ', divmax, divtot
    end if

  end subroutine chkdiv

end module modchecksim