iohi Subroutine

private subroutine iohi()


  • proc~~iohi~~UsesGraph proc~iohi modboundary::iohi module~modfields modfields proc~iohi->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~iohi->module~modglobal module~modinletdata modinletdata proc~iohi->module~modinletdata



Called by

proc~~iohi~~CalledByGraph proc~iohi modboundary::iohi proc~boundary modboundary::boundary proc~boundary->proc~iohi proc~readinitfiles modstartup::readinitfiles proc~readinitfiles->proc~boundary program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~boundary proc~startup modstartup::startup program~dalesurban->proc~startup proc~startup->proc~readinitfiles


Source Code

Source Code

   subroutine iohi
     use modglobal, only: ib, ie, jb, je, ih, jh, kb, ke, kh, dxhi, rk3step, dt
     use modfields, only: thl0, thlm, thlprof, uouttot
     use modinletdata, only: ubulk
     integer k,j   
     real rk3coef                                                                                  

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     do k = kb, ke
       do j = jb, je
         thl0(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*thlprof(k) - thl0(ib, j, k) !watch!
         thlm(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*thlprof(k) - thlm(ib, j, k)
       end do
    end do

    thl0(ie + 1, :, :) = thl0(ie, :, :) - (thl0(ie + 1, :, :) - thl0(ie, :, :))*dxhi(ie + 1)*rk3coef*uouttot ! tg3315 should be uouttot and will have to change depending on forcing
    thlm(ie + 1, :, :) = thlm(ie, :, :) - (thlm(ie + 1, :, :) - thlm(ie, :, :))*dxhi(ie + 1)*rk3coef*uouttot

   end subroutine iohi