modboundary.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~modboundary.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~modboundary.f90 modboundary.f90 sourcefile~moddriver.f90 moddriver.f90 sourcefile~modboundary.f90->sourcefile~moddriver.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90 modfields.f90 sourcefile~modboundary.f90->sourcefile~modfields.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90 modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modboundary.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modinletdata.f90 modinletdata.f90 sourcefile~modboundary.f90->sourcefile~modinletdata.f90 sourcefile~modmpi.f90 modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modboundary.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modsubgriddata.f90 modsubgriddata.f90 sourcefile~modboundary.f90->sourcefile~modsubgriddata.f90 sourcefile~modsurfdata.f90 modsurfdata.f90 sourcefile~modboundary.f90->sourcefile~modsurfdata.f90 sourcefile~moddriver.f90->sourcefile~modfields.f90 sourcefile~moddriver.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~moddriver.f90->sourcefile~modinletdata.f90 sourcefile~moddriver.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90 modsave.f90 sourcefile~moddriver.f90->sourcefile~modsave.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~modfields.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~modinletdata.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~modsubgriddata.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~modsurfdata.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90 initfac.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~initfac.f90 sourcefile~modibmdata.f90 modibmdata.f90 sourcefile~modsave.f90->sourcefile~modibmdata.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~modboundary.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~modboundary.f90 modboundary.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90 modibm.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~modboundary.f90 sourcefile~modstartup.f90 modstartup.f90 sourcefile~modstartup.f90->sourcefile~modboundary.f90 sourcefile~modstartup.f90->sourcefile~modibm.f90 sourcefile~modsubgrid.f90 modsubgrid.f90 sourcefile~modstartup.f90->sourcefile~modsubgrid.f90 sourcefile~modsubgrid.f90->sourcefile~modboundary.f90 sourcefile~program.f90 program.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modboundary.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modibm.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modstartup.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modsubgrid.f90 sourcefile~modfielddump.f90 modfielddump.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modfielddump.f90 sourcefile~modstatsdump.f90 modstatsdump.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modstatsdump.f90 sourcefile~advec_2nd.f90 advec_2nd.f90 sourcefile~advec_2nd.f90->sourcefile~modibm.f90 sourcefile~modfielddump.f90->sourcefile~modibm.f90 sourcefile~modstatsdump.f90->sourcefile~modsubgrid.f90

Source Code

!> \file modboundary.f90
!! All boundary conditions are in this file, except for immersed boundaries.
!  This file is part of DALES.
! DALES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! DALES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program.  If not, see <>.
!  Copyright 1993-2009 Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University, Utrecht University, KNMI
!! \par Revision list
!! \par Authors
module modboundary
   use mpi

   implicit none
   public :: initboundary, boundary, grwdamp, ksp, tqaver, halos, bcp, bcpup, closurebc, &
             xm_periodic, xT_periodic, xq_periodic, xs_periodic, ym_periodic, yT_periodic, yq_periodic, ys_periodic
   integer :: ksp = -1 !<    lowest level of sponge layer
   real, allocatable :: tsc(:) !<   damping coefficients to be used in grwdamp.
   real :: rnu0 = 2.75e-3
   !! Initializing Boundary; specifically the sponge layer
   subroutine initboundary
      use modglobal,    only : ib, kb, ke, kh, kmax, pi, zf, iplane
      use modinletdata, only : irecy
      implicit none

      real    :: zspb, zspt
      integer :: k
      allocate (tsc(kb:ke + kh))
      ! Sponge layer
      if (ksp == -1) then
         !      ksp  = min(3*kmax/4,kmax - 15)
         ksp = (kb - 1) + max(min(3*kmax/4, kmax - 15),1)
      end if

      zspb = zf(ksp)
      zspt = zf(ke)

      tsc(kb:ksp - 1) = 0.0
      do k = ksp, ke
         tsc(k) = rnu0*sin(0.5*pi*(zf(k) - zspb)/(zspt - zspb))**2
      end do
      tsc(ke + 1) = tsc(ke)
      irecy = ib + iplane

   end subroutine initboundary

   !! Fill halo cells, including ghost cells outside domain
   ! Needs to be called before divergence is calculated
   subroutine halos

      use modglobal, only : ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, ihc, jhc, khc, nsv, &
                            BCxm, BCym, BCxT, BCyT, BCxq, BCyq, BCxs, BCys, &
                            BCxm_periodic, BCxT_periodic, BCxq_periodic, BCxs_periodic, &
                            BCym_periodic, BCyT_periodic, BCyq_periodic, BCys_periodic, &
                            ibrank, ierank, jbrank, jerank
      use modfields, only : u0, v0, w0, um, vm, wm, thl0, thlm, qt0, qtm, sv0, svm, thl0c
      use decomp_2d, only : exchange_halo_z
      implicit none
      integer i, k, n

      call exchange_halo_z(u0)
      call exchange_halo_z(v0)
      call exchange_halo_z(w0)
      call exchange_halo_z(um)
      call exchange_halo_z(vm)
      call exchange_halo_z(wm)
      call exchange_halo_z(thl0)
      call exchange_halo_z(thlm)
      call exchange_halo_z(thl0c, opt_zlevel=(/ihc,jhc,khc/))
      call exchange_halo_z(qt0)
      call exchange_halo_z(qtm)
      do n = 1, nsv
         call exchange_halo_z(sv0(:, :, :, n), opt_zlevel=(/ihc,jhc,khc/))
         call exchange_halo_z(svm(:, :, :, n), opt_zlevel=(/ihc,jhc,khc/))

      if (ibrank .and. ierank) then ! not parallelized in x
        if (BCxm == BCxm_periodic) call xm_periodic
        if (BCxT == BCxT_periodic) call xT_periodic
        if (BCxq == BCxq_periodic) call xq_periodic
        if (BCxs == BCxs_periodic) call xs_periodic
      end if

      if (jbrank .and. jerank) then ! not parallelized in x
        if (BCym == BCym_periodic) call ym_periodic
        if (BCyT == BCyT_periodic) call yT_periodic
        if (BCyq == BCyq_periodic) call yq_periodic
        if (BCys == BCys_periodic) call ys_periodic
      end if

    end subroutine halos

   !! Set boundary conditions for the next timestep
   ! Will result in velocity field being not divergence-free
   subroutine boundary
      use modglobal,      only : ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, ihc, jhc, khc, dzf, zh, nsv, &
                                 ltempeq, lmoist, luvolflowr, luoutflowr, &
                                 BCxm, BCym, BCxT, BCyT, BCxq, BCyq, BCxs, BCys, BCtopm, BCtopT, BCtopq, BCtops, &
                                 BCtopm_freeslip, BCtopm_noslip, BCtopm_pressure, &
                                 BCtopT_flux, BCtopT_value, BCtopq_flux, BCtopq_value, BCtops_flux, BCtops_value, &
                                 BCxm_periodic, BCxm_profile, BCxm_driver, &
                                 BCxT_periodic, BCxT_profile, BCxT_driver, &
                                 BCxq_periodic, BCxq_profile, BCxq_driver, &
                                 BCxs_periodic, BCxs_profile, BCxs_driver, BCxs_custom, &
                                 BCym_periodic, BCym_profile, BCyT_periodic, BCyT_profile, &
                                 BCyq_periodic, BCyq_profile, BCys_periodic, &
                                 ibrank, ierank, jbrank, jerank, e12min, idriver, &
                                 Uinf, Vinf, &
                                 rk3step, lchunkread
      use modfields,      only : u0, v0, w0, um, vm, wm, thl0, thlm, qt0, qtm, e120, e12m, sv0, svm, u0av, v0av, uouttot, vouttot, thl0c
      use modsubgriddata, only : ekh, ekm, loneeqn
      use modsurfdata,    only : thl_top, qt_top, sv_top, wttop, wqtop, wsvtop
      use modmpi,         only : myid, slabsum, avey_ibm
      use moddriver,      only : drivergen, driverchunkread
      use modinletdata,   only : ubulk, vbulk, iangle
      use decomp_2d,      only : exchange_halo_z

      implicit none
      real, dimension(kb:ke) :: uaverage, vaverage
      real, dimension(ib:ie,kb:ke) :: uavey
      integer i, k, n

     ! if not using massflowrate need to set outflow velocity
     if (luoutflowr) then
        ! do nothing - calculated in modforces
     elseif (.not. luvolflowr) then
        !ubulk = sum(u0av)/(ke-kb+1)
        do k = kb, ke
           uaverage(k) = u0av(k)*dzf(k)
        end do

        do k = kb, ke
           vaverage(k) = v0av(k)*dzf(k)
        end do
        ! need a method to know if we have all blocks at lowest cell kb
        ! assuming this for now (hence kb+1)
        uouttot = sum(uaverage(kb:ke))/(zh(ke + 1) - zh(kb+1))
        vouttot = sum(vaverage(kb:ke))/(zh(ke + 1) - zh(kb+1))
        uouttot = ubulk
        vouttot = vbulk
     end if

     ! Bottom BC - many ways of enforcing this but this is simplest
     ! Other variables handled by bottom
     wm(:, :, kb) = 0.
     w0(:, :, kb) = 0.

     !! Top
     ! Momentum
     select case(BCtopm)
        !free-slip = zero-flux
        call fluxtop(um, ekm, 0.0)
        call fluxtop(u0, ekm, 0.0)
        call fluxtop(vm, ekm, 0.0)
        call fluxtop(v0, ekm, 0.0)
        w0(:, :, ke + 1) = 0.0
        wm(:, :, ke + 1) = 0.0
        if (loneeqn) then
          e120(:, :, ke + 1) = e12min
          e12m(:, :, ke + 1) = e12min
        end if
        !no-slip = fixed velocity at wall
        call valuetop(um, Uinf)
        call valuetop(u0, Uinf)
        call valuetop(vm, Vinf)
        call valuetop(v0, Vinf)
        w0(:, :, ke + 1) = 0.0
        wm(:, :, ke + 1) = 0.0
         call fluxtop(um, ekm, 0.0)
         call fluxtop(u0, ekm, 0.0)
         call fluxtop(vm, ekm, 0.0)
         call fluxtop(v0, ekm, 0.0)
         if (loneeqn) then
           e120(:, :, ke + 1) = e12min
           e12m(:, :, ke + 1) = e12min
         end if
         ! w considered in modpois
      case default
        write(0, *) "ERROR: top boundary type for velocity undefined"
        stop 1
     end select

     ! Temperature
     select case(BCtopT)
        call fluxtop(thlm, ekh, wttop)
        call fluxtop(thl0, ekh, wttop)
        do n=1,khc
           thl0c(:,:,ke+n) = thl0c(:,:,ke+n-1)
        end do
        call valuetop(thlm, thl_top)
        call valuetop(thl0, thl_top)
     case default
        write(0, *) "ERROR: top boundary type for temperature undefined"
        stop 1

     end select

     ! Moisture
     select case(BCtopq)
        call fluxtop(qtm, ekh, wqtop)
        call fluxtop(qt0, ekh, wqtop)
        call valuetop(qtm, qt_top)
        call valuetop(qt0, qt_top)
     case default
        write(0, *) "ERROR: top boundary type for moisture undefined"
        stop 1
     end select

     ! Scalars
     select case(BCtops)
        call fluxtopscal(wsvtop)
        call fluxtopscal(wsvtop)
        call valuetopscal(sv_top)
        call valuetopscal(sv_top)
     case default
        write(0, *) "ERROR: top boundary type for scalars undefined"
        stop 1
     end select

     if (idriver == 1) call drivergen ! Should be moved elsewhere, as not related to boundary conditions.

     ! x inlet
     if (ibrank) then ! set inlet
       ! Momentum
       select case(BCxm)
         ! Handled in halos
         !uouttot = cos(iangle)*ubulk
         call xmi_profile
         !uouttot = ubulk ! does this hold for all forcings of precursor simulations? tg3315
         if(rk3step==0 .or. rk3step==3) then
          if (lchunkread) call driverchunkread
          call drivergen ! think this should be done at the start of an rk3 loop?
         end if
         call xmi_driver
       case default
         write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for veloctiy in x-direction undefined"
         stop 1
       end select

       ! Temperature
       if (ltempeq) then
         select case(BCxT)
         case(BCxT_periodic) ! periodic
           ! Handled in halos
         case(BCxT_profile) ! profile
           call xTi_profile
           call xTi_driver
         case default
           write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for temperature in x-direction undefined"
           stop 1
         end select
       end if

       ! Moisture
       if (lmoist) then
         select case(BCxq)
           ! Handled in halos
           call xqi_profile
           call xqi_driver
         case default
           write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for humidity in x-direction undefined"
           stop 1
         end select
       end if

       ! Scalars
       if (nsv > 0) then
         select case(BCxs)
           ! Handled in halos
           call xsi_profile
           call xsi_driver
           call xsi_custom
         case default
           write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for scalars in x-direction undefined"
           stop 1
         end select
       end if

     end if !ibrank

     if (jbrank) then ! set y inlet
       ! Momentum
       select case(BCym)
         ! Handled in halos
         call ymi_profile
       case default
         write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for veloctiy in y-direction undefined"
         stop 1
       end select

       ! Temperature
       if (ltempeq) then
         select case(BCyT)
           ! Handled in halos
           call yTi_profile
         case default
           write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for temperature in y-direction undefined"
           stop 1
         end select
       end if

       ! Moisture
       if (lmoist) then
         select case(BCyq)
           ! Handled in halos
           call yqi_profile
         case default
           write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for humidity in y-direction undefined"
           stop 1
         end select
       end if

       if (nsv > 0) then !scalars
         select case(BCys)
           ! Handled in halos
           call ysi_profile
         case default
           write(0, *) "ERROR: lateral boundary type for scalars in y-direction undefined"
           stop 1
         end select
       end if

     end if !jbrank

     !> Outlet
     ! Currently only outflow boundary conditions are convective
     if (ierank) then
       if (BCxm .ne. BCxm_periodic) call xmo_convective
       if ((BCxT .ne. BCxT_periodic) .and. ltempeq) call xTo_convective
       if ((BCxq .ne. BCxq_periodic) .and. lmoist ) call xqo_convective
       if ((BCxs .ne. BCxs_periodic) .and. nsv > 0) call xso_convective
     end if

     if (jerank) then
       if (BCym .ne. BCym_periodic) call ymo_convective
       if ((BCyT .ne. BCyT_periodic) .and. ltempeq) call yTo_convective
       if ((BCyq .ne. BCyq_periodic) .and. lmoist ) call yqo_convective
       if ((BCys .ne. BCys_periodic) .and. nsv > 0) call yso_convective
     end if

   end subroutine boundary

   subroutine closurebc
     use modsubgriddata, only : ekm, ekh
     use modglobal,      only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, ih, jh, kh, numol, prandtlmoli, &
                                ibrank, ierank, jbrank, jerank, BCtopm, BCxm, BCym, &
                                BCtopm_freeslip, BCtopm_noslip, BCtopm_pressure, &
                                BCxm_periodic, BCym_periodic
     use decomp_2d,      only : exchange_halo_z
     integer i, j

     call exchange_halo_z(ekm)
     call exchange_halo_z(ekh)

     ! Top and bottom
     if ((BCtopm .eq. BCtopm_freeslip) .or. (BCtopm .eq. BCtopm_pressure)) then
       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
         do i = ib - 1, ie + 1
           ekm(i, j, ke + 1) = ekm(i, j, ke) ! zero-gradient top wall
           ekh(i, j, ke + 1) = ekh(i, j, ke) ! zero-gradient top wall
           ekm(i, j, kb - 1) = 2.*numol - ekm(i, j, kb) ! no-slip lower wall
           ekh(i, j, kb - 1) = (2.*numol*prandtlmoli) - ekh(i, j, kb) ! no-slip lower wall
         end do
       end do
     else if (BCtopm .eq. BCtopm_noslip) then
       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
         do i = ib - 1, ie + 1
           ekm(i, j, ke + 1) = 2.*numol - ekm(i, j, ke) ! no-slip top wall
           ekh(i, j, ke + 1) = (2.*numol*prandtlmoli) - ekh(i, j, ke) ! no-slip top wall
           ekm(i, j, kb - 1) = 2.*numol - ekm(i, j, kb) ! no-slip lower wall
           ekh(i, j, kb - 1) = (2.*numol*prandtlmoli) - ekh(i, j, kb) ! no-slip lower wall
         end do
       end do
     end if

     if (BCxm .ne. BCxm_periodic) then ! inflow/outflow
       if (ibrank) then
         ekm(ib - 1, :, :) = ekm(ib, :, :)
         ekh(ib - 1, :, :) = ekh(ib, :, :)
       end if
       if (ierank) then
         ekm(ie + 1, :, :) = ekm(ie, :, :)
         ekh(ie + 1, :, :) = ekh(ie, :, :)
       end if
     else ! periodic
       if (ibrank .and. ierank) then
         ekm(ib - 1, :, :) = ekm(ie, :, :)
         ekm(ie + 1, :, :) = ekm(ib, :, :)
         ekh(ib - 1, :, :) = ekh(ie, :, :)
         ekh(ie + 1, :, :) = ekh(ib, :, :)
       end if
     end if

     if (BCym .ne. BCym_periodic) then ! inflow/outflow
       if (jbrank) then
         ekm(:,jb-1,:) = ekm(:,jb,:)
         ekh(:,jb-1,:) = ekh(:,jb,:)
       end if
       if (jerank) then
         ekm(:,je+1,:) = ekm(:,je,:)
         ekh(:,je+1,:) = ekh(:,je,:)
       end if
     else ! periodic
       if (jbrank .and. jerank) then
         ekm(:, jb - 1, :) = ekm(:, je, :)
         ekm(:, je + 1, :) = ekm(:, jb, :)
         ekh(:, jb - 1, :) = ekh(:, je, :)
         ekh(:, je + 1, :) = ekh(:, jb, :)
       end if
     end if

   end subroutine closurebc

   !>set lateral periodic boundary conditions for momentum in x/i direction
   subroutine xm_periodic
      use modglobal, only : ib, ie, ih
      use modfields, only : u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m
      use modsubgriddata, only : loneeqn, lsmagorinsky
      use modmpi, only : excis

      integer n, m

      do m = 1, ih
         u0(ib - m, :, :) = u0(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         u0(ie + m, :, :) = u0(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         v0(ib - m, :, :) = v0(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         v0(ie + m, :, :) = v0(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         w0(ib - m, :, :) = w0(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         w0(ie + m, :, :) = w0(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         um(ib - m, :, :) = um(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         um(ie + m, :, :) = um(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         vm(ib - m, :, :) = vm(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         vm(ie + m, :, :) = vm(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         wm(ib - m, :, :) = wm(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         wm(ie + m, :, :) = wm(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
      end do

      if (loneeqn) then
         e120(ib - m, :, :) = e120(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         e120(ie + m, :, :) = e120(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         e12m(ib - m, :, :) = e12m(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         e12m(ie + m, :, :) = e12m(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
      end if

   end subroutine xm_periodic

   !> Sets x/i periodic boundary conditions for the temperature
   subroutine xT_periodic
      use modglobal, only : ib, ie, ih, ihc
      use modfields, only : thl0, thlm, thl0c
      integer m

      do m = 1, ih
         thl0(ib - m, :, :) = thl0(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         thl0(ie + m, :, :) = thl0(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         thlm(ib - m, :, :) = thlm(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         thlm(ie + m, :, :) = thlm(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
      end do

      do m = 1, ihc
         thl0c(ib - m, :, :) = thl0c(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         thl0c(ie + m, :, :) = thl0c(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
      end do

   end subroutine xT_periodic

   !> Sets x/i periodic boundary conditions for the humidity
   subroutine xq_periodic
      use modglobal, only : ib, ie, ih
      use modfields, only : qt0, qtm
      integer m

      do m = 1, ih
         qt0(ib - m, :, :) = qt0(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         qt0(ie + m, :, :) = qt0(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
         qtm(ib - m, :, :) = qtm(ie + 1 - m, :, :)
         qtm(ie + m, :, :) = qtm(ib - 1 + m, :, :)
      end do

   end subroutine xq_periodic

   !> Sets x/iperiodic boundary conditions for the scalars
   subroutine xs_periodic
      use modglobal, only : ib, ie, ihc
      use modfields, only : sv0, svm
      integer m, n

      do m = 1, ihc
         sv0(ib - m, :, :, :) = sv0(ie + 1 - m, :, :, :)
         sv0(ie + m, :, :, :) = sv0(ib - 1 + m, :, :, :)
         svm(ib - m, :, :, :) = svm(ie + 1 - m, :, :, :)
         svm(ie + m, :, :, :) = svm(ib - 1 + m, :, :, :)
      end do

   end subroutine xs_periodic

   !>set lateral periodic boundary conditions for momentum in y/j direction
   subroutine ym_periodic
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, jb, je, ih, jh, kb, ke, kh, jmax
      use modfields, only:u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m, shear
      use modsubgriddata, only:loneeqn, lsmagorinsky
      use modmpi, only:excjs

      integer n, m

      do m = 1, ih
         u0(:, jb - m, :) = u0(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         u0(:, je + m, :) = u0(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
         v0(:, jb - m, :) = v0(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         v0(:, je + m, :) = v0(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
         w0(:, jb - m, :) = w0(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         w0(:, je + m, :) = w0(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
         um(:, jb - m, :) = um(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         um(:, je + m, :) = um(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
         vm(:, jb - m, :) = vm(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         vm(:, je + m, :) = vm(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
         wm(:, jb - m, :) = wm(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         wm(:, je + m, :) = wm(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
      end do

      if (loneeqn) then
        e120(:, jb - m, :) = e120(:, je + 1 - m, :)
        e120(:, je + m, :) = e120(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
        e12m(:, jb - m, :) = e12m(:, je + 1 - m, :)
        e12m(:, je + m, :) = e12m(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
      end if

   end subroutine ym_periodic

   !> Sets y/j periodic boundary conditions for the temperature
   subroutine yT_periodic
      use modglobal, only : jb, je, jh, jhc
      use modfields, only : thl0, thlm, thl0c
      use modmpi, only:excjs, myid, nprocs
      integer m

      do m = 1, jh
         thl0(:, jb - m, :) = thl0(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         thl0(:, je + m, :) = thl0(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
         thlm(:, jb - m, :) = thlm(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         thlm(:, je + m, :) = thlm(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
      end do

      do m = 1, jhc
         thl0c(:, jb - m, :) = thl0c(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         thl0c(:, je + m, :) = thl0c(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
      end do

   end subroutine yT_periodic

   !> Sets y/j periodic boundary conditions for the humidity
   subroutine yq_periodic
      use modglobal, only : jb, je, jh
      use modfields, only : qt0, qtm

      integer m

      do m = 1, jh
         qt0(:, jb - m, :) = qt0(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         qt0(:, je + m, :) = qt0(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
         qtm(:, jb - m, :) = qtm(:, je + 1 - m, :)
         qtm(:, je + m, :) = qtm(:, jb - 1 + m, :)
      end do

   end subroutine yq_periodic

   !> Sets y/j periodic boundary conditions for the scalars
   subroutine ys_periodic
      use modglobal, only : jb, je, jhc, nsv
      use modfields, only : sv0, svm
      integer n, m

      do n = 1, nsv
        do m = 1, jhc
          sv0(:, jb - m, :, :) = sv0(:, je + 1 - m, :, :)
          sv0(:, je + m, :, :) = sv0(:, jb - 1 + m, :, :)
          svm(:, jb - m, :, :) = svm(:, je + 1 - m, :, :)
          svm(:, je + m, :, :) = svm(:, jb - 1 + m, :, :)
        end do
      end do

   end subroutine ys_periodic

     subroutine xmi_profile
       use modglobal,      only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
       use modfields,      only : u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m, uprof, vprof, e12prof
       use modsubgriddata, only : loneeqn

       integer j, k

       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
         do k = kb, ke + 1
           u0(ib, j, k) = uprof(k)
           um(ib, j, k) = uprof(k)
           u0(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*u0(ib, j, k) - u0(ib + 1, j, k) ! (u(ib+1)+u(ib-1))/2 = u(ib)
           um(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*um(ib, j, k) - um(ib + 1, j, k) ! (u(ib+1)+u(ib-1))/2 = u(ib)
           v0(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*vprof(k) - v0(ib, j, k) ! (v(ib)+v(ib-1))/2 = vprof
           vm(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*vprof(k) - vm(ib, j, k) ! (v(ib)+v(ib-1))/2 = vprof
           w0(ib - 1, j, k) = -w0(ib, j, k)
           wm(ib - 1, j, k) = -wm(ib, j, k)
         end do
       end do

       if (loneeqn) then
         do j = jb - 1, je + 1
           do k = kb, ke + 1
             e120(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*e12prof(k) - e120(ib, j, k) ! (e12(ib)+e12(ib-1))/2=e12prof
             e12m(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*e12prof(k) - e12m(ib, j, k) ! (e12(ib)+e12(ib-1))/2=e12prof
           end do
         end do
       end if

     end subroutine xmi_profile

     subroutine xmi_driver
       use modglobal,      only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
       use modinletdata,   only : u0driver, umdriver, v0driver, vmdriver, w0driver, wmdriver
       use modfields,      only : u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m, e12prof
       use modsubgriddata, only : loneeqn

       integer j, k

       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
         do k = kb, ke !tg3315 removed +1 following above...
           u0(ib,j,k) = u0driver(j,k) !max(0.,u0driver(j,k))
           um(ib,j,k) = umdriver(j,k) !max(0.,umdriver(j,k))
           u0(ib-1,j,k) = u0driver(j,k) !max(0.,u0driver(j,k))
           um(ib-1,j,k) = umdriver(j,k) !max(0.,umdriver(j,k))
           ! u0(ib-1,j,k)= 2*u0(ib, j, k) - u0(ib + 1, j, k) ! (u(ib+1)+u(ib-1))/2 = u(ib)
           ! um(ib-1,j,k)= 2*um(ib, j, k) - um(ib + 1, j, k) ! (u(ib+1)+u(ib-1))/2 = u(ib)

           !v0(ib,j,k)   = v0driver(j,k) !max(0.,v0driver(j,k))
           !vm(ib,j,k)   = vmdriver(j,k) !max(0.,vmdriver(j,k))
           v0(ib-1,j,k)   = v0driver(j,k) !max(0.,v0driver(j,k))
           vm(ib-1,j,k)   = vmdriver(j,k) !max(0.,vmdriver(j,k))
         end do

         do k=kb,ke+1
           !w0(ib,j,k)   = w0driver(j,k) !max(0.,w0driver(j,k))
           !wm(ib,j,k)   = wmdriver(j,k) !max(0.,wmdriver(j,k))
           w0(ib-1,j,k) = w0driver(j,k) !max(0.,w0driver(j,k))
           wm(ib-1,j,k) = wmdriver(j,k) !max(0.,wmdriver(j,k))
         end do
       end do

       if (loneeqn) then
         do j = jb - 1, je + 1
           do k = kb, ke + 1
             ! to be changed in the future: e12 should be taken from recycle plane!
             !e120(ib-1,j,k) = e120driver(j,k)      ! extrapolate e12 from interior
             !e12m(ib-1,j,k) = e12mdriver(j,k)      ! extrapolate e12 from interior
             e120(ib - 1, j, k) = e120(ib, j, k) ! (e12(ib)+e12(ib-1))/2=e12prof
             e12m(ib - 1, j, k) = e12m(ib, j, k) ! (e12(ib)+e12(ib-1))/2=e12prof
           end do
         end do
       end if

     end subroutine xmi_driver

     subroutine xTi_profile
       use modglobal, only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
       use modfields, only : thl0, thlm, thlprof
       integer j, k

       ! set ghost cell
       ! do j = jb - 1, je + 1
       !   do k = kb, ke + 1
       !     thl0(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*thlprof(k) - thl0(ib, j, k)
       !     thlm(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*thlprof(k) - thlm(ib, j, k)
       !   end do
       ! end do
       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
         do k = kb, ke + 1
           thl0(ib - 1, j, k) = thlprof(k)
           thlm(ib - 1, j, k) = thlprof(k)
         end do
       end do

       ! set first internal cell as well
       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
        do k = kb, ke
           thl0(ib, j, k) = thlprof(k)
           thlm(ib, j, k) = thlprof(k)
        end do
       end do

     end subroutine xTi_profile

     subroutine xTi_driver
       use modglobal,    only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
       use modinletdata, only : thl0driver, thlmdriver
       use modfields,    only : thl0, thlm
       integer j, k

       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
         do k = kb, ke + 1
           thl0(ib - 1, j, k) = thl0driver(j, k)
           thlm(ib - 1, j, k) = thlmdriver(j, k)
         end do
       end do

     end subroutine xTi_driver

     subroutine xqi_profile
       use modglobal,    only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
       use modfields,    only : qt0, qtm, qtprof
       integer j, k

       do j = jb - 1, je + 1
         do k = kb, ke + 1
           qt0(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*qtprof(k) - qt0(ib, j, k)
           qtm(ib - 1, j, k) = 2*qtprof(k) - qtm(ib, j, k)
         end do
       end do

   end subroutine xqi_profile

   subroutine xqi_driver
     use modglobal,    only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
     use modinletdata, only : qt0driver, qtmdriver
     use modfields,    only : qt0, qtm

     integer j, k

     do j = jb - 1, je + 1
       do k = kb, ke + 1
         qt0(ib - 1, j, k) = qt0driver(j, k)
         qtm(ib - 1, j, k) = qtmdriver(j, k)
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine xqi_driver

   subroutine xsi_profile
     use modglobal,    only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, nsv, ihc
     use modfields,    only : sv0, svm, svprof

     integer j, k, n, m

     do j = jb, je
       do k = kb, ke + 1
         do n = 1, nsv
           do m = 1, ihc
             sv0(ib - m, j, k, n) = 2*svprof(k, n) - sv0(ib - m + 1, j, k, n)
             svm(ib - m, j, k, n) = 2*svprof(k, n) - svm(ib - m + 1, j, k, n)
           end do
         end do
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine xsi_profile

     subroutine xsi_custom
       use modglobal,    only : ib, ie, jb, je, jtot, kb, ke, nsv, ihc
       use modfields,    only : sv0, svm, svprof
       use decomp_2d,    only : zstart

       integer j, k, n, m

       do j = jb, je
          if (j + zstart(2) - 1 == jtot/2) then
             do k = kb, ke + 1
                do n = 1, nsv
                   do m = 1, ihc
                      sv0(ib - m, j-1:j+1, k, n) = 2*svprof(k, n) - sv0(ib - m + 1, j-1:j+1, k, n)
                      svm(ib - m, j-1:j+1, k, n) = 2*svprof(k, n) - svm(ib - m + 1, j-1:j+1, k, n)
                   end do
                end do
             end do
          end if
       end do

   end subroutine xsi_custom

   subroutine xsi_driver
     use modglobal,    only : ib, ie, ihc, jb, je, jhc, kb, ke, khc, nsv
     use modinletdata, only : sv0driver, svmdriver
     use modfields,    only : sv0, svm

     integer j, k, n, m

     do j = jb - 1, je + 1
       do k = kb, ke + 1
         do n = 1, nsv
           do m = 1, ihc
             sv0(ib - m, j, k, n) = sv0driver(j, k, n)
             svm(ib - m, j, k, n) = svmdriver(j, k, n)
           end do
         end do
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine xsi_driver

   subroutine xmo_convective
     use modglobal,      only : ie, dxi, rk3step, dt
     use modfields,      only : u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m, uouttot
     use modsubgriddata, only : loneeqn
     real rk3coef

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     v0(ie + 1, :, :) = v0(ie+1, :, :) - (v0(ie+1, :, :) - v0(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
     w0(ie + 1, :, :) = w0(ie+1, :, :) - (w0(ie+1, :, :) - w0(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
     vm(ie + 1, :, :) = vm(ie+1, :, :) - (vm(ie+1, :, :) - vm(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
     wm(ie + 1, :, :) = wm(ie+1, :, :) - (wm(ie+1, :, :) - wm(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot

     if (loneeqn) then
       e120(ie + 1, :, :) = e120(ie, :, :) - (e120(ie + 1, :, :) - e120(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
       e12m(ie + 1, :, :) = e12m(ie, :, :) - (e12m(ie + 1, :, :) - e12m(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
     end if

   end subroutine xmo_convective

   subroutine xmo_Neumann
     use modglobal,      only : ie
     use modfields,      only : u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m
     use modsubgriddata, only : loneeqn

     v0(ie + 1, :, :) = v0(ie, :, :)
     w0(ie + 1, :, :) = w0(ie, :, :)
     vm(ie + 1, :, :) = vm(ie, :, :)
     wm(ie + 1, :, :) = wm(ie, :, :)

     if (loneeqn) then
       e120(ie + 1, :, :) = e120(ie, :, :)
       e12m(ie + 1, :, :) = e12m(ie, :, :)
     end if

   end subroutine xmo_Neumann

   subroutine xTo_convective
     use modglobal, only : ie, dxi, rk3step, dt
     use modfields, only : thl0, thlm, uouttot
     real rk3coef

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     thl0(ie + 1, :, :) = thl0(ie+1, :, :) - (thl0(ie + 1, :, :) - thl0(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
     thlm(ie + 1, :, :) = thlm(ie+1, :, :) - (thlm(ie + 1, :, :) - thlm(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot

   end subroutine xTo_convective

   subroutine xTo_Neumann
     use modglobal, only : ie
     use modfields, only : thl0, thlm

     thl0(ie + 1, :, :) = thl0(ie, :, :)
     thlm(ie + 1, :, :) = thlm(ie, :, :)

   end subroutine xTo_Neumann

   subroutine xqo_convective
     use modglobal, only : ie, dxi, rk3step, dt
     use modfields, only : qt0, qtm, uouttot
     real rk3coef

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     qt0(ie + 1, :, :) = qt0(ie, :, :) - (qt0(ie + 1, :, :) - qt0(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
     qtm(ie + 1, :, :) = qtm(ie, :, :) - (qtm(ie + 1, :, :) - qtm(ie, :, :))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot

   end subroutine xqo_convective

   subroutine xso_convective
     use modglobal, only : ie, rk3step, dt, dxi, nsv
     use modfields, only :sv0, svm, uouttot
     real rk3coef
     integer n

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     do n = 1, nsv
       sv0(ie + 1, :, :, n) = sv0(ie + 1, :, :, n) - (sv0(ie + 1, :, :, n) - sv0(ie, :, :, n))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
       svm(ie + 1, :, :, n) = svm(ie + 1, :, :, n) - (svm(ie + 1, :, :, n) - svm(ie, :, :, n))*dxi*rk3coef*uouttot
     end do

   end subroutine xso_convective

   subroutine xso_Neumann
     use modglobal, only : ie, ihc, rk3step, dt, dxi, nsv
     use modfields, only :sv0, svm
     real rk3coef
     integer n, m

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     do n = 1, nsv
       do m = 1, ihc
         sv0(ie + m, :, :, n) = sv0(ie, :, :, n)
         svm(ie + m, :, :, n) = svm(ie, :, :, n)
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine xso_Neumann

   subroutine ymi_profile
     use modglobal,      only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
     use modfields,      only : u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m, uprof, vprof, e12prof
     use modsubgriddata, only : loneeqn
     integer i, k

     do i = ib - 1, ie + 1
       do k = kb, ke + 1
         v0(i, jb, k) = vprof(k)
         vm(i, jb, k) = vprof(k)
         v0(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*v0(i, jb, k) - v0(i, jb + 1, k)
         vm(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*vm(i, jb, k) - vm(i, jb + 1, k)
         u0(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*uprof(k) - u0(i, jb, k)
         um(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*uprof(k) - um(i, jb, k)
         w0(i, jb - 1, k) = -w0(i, jb, k)
         wm(i, jb - 1, k) = -wm(i, jb, k)
       end do
     end do

     if (loneeqn) then
       do i = ib - 1, ie + 1
         do k = kb, ke + 1
           e120(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*e12prof(k) - e120(i, jb - 1, k)
           e12m(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*e12prof(k) - e12m(i, jb - 1, k)
         end do
       end do
     end if

   end subroutine ymi_profile

   subroutine yTi_profile
     use modglobal, only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
     use modfields, only : thl0, thlm, thlprof

     integer i, k

     do i = ib - 1, ie + 1
       do k = kb, ke + 1
         thl0(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*thlprof(k) - thl0(i, jb, k)
         thlm(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*thlprof(k) - thlm(i, jb, k)
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine yTi_profile

   subroutine yqi_profile
     use modglobal, only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
     use modfields, only : qt0, qtm, qtprof

     integer i, k

     do i = jb - 1, ie + 1
       do k = kb, ke + 1
         qt0(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*qtprof(k) - qt0(i, jb, k)
         qtm(i, jb - 1, k) = 2*qtprof(k) - qtm(i, jb, k)
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine yqi_profile

   subroutine ysi_profile
     use modglobal, only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, nsv, ihc
     use modfields, only : sv0, svm, svprof

     integer i, k, n, m

     do i = ib - 1, ie + 1
       do k = kb, ke + 1
         do n = 1, nsv
           do m = 1, ihc
             sv0(i, jb - m, k, n) = 2*svprof(k, n) - sv0(i, jb - m + 1, k, n)
             svm(i, jb - m, k, n) = 2*svprof(k, n) - svm(i, jb - m + 1, k, n)
           end do
         end do
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine ysi_profile

   subroutine ymo_convective
     use modglobal,      only : je, dyi, rk3step, dt
     use modfields,      only : u0, um, v0, vm, w0, wm, e120, e12m, vouttot
     use modsubgriddata, only : loneeqn

     real rk3coef

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     ! change to vouttot
     u0(:, je + 1, :) = u0(:, je + 1, :) - (u0(:, je + 1, :) - u0(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
     um(:, je + 1, :) = um(:, je + 1, :) - (um(:, je + 1, :) - um(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
     w0(:, je + 1, :) = w0(:, je + 1, :) - (w0(:, je + 1, :) - w0(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
     wm(:, je + 1, :) = wm(:, je + 1, :) - (wm(:, je + 1, :) - wm(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot

     if (loneeqn) then
       e120(:, je + 1, :) = e120(:, je + 1, :) - (e120(:, je + 1, :) - e120(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
       e12m(:, je + 1, :) = e12m(:, je + 1, :) - (e12m(:, je + 1, :) - e12m(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
     end if

   end subroutine ymo_convective

   subroutine yTo_convective

     use modglobal, only : je, dyi, rk3step, dt
     use modfields, only : thl0, thlm, v0, vouttot

     real rk3coef

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     thl0(:, je + 1, :) = thl0(:, je + 1, :) - (thl0(:, je + 1, :) - thl0(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
     thlm(:, je + 1, :) = thlm(:, je + 1, :) - (thlm(:, je + 1, :) - thlm(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot

   end subroutine yTo_convective

   subroutine yqo_convective

     use modglobal, only : je, dyi, rk3step, dt
     use modfields, only : qt0, qtm, v0, vouttot

     real rk3coef
     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     qt0(:, je + 1, :) = qt0(:, je + 1, :) - (qt0(:, je + 1, :) - qt0(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
     qtm(:, je + 1, :) = qtm(:, je + 1, :) - (qtm(:, je + 1, :) - qtm(:, je, :))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot

   end subroutine yqo_convective

   subroutine yso_convective

     use modglobal, only : je, rk3step, dt, dyi, nsv
     use modfields, only :sv0, svm, v0, vouttot

     real rk3coef
     integer n

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     do n = 1, nsv
       sv0(:, je + 1, :, n) = sv0(:, je + 1, :, n) - (sv0(:, je + 1, :, n) - sv0(:, je, :, n))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
       svm(:, je + 1, :, n) = svm(:, je + 1, :, n) - (svm(:, je + 1, :, n) - svm(:, je, :, n))*dyi*rk3coef*vouttot
     end do

   end subroutine yso_convective

   subroutine yso_Neumann

     use modglobal, only : je, jhc, rk3step, dt, dyi, nsv
     use modfields, only : sv0, svm

     real rk3coef
     integer n, m

     rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))

     do n = 1, nsv
       do m = 1, jhc
         sv0(:, je + m, :, n) = sv0(:, je, :, n)
         svm(:, je + m, :, n) = svm(:, je, :, n)
       end do
     end do

   end subroutine yso_Neumann

   !>set boundary conditions pup,pvp,pwp in subroutine fillps in modpois.f90
   subroutine bcpup(pup, pvp, pwp, rk3coef)

     use modglobal,    only : ib, ie, jb, je, ih, jh, kb, ke, kh, rk3step, dxi, dyi, dzhi, &
                              ibrank, ierank, jbrank, jerank, BCxm, BCym, BCtopm, &
                              BCtopm_freeslip, BCtopm_noslip, BCtopm_pressure, &
                              BCxm_periodic, BCxm_profile, BCxm_driver, &
                              BCym_periodic, BCym_profile
     use modfields,    only : pres0, up, vp, wp, um, vm, wm, w0, u0, v0, uouttot, vouttot, uinit, vinit, uprof, vprof, pres0, IIc, IIcs
     use modmpi,       only : excjs, excis, myid, avexy_ibm
     use modinletdata, only : u0driver
     use decomp_2d,    only : exchange_halo_z

     real, dimension(ib - ih:ie + ih, jb - jh:je + jh, kb:ke + kh), intent(inout) :: pup
     real, dimension(ib - ih:ie + ih, jb - jh:je + jh, kb:ke + kh), intent(inout) :: pvp
     real, dimension(ib - ih:ie + ih, jb - jh:je + jh, kb:ke + kh), intent(inout) :: pwp
     real, dimension(kb:ke+kh) :: pres0ij

     real, intent(in) :: rk3coef
     real rk3coefi

     integer i, j, k

     rk3coefi = 1./rk3coef

     ! if (jbrank) write(*,*) "jb before exhange_halo ", pvp(ie/2,jb,ke)
     ! if (jerank) write(*,*) "je before exhange_halo ", pvp(ie/2,je+1,ke)
     ! Watch this communication as it is slightly different to normal -
     ! maybe safer to just resize to kb-kh:ke+kh
     call exchange_halo_z(pup, opt_zlevel=(/ih,jh,0/))
     call exchange_halo_z(pvp, opt_zlevel=(/ih,jh,0/))
     call exchange_halo_z(pwp, opt_zlevel=(/ih,jh,0/))
     ! if (jbrank) write(*,*) "jb after exhange_halo ", pvp(ie/2,jb,ke)
     ! if (jerank) write(*,*) "je after exhange_halo ", pvp(ie/2,je+1,ke)

     select case(BCtopm)
     case(BCtopm_freeslip, BCtopm_noslip)
       do j = jb, je
         do i = ib, ie
           pwp(i, j, kb) = 0.
           pwp(i, j, ke + kh) = 0.
         end do
       end do

       call avexy_ibm(pres0ij(kb:ke+kh),pres0(ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke+kh),ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke,ih,jh,kh,IIc(ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke+kh),IIcs(kb:ke+kh),.false.)

       do j = jb, je
         do i = ib, ie
           pwp(i, j, kb)  = 0.
           !pwp(i, j, ke + 1) = wm(i, j, ke+1) * rk3coefi - (-pres0ij(ke) - pres0(i,j,ke)) * dzhi(ke+1) ! Doesn't work
           pwp(i, j, ke + 1) = wm(i, j, ke+1) * rk3coefi + 2 * pres0ij(ke)*dzhi(ke+1)
           wp(i, j, ke + 1) = pwp(i, j, ke+1) - wm(i,j,ke+1) * rk3coefi
         end do
       end do
     end select !BCtopm

     select case(BCxm)
       if (ibrank .and. ierank) then ! not parallelised in x
         do k = kb, ke
            do j = jb, je
               pup(ie+1, j, k) = pup(ib, j, k) ! cyclic
            end do
         end do
       end if

       if (ibrank) then
         do k=kb,ke
           do j=jb-1,je+1
             pup(ib, j, k) = uprof(k) * rk3coefi
             up(ib, j, k) = 0.
           end do
         end do
       end if

       if (ierank) then
         do k = kb+1, ke
           do j = jb-1, je+1
             ! convective
             pup(ie+1, j, k) = um(ie+1, j, k) * rk3coefi - (u0(ie+1, j, k) - u0(ie,j,k)) * dxi * uouttot !u0(ie,j,k) ! du/dt +u*du/dx=0 -> pup(i)=um(i)/rk3coef -um(i)*(um(i)-um(i-1))/dxf(i-1)
             ! Neumann
             !pup(ie+1,j,k) = pup(ie,j,k)
             up(ie+1, j, k) = pup(ie+1, j, k) - um(ie+1,j,k)*rk3coefi
           end do
         end do
         ! Neumann at bottom - performs better with no slip
         pup(ie+1, :, kb) = pup(ie, :, kb)
         up(ie+1, :, kb) = pup(ie+1,: , kb) - um(ie+1, :, kb) * rk3coefi
       end if

       if (ibrank) then
         do k = kb, ke
           do j = jb - 1, je + 1
             pup(ib, j, k) = u0driver(j, k) * rk3coefi
             up(ib, j, k) = 0. ! u(ib) only evolves according to pressure correction
           end do
         end do
       end if

       if (ierank) then
         do k = kb, ke
           do j = jb-1, je+1
             pup(ie+1, j, k) = um(ie+1, j, k) * rk3coefi - (u0(ie+1, j, k) - u0(ie, j, k)) * dxi * uouttot    ! du/dt +u*du/dx=0 -> pup(i)=um(i)/rk3coef -um(i)*(um(i)-um(i-1))/dxf(i-1)
             ! !Neumann
             !pup(ie+1,j,k) = pup(ie,j,k)
             up(ie+1, j, k) = pup(ie+1, j, k) - um(ie+1, j, k) * rk3coefi
           end do
         end do
         ! Neumann at bottom - performs better with no slip
         ! pup(ie+1, :, kb) = pup(ie, :, kb)
         ! up(ie+1, :, kb) = pup(ie+1, :, kb) - um(ie+1, :, kb) * rk3coefi
       end if
    end select ! BCxm

    select case(BCym)
      if (jbrank .and. jerank) then ! not parallelised in y
        do k = kb, ke
           do i = ib, ie
              pvp(i, je+1, k) = pvp(i, jb, k) ! cyclic
           end do
        end do
      end if

      if (jbrank) then
        do k = kb, ke
          do i = ib-1, ie+1
            pvp(i,jb,k) = vprof(k)*rk3coefi
            vp(i,jb,k) = 0.
          end do
        end do
      end if

      if (jerank) then
        do k = kb, ke
          do i = ib-1, ie+1
            ! change to vouttot
            pvp(i, je+1, k) = vm(i, je+1, k) * rk3coefi - (v0(i, je+1, k) - v0(i, je, k)) * dyi * vouttot
            vp(i, je+1, k) = pvp(i, je+1, k) - vm(i,je+1,k)*rk3coefi
          end do
        end do
        pvp(:, je+1, kb) = pvp(:, je, kb)
        vp(:, je+1, kb) = pvp(:, je+1, kb) - vm(:, je+1, kb)*rk3coefi
      end if

    end select

   end subroutine bcpup

   !>set pressure boundary conditions
   subroutine bcp(p)

     use modglobal, only : ib, ie, jb, je, ih, jh, kb, ke, kh, dyi, rk3step, dt, &
                           ibrank, ierank, jbrank, jerank, BCxm, BCym, BCxm_periodic, BCym_periodic
     use modfields, only : pres0, up, u0, um, uouttot, vp, v0
     use decomp_2d, only : exchange_halo_z

     real, dimension(ib - ih:ie + ih, jb - jh:je + jh, kb - kh:ke + kh), intent(inout) :: p !< pressure
     integer i, j, k
     real rk3coef, rk3coefi

     if (rk3step == 0) then ! dt not defined yet
       rk3coef = 1.
       rk3coef = dt / (4. - dble(rk3step))
     end if
     rk3coefi = 1. / rk3coef

     call exchange_halo_z(p)
     call exchange_halo_z(pres0)

     if (BCxm .eq. BCxm_periodic) then
       if (ibrank .and. ierank) then
         do j = jb, je
           do k = kb, ke
             p(ib-1, j, k) = p(ie, j, k)
             p(ie+1, j, k) = p(ib, j, k)
             !pres0(ib - 1, j, k) = pres0(ie, j, k)
             !pres0(ie + 1, j, k) = pres0(ib, j, k)
           end do
         end do
       end if

       if (ibrank) then
         do k = kb, ke
           do j = jb-1, je+1
             p(ib-1, j, k) = p(ib, j, k)
             pres0(ib-1, j, k) = pres0(ib, j, k)
           end do
         end do
       end if

       if (ierank) then
         do k = kb, ke
           do j = jb-1, je+1
             p(ie+1, j, k) = p(ie, j, k)
             pres0(ie+1, j, k) = pres0(ie, j, k)
           end do
         end do
       end if

     end if ! BCxm

     if (BCym .eq. BCym_periodic) then
       if (jbrank .and. jerank) then
         do i = ib, ie
           do k = kb, ke
             p(i, jb-1, k) = p(i, je, k)
             p(i, je+1, k) = p(i, jb, k)
             !pres0(ib - 1, j, k) = pres0(ie, j, k)
             !pres0(ie + 1, j, k) = pres0(ib, j, k)
           end do
         end do
       end if
       if (jbrank) then
         do k = kb, ke
           do i = ib-1, ie+1
             p(i,jb-1,k) = p(i,jb,k)
             pres0(i,jb-1,k) = pres0(i,jb,k)
       end if

       if (jerank) then
         do k = kb, ke
           do i = ib-1, ie+1
             p(i, je+1, k) = p(i,je,k)
             pres0(i, je+1, k) = pres0(i,je,k)
           end do
         end do
       end if

     end if !BCym

   end subroutine bcp

   !! grwdamp damps gravity waves in the upper part of the domain.
   !! The lower limit of the damping region is set by ksp
   !! Horizontal fluctuations at the top of the domain (for instance gravity waves)
   !! are damped out by a sponge layer through an additional forcing/source term.
   !! \latexonly
   !! \begin{eqnarray}
   !! \force{i}{sp}(z) &=& -\frac{1}{t^{\mr{sp}}}\left(\xav{\fav{u_i}}-\fav{u_i}\right), \\\\
   !!  \source{\varphi}{sp}(z) &=& -\frac{1}{t^{\mr{sp}}}\left(\xav{\varphi}-\varphi\right),
   !! \end{eqnarray}
   !! with $t^{\mr{sp}}$ a relaxation time scale that goes from
   !! $t^{\mr{sp}}_0=1/(2.75\times10^{-3})\mr{s}\approx 6$min at the top of the domain
   !! to infinity at the bottom of the sponge layer.
   !! \endlatexonly
   subroutine grwdamp
      use modglobal, only:ke, kmax, lcoriol, igrw_damp, geodamptime
      use modfields, only:up, vp, wp, thlp, qtp, u0, v0, w0, thl0, qt0, ug, vg, thl0av, qt0av, u0av, v0av
      use modmpi, only:myid
      implicit none

      integer k
      select case (igrw_damp)
      case (0) !do nothing
      case (1)
         do k = ksp, ke
            up(:, :, k) = up(:, :, k) - (u0(:, :, k) - u0av(k))*tsc(k)
            vp(:, :, k) = vp(:, :, k) - (v0(:, :, k) - v0av(k))*tsc(k)
            wp(:, :, k) = wp(:, :, k) - w0(:, :, k)*tsc(k)
            thlp(:, :, k) = thlp(:, :, k) - (thl0(:, :, k) - thl0av(k))*tsc(k)
            qtp(:, :, k) = qtp(:, :, k) - (qt0(:, :, k) - qt0av(k))*tsc(k)
         end do
         if (lcoriol) then
            do k = ksp, ke
               up(:, :, k) = up(:, :, k) - (u0(:, :, k) - ug(k))*((1./(geodamptime*rnu0))*tsc(k))
               vp(:, :, k) = vp(:, :, k) - (v0(:, :, k) - vg(k))*((1./(geodamptime*rnu0))*tsc(k))
            end do
         end if
      case (2)
         do k = ksp, ke
            up(:, :, k) = up(:, :, k) - (u0(:, :, k) - ug(k))*tsc(k)
            vp(:, :, k) = vp(:, :, k) - (v0(:, :, k) - vg(k))*tsc(k)
            wp(:, :, k) = wp(:, :, k) - w0(:, :, k)*tsc(k)
            thlp(:, :, k) = thlp(:, :, k) - (thl0(:, :, k) - thl0av(k))*tsc(k)
            qtp(:, :, k) = qtp(:, :, k) - (qt0(:, :, k) - qt0av(k))*tsc(k)
         end do
      case (3)
         do k = ksp, ke
            up(:, :, k) = up(:, :, k) - (u0(:, :, k) - u0av(k))*tsc(k)
            vp(:, :, k) = vp(:, :, k) - (v0(:, :, k) - v0av(k))*tsc(k)
            wp(:, :, k) = wp(:, :, k) - w0(:, :, k)*tsc(k)
            thlp(:, :, k) = thlp(:, :, k) - (thl0(:, :, k) - thl0av(k))*tsc(k)
            qtp(:, :, k) = qtp(:, :, k) - (qt0(:, :, k) - qt0av(k))*tsc(k)
         end do
      case default
         write(0, *) "ERROR: no gravity wave damping option selected"
         stop 1
      end select

   end subroutine grwdamp

   subroutine fluxtop(field, ek, flux)
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, dzf, dzh, dzhi, eps1

      real, intent(inout) :: field(ib - ih:ie + ih, jb - jh:je + jh, kb - kh:ke + kh)
      real, intent(in)    ::    ek(ib - ih:ie + ih, jb - jh:je + jh, kb - kh:ke + kh)
      real, intent(in)    :: flux
      if (abs(flux) .le. eps1) then !it's zero-flux, we don't need to do the calculation
         field(:, :, ke + 1) = field(:, :, ke)
         field(:, :, ke + 1) = field(:, :, ke) + dzh(ke + 1)*flux/(dzhi(ke + 1)*(0.5*(dzf(ke)*ek(:, :, ke + 1) + dzf(ke + 1)*ek(:, :, ke))))
      end if
   end subroutine fluxtop

   subroutine valuetop(field, val)
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, dzh, dzf, dzhi, dzfi
      use modmpi, only : myid
      real, intent(inout) :: field(ib - ih:ie + ih, jb - jh:je + jh, kb - kh:ke + kh)
      real, intent(in)    :: val

      ! (field(i, j, kp)*dzf(k) + field(i, j, k)*dzf(kp))*dzhi(kp)*0.5 = val
      !field(:,:,ke+1) = (2.*val*dzh(ke+1) - field(:,:,ke)*dzf(ke+1)) * dzfi(ke)
      field(:, :, ke + 1) = 2*val - field(:, :, ke)
      !if (myid == 0) write(*,*) (field(40, 1, ke+1)*dzf(ke) + field(40, 1, ke)*dzf(ke+1))*dzhi(ke+1)*0.5

   end subroutine valuetop

   subroutine fluxtopscal(flux)
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, dzf, dzh, dzhi, nsv, khc
      use modfields, only:sv0, svm
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekh

      real, intent(in)    :: flux(1:nsv)
      integer :: m, n
      !all the ghost cells have the same value?
      do m = 1, khc
      do n = 1, nsv
  sv0(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke+m,n) = sv0(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke,n) + dzh(ke+1) * flux(n) / ( dzhi(ke+1) * (0.5*(dzf(ke)*ekh(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke+1)+dzf(ke+1)*ekh(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke))))
  svm(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke+m,n) = svm(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke,n) + dzh(ke+1) * flux(n) / ( dzhi(ke+1) * (0.5*(dzf(ke)*ekh(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke+1)+dzf(ke+1)*ekh(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,ke))))
      end do
      end do
   end subroutine fluxtopscal

   subroutine valuetopscal(val)
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, eps1, nsv, khc
      use modfields, only:sv0, svm
      real, intent(in)    :: val(1:nsv)
      integer :: m, n
      ! all the ghost cells have the same vlaue?
      do m = 1, khc
      do n = 1, nsv
         sv0(: , : , ke + m, n) = 2*val(n) - sv0(: , : , ke, n)
         svm(: , : , ke + m, n) = 2*val(n) - svm(: , : , ke, n)
      end do
      end do
   end subroutine valuetopscal

!>Set thl, qt and sv(n) equal to slab average at level kmax
! Think this can be removed
   subroutine tqaver

      use modmpi, only:comm3d, mpierr, my_real, mpi_sum
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, jb, je, ih, jh, kb, ke, nsv, rslabs
      use modfields, only:thl0, qt0, sv0
      implicit none

      real thl0a, qt0a
      real thl0al, qt0al
      integer n
      real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: sv0al, sv0a
      allocate (sv0al(nsv), sv0a(nsv))

      thl0al = sum(thl0(ib:ie, jb:je, ke))
      qt0al = sum(qt0(ib:ie, jb:je, ke))

      do n = 1, nsv
         sv0al(n) = sum(sv0(ib:ie, jb:je, ke, n))

      call MPI_ALLREDUCE(thl0al, thl0a, 1, MY_REAL, &
                         MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)
      call MPI_ALLREDUCE(qt0al, qt0a, 1, MY_REAL, &
                         MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)
      if (nsv > 0) then
         call MPI_ALLREDUCE(sv0al, sv0a, nsv, MY_REAL, &
                            MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)
      end if

      thl0a = thl0a/rslabs
      qt0a = qt0a/rslabs
      sv0a = sv0a/rslabs

      thl0(ib:ie, jb:je, ke) = thl0a
      qt0(ib:ie, jb:je, ke) = qt0a
      do n = 1, nsv
         sv0(ib:ie, jb:je, ke, n) = sv0a(n)
      deallocate (sv0al, sv0a)

   end subroutine tqaver

end module modboundary