scalsource.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~scalsource.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~scalsource.f90 scalsource.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90 initfac.f90 sourcefile~scalsource.f90->sourcefile~initfac.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90 modfields.f90 sourcefile~scalsource.f90->sourcefile~modfields.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90 modglobal.f90 sourcefile~scalsource.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modmpi.f90 modmpi.f90 sourcefile~scalsource.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!> \file scalsource.f90

!> Input point, line or planar scalars
!  This file is part of uDALES.
! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program.  If not, see <>.
!  Copyright 2006-2021 the uDALES Team.
subroutine createscals

  use modglobal,  only : nsv,ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,ih,jh,kh,lscasrcr,cexpnr,ifinput,imax,jmax,jtot,&
  use modfields,  only : scar,scarl
  use modmpi,     only : myid,MY_REAL,comm3d,mpierr
  use initfac,    only : block
  implicit none
  integer :: i,j,k,n,m,p,il,iu,jl,ju,ku

  ! if (lscasrc) then

    ! allocate(xSa(1:nsv))
    ! allocate(ySa(1:nsv))
    ! allocate(zSa(1:nsv))

    ! hard code point source locations
    ! xSa(1:nsv) = (/ 453., 463., 523., 539., 407. /)
    ! ySa(1:nsv) = (/ 375., 371., 327., 341., 325. /)
    ! zSa(1:nsv) = (/ 4.   , 4.   , 4. , 4.  , 4.  /)

    ! all point sources from position defined in namoptions
    ! xSa = xS; ySa = yS; zSa = zS

  ! end if

  if (lscasrcr .AND. then

    ! read 2-D field of point sources for vehicular emissions network      
    open (ifinput, file='scals.inp.'//cexpnr)

    do j=jb,jtot
      read(ifinput, *) scar(:,j)
    end do

    scarl(ib:ie,jb:je) = scar(ib:ie,jb+myid*jmax:je+myid*jmax)

    ! Set scarl to 0 if set inside an obstacle
    if (libm) then
      do n=1,nblocks
        il = block(n,1)
        iu = block(n,2)
        jl = block(n,3)-myid*jmax
        ju = block(n,4)-myid*jmax
        ku = block(n,6)
        if (ju < jb .or. jl > je) then
          if (ju > je) ju=je
          if (jl < jb) jl=jb
          ! addition due to all blocks at lowest layer
          if (ku>0) then
            scarl(il:iu,jl:ju) = 0.
          end if
        end if
      end do
    end if

  end if !lscasrcr

end subroutine

subroutine scalsource

  use modglobal,  only : nsv,ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,ih,jh,kh,ihc,jhc,khc,xf,zf,xh,zh,dy,jmax,lchem,&
  use modfields,  only : svp,svpp,scar,scarl
  use modmpi,     only : myid,mpierr,MY_REAL,comm3d,MPI_SUM
  use initfac, only : block

  implicit none
  integer :: i,j,k,n,il,iu,jl,ju,kl,ku,ncan
  real :: xL,zL
  real :: dyi
  real :: ra2 = 0.
  real :: scalsum = 0.
  real :: scalsumt = 0.
  real :: Pi = 3.1415927

  dyi = 1./dy

  ! 2-D network of point sources at lowest level 
  if (lscasrcr .AND. then
      if (lchem) then
        svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,1) = svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,1) + 0.522*scarl 
        svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,2) = svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,2) + 0.2*scarl
        svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,4) = svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,4) + scarl
        svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,1) = svp(ib:ie,jb:je,kb+1,1) + scarl
      end if
  end if !lscasrcr

  scalsum = 0.
  !  Input passive scalar point sources
  if (lscasrc .AND. then 

    do n=1,nsv 
    do k=kb,ke
      do j=jb,je
        do i=ib,ie
            ra2 = (xf(i)-xS)**2 + ((j+myid*jmax-0.5)*dy-yS)**2 + (zf(k)-zS)**2

          if (ra2 .LE. 9*sigS**2) then
            scalsum = scalsum + dxfi(i) * dyi * dzfi(k) * SS*exp(-ra2/(2*sigS**2))
            svp(i,j,k,n) = svp(i,j,k,n) + dxfi(i) * dyi * dzfi(k) * SS*exp(-ra2/(2*sigS**2))

          end if
        end do
      end do
    end do
    end do

    ! Set svpp to 0 when set inside an obstacle
    if (libm) then
      do n=1,nblocks
        il = block(n,1)
        iu = block(n,2)
        kl = block(n,5)
        ku = block(n,6)
        jl = block(n,3)-myid*jmax
        ju = block(n,4)-myid*jmax
        if (ju < jb .or. jl > je) then
          if (ju > je) ju=je
          if (jl < jb) jl=jb
          svp(il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku,:) = 0.
        end if
      end do
    end if

    ! Normalise scalar field to 1/s
    !call MPI_ALLREDUCE(scalsum,scalsumt,1,MY_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm3d,mpierr)
    !svpp(:,:,:,1) = svpp(:,:,:,1) / scalsumt
    !svp(:,:,:,1) = svp(:,:,:,1) + svpp(:,:,:,1)

    scalsum = 0.

  end if !lscasrc

  ! Input passive scalar line sources
  if (lscasrcl .AND. then

  ncan = count(block(:,6)>0) !tg3315 update due to block at lowest level

  zL = zf(kb+1)

    if (nblocks>0) then

      do n = 1,ncan-1 ! not ncan and ncan+1 because we do not want release in first and last canyon for BCxs==2
        if (n == ncan+1) then   ! Added to run for pollutant in first canyon

          !xL = xh(block(1,1) - (block(2,1) - block(1,2)+1)/2)
          xL = xh(block(1,1)) - 0.5*(xh(block(2,1)) - xh(block(1,2)+1))
!          ra2 = (i - (block(1,1) - (block(2,1) - block(1,2))/2.0))**2 + (k)**2 !tg3315 commented for chem validation

        else !cycle through all other canyons

          !xL = xh(block(n,2) + (block(2,1) - block(1,2)+1)/2)
          xL = xh(block(n,2)+1) + 0.5*(xh(block(2,1)) - xh(block(1,2)+1))
!          ra2 =(xf(i) - xL)**2 + zf(k)**2

       end if

        do i=ib,ie
          do k=kb,ke

!           if (ra2 .LE. 12*sigS**2) then

              !scalsum = scalsum + dxf(i) * jmax * dy * dzf(k) * (SS/2*Pi*sigS**2) * exp(-ra2/(2*sigS**2))

              !tg3315 use this if we want to normalise th scalar conc. !sums values in building too...
!              scalsum = scalsum + dy * (je - jb +1) * ( (SS/4.) * &
!                        (erf((xh(i+1)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((xh(i)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) * &
!                        (erf((zh(k+1)-zh(kb+1))/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((zh(k)-zh(kb+1))/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) + &
!                        (SS/4.) * &
!                        (erf((xh(i+1)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((xh(i)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) * &
!                        (erf((zh(k+1)+zh(kb+1))/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((zh(k)+zh(kb+1))/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) )
!                        * dxfi(i) * dzfi(k)

              svp(i,jb:je,k,1) = svp(i,jb:je,k,1) + ( (SS/4.) * & ! SS in g/ms... no normalisation
                        (erf((xh(i+1)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((xh(i)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) * &
                        (erf((zh(k+1)-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((zh(k)-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) + &
                        (SS/4.) * & ! reflection from ground...
                        (erf((xh(i+1)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((xh(i)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) * &
                        (erf((zh(k)-2*(zh(k)-zh(kb+1))-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((zh(k+1)-2*(zh(k+1)-zh(kb+1))-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) ) &
                        * dxfi(i) * dzfi(k)

              !svp(i,jb:je,k,3) = svp(i,jb:je,k,3) + ( (SS/4.) * & ! SS in g/ms... no normalisation
              !          (erf((xh(i+1)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((xh(i)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) * &
              !          (erf((zh(k+1)-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((zh(k)-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) + &
              !          (SS/4.) * & ! reflection from ground...
              !          (erf((xh(i+1)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((xh(i)-xL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) * &
              !          (erf((zh(k)-2*(zh(k)-zh(kb+1))-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS)) - erf((zh(k+1)-2*(zh(k+1)-zh(kb+1))-zL)/(sqrt(2.)*sigS))) ) &
              !          * dxfi(i) * dzfi(k)

!            end if
          end do
        end do
      end do
    end if !nblocks

    ! Set svpp to 0 when set inside an obstacle
    if (libm) then
      do n=1,nblocks
        il = block(n,1)
        iu = block(n,2)
        kl = kb
        ku = block(n,6)
        jl = block(n,3)-myid*jmax
        ju = block(n,4)-myid*jmax
        if (ju < jb .or. jl > je) then
          if (ju > je) ju=je
          if (jl < jb) jl=jb
          svp(il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku,:) = 0.
        end if
      end do
    end if !libm

    ! Normalise scalar field to 1/s
!    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(scalsum,scalsumt,1,MY_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm3d,mpierr)

!    write(*,*), 'scalsum', scalsum

!    if (lchem) then
      !svpp(:,:,:,1) = svpp(:,:,:,1)
!      svp(:,:,:,1) = svp(:,:,:,1) + svpp(:,:,:,1)
      !svp(:,:,:,2) = svp(:,:,:,2) + 0.1518 * svpp(:,:,:,1)
!    else
!      svpp(:,:,:,1) = svpp(:,:,:,1)/ scalsumt !tg3315 not normalised 07/11/2017
!      svp(:,:,:,1) = svp(:,:,:,1) + svpp(:,:,:,1)
      !svp(:,:,:,2) = svp(:,:,:,2) + 0.1518 * svpp(:,:,:,1)
!    end if

    svpp = 0.
    scalsum = 0.

  end if !lscasrcl

end subroutine scalsource