modibm.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~modibm.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~modibm.f90 modibm.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90 initfac.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~initfac.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90 modfields.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~modfields.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90 modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modibmdata.f90 modibmdata.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~modibmdata.f90 sourcefile~modmpi.f90 modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modsubgriddata.f90 modsubgriddata.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~modsubgriddata.f90 sourcefile~modsurfdata.f90 modsurfdata.f90 sourcefile~modibm.f90->sourcefile~modsurfdata.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~initfac.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90 sourcefile~modfields.f90->sourcefile~modglobal.f90 sourcefile~modglobal.f90->sourcefile~modmpi.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~modibm.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~modibm.f90 modibm.f90 sourcefile~advec_2nd.f90 advec_2nd.f90 sourcefile~advec_2nd.f90->sourcefile~modibm.f90 sourcefile~program.f90 program.f90 sourcefile~program.f90->sourcefile~modibm.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!!> \file modibm.f90
!!!  adds forcing terms for immersed boundaries
!!  \author Jasper Thomas TU Delft / Ivo Suter Imperial College London
!  This file is part of DALES.
! DALES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! DALES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program.  If not, see <>.
!  Copyright 1993-2009 Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University, Utrecht University, KNMI
module modibm
   use modibmdata
   !use wf_uno
   implicit none
   public :: createwalls, ibmwallfun, xwallfun, ywallfunplus, ywallfunmin, &
             zwallfun, ibmnorm, nearwall, bottom

   subroutine createwalls
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, jb, je, jgb, jge, kb, ke, jmax, nblocks, &
         nsv, cexpnr, ifinput, libm, ih, kh, iwallmom, iwalltemp, iwallmoist, rslabs, bldT
      use modsurfdata, only:thls, z0h, z0, thvs
      use modfields, only:sv0, svm, thl0, thlm, qtp, qt0, IIc, IIu, IIv, IIw, IIct, IIwt, IIcs, IIus, IIvs, IIws
      use modmpi, only:myid, comm3d, mpierr, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MY_REAL, nprocs, cmyid, &
      use initfac, only:block
      integer n, nn, pn, mn, jbeg, jend, nxn, nxs, nyn, nzn, nzs, iu, il, ju, jl, ku, kl, sc, &
         i, k, dbi, dbj, dbk
      integer :: IIcl(kb:ke + kh), IIul(kb:ke + kh), IIvl(kb:ke + kh), IIwl(kb:ke + kh)
      integer :: IIcd(ib - ih:ie + ih, kb:ke + kh)
      integer :: IIwd(ib - ih:ie + ih, kb:ke + kh)
      character(80) chmess, name2

      if (.not. libm) return

      ! check if walls are at least 2 cells in each dimension
      do n = 1, nblocks
         dbi = block(n, 2) - block(n, 1)
         dbj = block(n, 4) - block(n, 3)
         dbk = block(n, 6) - block(n, 5)
         if (any((/dbi, dbj, dbk/) < 1)) then
            write(6, *) "blocks not at least 2 cells in each dimension, or upper limit < lower limit"
            !stop  !ils13 19.07.17, don't stop for now
         end if
      end do

      ! For all blocks set the internal concentrations to zero and internal
      ! temperature to building temperature
      do n = 1, nblocks
         il = block(n, 1)
         iu = block(n, 2)
         kl = block(n, 5)
         ku = block(n, 6)
         jl = block(n, 3) - myid*jmax
         ju = block(n, 4) - myid*jmax
         if ((ju < jb - 1) .or. (jl > je + 1)) then ! The block is entirely out of this partition
         end if
         if (ju > je) ju=je !tg3315 and bss116 added 23.10.18 as bad allocation otherwise.
         if (jl < jb) jl=jb
         do sc = 1, nsv
            !sv0(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku, sc) = svprof(kl:ku)  !internal ! tg3315 commented to avoid flux at startup
            !svm(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku, sc) = svprof(kl:ku)  !internal
         end do
         thl0(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = bldT !internal ! make sure bldT is equal to init thl prof
         thlm(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = bldT !internal
      end do
      nxwall = 0
      do n = 1, nblocks ! first x and z walls
         if (block(n, 4) < jb + myid*jmax) then ! no x-wall/z-wall in the range of this proc
         elseif (block(n, 3) > je + myid*jmax) then ! no x-wall/z-wall in the range of this proc
         else ! x-wall/z-wall found on this proc
            nxwall = nxwall + 1
         end if
      end do
      allocate (ixwall(nxwall)) !allocate the list that stores the indeces of the blocks on this cpu

      k = 1
      do n = 1, nblocks ! save indeces of the found x/z-walls by re-iterating
         if (block(n, 4) < jb + myid*jmax) then ! no x-wall/z-wall in the range of this proc
         elseif (block(n, 3) > je + myid*jmax) then ! no x-wall/z-wall in the range of this proc
            ixwall(k) = n ! save index of block which is on this processor
            k = k + 1
         end if
      end do

      !!new approach both y walls#################################################
      !!store index of block and index of the wall (since block might not be on this cpu, but is needed for x and z coords)
      !!check if wall is on next cpu but not on this
      !!check if wall is on last cpu but not on first (periodicity in y)
      !check if wall is on first cpu but not on last (periodicity in y)
      !!check if wall is on this cpu and another one on the next (i.e. both blocks end at cpu boundary, but touch each other)

      nyminwall = 0
      nypluswall = 0

      do n = 1, nblocks

         jl = block(n, 3) - myid*jmax
         ju = block(n, 4) - myid*jmax

         !SEE ALSO BELOW! (Like 40 lines or so)
         if ((myid == 0) .and. (block(n, 4) == jge)) then ! periodicity!
            nypluswall = nypluswall + 1
         else if ((block(n, 3) == jgb) .and. (myid == (nprocs - 1))) then ! periodicity!
            nyminwall = nyminwall + 1
         end if

         if ((ju < (jb - 1)) .or. (jl > (je + 1))) then
         end if

         if (ju == (jb - 1)) then !block on previous cpu, north wall on this
            nypluswall = nypluswall + 1 !
         end if

         if (jl == (je + 1)) then
            nyminwall = nyminwall + 1 !block on next cpu, southwall on this
         end if

         if ((ju < je) .and. (ju >= jb)) then !block & northwall on this cpu
            nypluswall = nypluswall + 1
         end if

         if ((jl > jb) .and. (jl <= je)) then !block & southwall on this cpu
            nyminwall = nyminwall + 1
         end if
      end do

      allocate (iyminwall(1:nyminwall, 1:2)) !two indeces to store wall index and block index
      allocate (iypluswall(1:nypluswall, 1:2))
      iyminwall(:, 1) = 0
      iyminwall(:, 2) = 0
      iypluswall(:, 1) = 0
      iypluswall(:, 2) = 0
      pn = 1
      mn = 1

      do n = 1, nblocks

         jl = block(n, 3) - myid*jmax
         ju = block(n, 4) - myid*jmax

         if ((myid == 0) .and. (block(n, 4) == jge)) then ! periodicity!
            iypluswall(pn, 1) = n
            iypluswall(pn, 2) = jb
            pn = pn + 1
         else if ((block(n, 3) == jgb) .and. (myid == (nprocs - 1))) then ! periodicity!
            iyminwall(mn, 1) = n
            iyminwall(mn, 2) = je
            mn = mn + 1
         end if

         if ((ju < (jb - 1)) .or. (jl > (je + 1))) then
         end if

         if (ju == (jb - 1)) then !block on previous cpu, north wall on this
            iypluswall(pn, 1) = n
            iypluswall(pn, 2) = jb
            pn = pn + 1
         end if

         if (jl == (je + 1)) then !block on next cpu, south wall on this
            iyminwall(mn, 1) = n
            iyminwall(mn, 2) = je
            mn = mn + 1
         end if

         if ((ju < je) .and. (ju >= jb)) then !block & northwall on this cpu   !ILS13, 5.12.17 following Tom
            iypluswall(pn, 1) = n
            iypluswall(pn, 2) = ju + 1
            pn = pn + 1
         end if

         if ((jl > jb) .and. (jl <= je)) then !block & southwall on this cpu
            iyminwall(mn, 1) = n
            iyminwall(mn, 2) = jl - 1
            mn = mn + 1
         end if
      end do

   end subroutine createwalls

   subroutine ibmwallfun
      use modglobal, only:libm
      use modfields, only:momfluxb, tfluxb, qfluxb

      if (libm) then
         ! compute fluxes at IBM
         momfluxb = 0.
         tfluxb = 0.
         qfluxb = 0.

         call xwallfun
         call ywallfunplus ! due to parallellisation differentiation between + and - side
         call ywallfunmin ! due to parallellisation differentiation between + and - side
         call zwallfun
      end if
   end subroutine ibmwallfun

   subroutine xwallfun
      use modglobal, only:dzf, dzhiq, dzhi, dxf, dxfi, dxhi, dyi, lles, nsv, numol, ltempeq, lmoist, &
         ih, jh, kh, ihc, jhc, khc, dxh, dy, dt, totavtime, rk3step, ib, ie, kb, ke, iwallmom, iwalltemp, iwallmoist, iwallscal, nblocks
      use modfields, only:um, up, v0, w0, vp, wp, shear, thl0, thlp, qt0, qtp, sv0, svp, momfluxb, tfluxb, exnf, cth, qfluxb
      use initfac, only:fachf, block, faclGR, facef, facqsat, fachurel, facf, facT, facz0,facz0h
      integer i, j, k, n, nc, jl, ju, kl, ku, im, jm, jp, km, m
      if (iwallmom == 1) then !fixed flux
      !not implemented
      else if (iwallmom == 2) then !wall function
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 8) !west side
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, vp, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, v0, w0, thl0, facT(k, 1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), ixwall(n), 1, 11)
            k = block(ixwall(n), 9) !east side
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, vp, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, v0, w0, thl0, facT(k, 1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), ixwall(n), 1, 21)
         end do
      else if (iwallmom == 3) then
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 8) !west side
            call wfmneutral(ih, jh, kh, vp, wp, momfluxb, v0, w0, facz0(k), ixwall(n), 1, 11)
            k = block(ixwall(n), 9) !east side
            call wfmneutral(ih, jh, kh, vp, wp, momfluxb, v0, w0, facz0(k), ixwall(n), 1, 21)
        end do
      end if

      if (ltempeq) then
      if (iwalltemp == 1) then !fixed flux
         do n = 1, nxwall 
            call xwallscalar(ih, jh, kh, thl0, thlp, bctfxm, bctfxp, ixwall(n))
         end do
      else if (iwalltemp == 2) then
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 8) !west side
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, vp, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, v0, w0, thl0, facT(k, 1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), ixwall(n), 1, 12) !left wall
            fachf(k) = fachf(k) + bcTfluxA !accumulate flux from that facet (can be on multiple processors, will be MPI_ALLREDUCEd in modEB)

            k = block(ixwall(n), 9) !east side
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, vp, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, v0, w0, thl0, facT(k, 1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), ixwall(n), 1, 22) !right wall
            fachf(k) = fachf(k) + bcTfluxA
         end do
      end if
      end if

      if (lmoist) then
      if (iwallmoist == 1) then !fixed flux
         do n = 1, nxwall 
            call xwallscalar(ih, jh, kh, qt0, qtp, bcqfxm, bcqfxp, ixwall(n))
         end do
      end if
      if ((ltempeq) .and. (iwallmoist == 2)) then
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 8)
            if (faclGR(k)) then !only if it is a vegetated surface
               call wfGR(ih, jh, kh, qtp, qfluxb, cth, bcqfluxA, qt0(:, :, :), facqsat(k), fachurel(k), facf(k, 4), facf(k, 5), ixwall(n), 1, 12) !left wall
               facef(k) = facef(k) + bcqfluxA
            end if
            k = block(ixwall(n), 9)
            if (faclGR(k)) then
               call wfGR(ih, jh, kh, qtp, qfluxb, cth, bcqfluxA, qt0(:, :, :), facqsat(k), fachurel(k), facf(k, 4), facf(k, 5), ixwall(n), 1, 22) !right wall
               facef(k) = facef(k) + bcqfluxA
            end if
         end do
      end if
      end if

      if (nsv>0) then
      if (iwallscal == 1) then !fixed flux
         do n = 1, nxwall 
            do m= 1, nsv
               call xwallscalar(ihc, jhc, khc, sv0(:,:,:,m), svp(:,:,:,m), 0., 0., ixwall(n))
            end do
         end do
      end if
      end if

   end subroutine xwallfun

   subroutine xwallscalar(hi, hj, hk, putin, putout, bcvaluem, bcvaluep, n)
      use modglobal, only:jmax, dxf, dxfi, dxfi5, dxhi, dxh2i, nsv, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, prandtlmoli, numol
      use modfields, only:u0
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekh
      use initfac, only:block
      integer i, j, k, jl, ju, kl, ku, iww, iee

      integer, intent(in) :: hi !<size of halo in i
      integer, intent(in) :: hj !<size of halo in j
      integer, intent(in) :: hk !<size of halo in k
      real, intent(in)    :: putin(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb - hk:ke + hk)
      real, intent(inout) :: putout(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb:ke + hk)
      real, intent(in)    :: bcvaluem, bcvaluep
      integer, intent(in)    :: n

      iww = block(n, 1) - 1
      iee = block(n, 2) + 1

      jl = MAX(block(n, 3) - myid*jmax, 1) ! starting j-index
      ju = MIN(block(n, 4) - myid*jmax, jmax) ! ending j-index
      kl = block(n, 5) ! starting k-index
      ku = block(n, 6) ! ending k-index

      !fixed flux
      !remove standard diffusion term, add flux=bcvalue
      do k = kl, ku
         do j = jl, ju
            putout(iee, j, k) = putout(iee, j, k) + ( &
                                0.5*(ekh(iee, j, k)*dxf(iee - 1) + ekh(iee - 1, j, k)*dxf(iee))* &
                                (putin(iee, j, k) - putin(iee - 1, j, k))*dxh2i(iee) - &
                                bcvaluep)*dxfi(iee) !

            putout(iww, j, k) = putout(iww, j, k) + ( &
                                -0.5*(ekh(iww + 1, j, k)*dxf(iww) + ekh(iww, j, k)*dxf(iww + 1))* &
                                (putin(iww + 1, j, k) - putin(iww, j, k))*dxh2i(iww + 1) - &
                                bcvaluem)*dxfi(iww) !
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine xwallscalar

   subroutine ywallfunplus
      use modglobal, only:dzf, dzhiq, dzhi, dxf, dxhi, dy, dyi, nsv, lles, numol, ltempeq, lmoist, &
         je, jb, ih, jh, kh, ihc, jhc, khc, iwallmom, iwallmoist, iwalltemp, iwallscal, nblocks
      use modfields, only:u0, w0, up, wp, shear, thlp, thl0, qtp, qt0, sv0, svp, tfluxb, momfluxb, exnf, cth, qfluxb
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekm
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use initfac, only:fachf, block, faclGR, facqsat, facef, fachurel, facf, facT, facz0, facz0h
      integer i, j, k, n, nc, il, iu, kl, ku, im, jm, km, m

      if (iwallmom == 1) then !fixed flux
      !not implemented
      else if (iwallmom == 2) then
      do n = 1, nypluswall
         k = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 10) !upper y wall = north wall
         call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, w0, thl0, facT(k,1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), iypluswall(n, 1), iypluswall(n, 2), 31)
      end do
      else if (iwallmom == 3) then
      do n = 1, nypluswall
         k = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 10) !upper y wall = north wall
         call wfmneutral(ih, jh, kh, up, wp, momfluxb, u0, w0, facz0(k), iypluswall(n, 1), iypluswall(n, 2), 31)
      end do
      end if

      if (ltempeq) then
      if (iwalltemp == 1) then
         do n = 1, nypluswall ! loop over all shear x-walls

            !write(*,*) 'shape(iypluswall), nypluswall', shape(iypluswall), nypluswall

            call ywallscalarplus(ih, jh, kh, thl0, thlp, bctfyp, n)
         end do
      else if (iwalltemp == 2) then
         do n = 1, nypluswall
            k = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 10)
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, w0, thl0, facT(k,1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), iypluswall(n, 1), iypluswall(n, 2), 32)
            fachf(k) = fachf(k) + bcTfluxA
         end do
      end if
      end if

      if (lmoist) then
      if (iwallmoist == 1) then
         do n = 1, nypluswall ! loop over all shear x-walls
            call ywallscalarplus(ih, jh, kh, qt0, qtp, bcqfyp, n)
         end do
      end if
      if ((ltempeq) .and. (iwallmoist == 2)) then
         do n = 1, nypluswall
            k = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 10)
            if (faclGR(k)) then
            call wfGR(ih,jh,kh,qtp,qfluxb,cth,bcqfluxA,qt0,facqsat(k),fachurel(k),facf(k,4),facf(k,5),iypluswall(n,1),iypluswall(n,2),32)
            facef(k) = facef(k) + bcqfluxA
            end if
         end do
      end if
      end if

      if (nsv>0) then
      if (iwallscal == 1) then
         do n = 1, nypluswall ! loop over all shear x-walls
            do m = 1, nsv
               call ywallscalarplus(ihc, jhc, khc, sv0(:,:,:,m), svp(:,:,:,m), 0., n)
            end do
         end do
      end if
      end if

   end subroutine ywallfunplus

   subroutine ywallscalarplus(hi, hj, hk, putin, putout, bcvaluep, n)
      use modglobal, only:dyi, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, numol, prandtlmoli
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekh
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use initfac, only:block
      integer i, j, k, il, iu, kl, ku, m

      integer, intent(in) :: hi !<size of halo in i
      integer, intent(in) :: hj !<size of halo in j
      integer, intent(in) :: hk !<size of halo in k
      real, intent(in)    :: putin(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb - hk:ke + hk)
      real, intent(inout) :: putout(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb:ke + hk)
      real, intent(in)    :: bcvaluep
      integer, intent(in)    :: n
      m = iypluswall(n, 1)
      j = iypluswall(n, 2)
      il = block(m, 1)
      iu = block(m, 2)
      kl = block(m, 5)
      ku = block(m, 6)

      !fixed flux
      do k = kl, ku
         do i = il, iu
            putout(i, j, k) = putout(i, j, k) + (0.5*(ekh(i, j, k) + ekh(i, j - 1, k))*(putin(i, j, k) - putin(i, j - 1, k))*dyi - bcvaluep)*dyi
         end do
      end do
   end subroutine ywallscalarplus

   subroutine ywallfunmin
      use modglobal, only:dxf, dxhi, dy, dyi, dzhiq, dzf, dzhi, lles, nsv, numol, ltempeq, lmoist, &
         ih, jh, kh, ihc, jhc, khc, iwallmom, iwalltemp, iwallmoist, iwallscal, nblocks
      use modfields, only:u0, w0, up, wp, shear, thl0, thlp, qt0, qtp, sv0, svp, tfluxb, momfluxb, exnf, cth, qfluxb
      use initfac, only:fachf, block, faclGR, facqsat, facef, fachurel, facf, facT, facz0, facz0h
      !      use modsurfdata,     only : wtsurf
      integer i, j, k, n, nc, il, iu, kl, ku, im, jp, km, m

      if (iwallmom == 1) then
      !fixed flux, not implemented
      else if (iwallmom == 2) then
      do n = 1, nyminwall
      k = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 11)
      call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, w0, thl0, facT(k,1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), iyminwall(n, 1), iyminwall(n, 2), 41)
      end do
      else if (iwallmom == 3) then
      do n = 1, nyminwall
      k = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 11)
      call wfmneutral(ih, jh, kh, up, wp, momfluxb, u0, w0, facz0(k), iyminwall(n, 1), iyminwall(n, 2), 41)
      end do
      end if !

      if (ltempeq) then
      if (iwalltemp == 1) then
         do n = 1, nyminwall !
            call ywallscalarmin(ih, jh, kh, thl0, thlp, bctfym, n)
         end do
      else if (iwalltemp == 2) then
         do n = 1, nyminwall
            k = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 11)
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, wp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, w0, thl0, facT(k,1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), iyminwall(n, 1), iyminwall(n, 2), 42)
            fachf(k) = fachf(k) + bcTfluxA
         end do
      end if
      end if

      if (lmoist) then
      if (iwallmoist == 1) then
         do n = 1, nyminwall !
            call ywallscalarmin(ih, jh, kh, qt0, qtp, bcqfym, n)
         end do
      end if
      if ((ltempeq) .and. (iwallmoist == 2)) then
         do n = 1, nyminwall
            k = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 11)
            if (faclGR(k)) then
            call wfGR(ih, jh, kh, qtp, qfluxb, cth, bcqfluxA, qt0, facqsat(k),fachurel(k),facf(k,4),facf(k,5),iyminwall(n, 1), iyminwall(n, 2), 42)
               facef(k) = facef(k) + bcqfluxA
            end if
         end do
      end if
      end if

      if (nsv>0) then
      if (iwallscal == 1) then
         do n = 1, nyminwall !
            do m = 1, nsv
               call ywallscalarmin(ihc, jhc, khc, sv0(:,:,:,m), svp(:,:,:,m), 0., n)
            end do
         end do
      end if
      end if

   end subroutine ywallfunmin

   subroutine ywallscalarmin(hi, hj, hk, putin, putout, bcvaluem, n)
      use modglobal, only:dyi, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, prandtlmoli, numol
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekh
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use initfac, only:block
      integer i, j, k, il, iu, kl, ku, m

      integer, intent(in) :: hi !<size of halo in i
      integer, intent(in) :: hj !<size of halo in j
      integer, intent(in) :: hk !<size of halo in k
      real, intent(in)    :: putin(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb - hk:ke + hk)
      real, intent(inout) :: putout(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb:ke + hk)
      real, intent(in)    :: bcvaluem
      integer, intent(in)    :: n

      j = iyminwall(n, 2)
      m = iyminwall(n, 1)
      il = block(m, 1)
      iu = block(m, 2)
      kl = block(m, 5)
      ku = block(m, 6)

      do k = kl, ku
         do i = il, iu
            putout(i, j, k) = putout(i, j, k) + ( &
                              -0.5*(ekh(i, j, k) + ekh(i, j + 1, k))*(putin(i, j + 1, k) - putin(i, j, k))*dyi &
                              - bcvaluem)*dyi
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine ywallscalarmin

   subroutine zwallfun
      use modglobal, only:dzf, dzfi, dzhi, dzhiq, dxf, dxfi, dxhi, dyi, nsv, lles, numol, ltempeq, lmoist, &
         ih, jh, kh, ihc, jhc, khc, iwallmom, iwalltemp, iwallmoist, iwallscal
      use modfields, only:u0, v0, up, vp, shear, thl0, thlp, qt0, qtp, sv0, svp, tfluxb, momfluxb, exnf, cth, qfluxb
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use initfac, only:fachf, block, faclGR, facef, facqsat, fachurel, facf, facT, facz0, facz0h
      integer i, j, k, n, nc, il, iu, jl, ju, im, jm, km, m

      if (iwallmom == 1) then
      !fixed flux
      else if (iwallmom == 2) then
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 7)
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, vp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, v0, thl0, facT(k, 1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), ixwall(n), 1, 51)
         end do
      else if (iwallmom == 3) then
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 7)
            call wfmneutral(ih, jh, kh, up, vp, momfluxb, u0, v0, facz0(k), ixwall(n), 1, 51)
         end do
      end if

      if (ltempeq) then
      if (iwalltemp == 1) then
         do n = 1, nxwall ! loop over all shear x-walls
            call zwallscalar(ih, jh, kh, thl0, thlp, bctfz, ixwall(n))
         end do
      else if (iwalltemp == 2) then
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 7)
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, vp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, v0, thl0, facT(k, 1), facz0(k), facz0h(k), ixwall(n), 1, 52)
            fachf(k) = fachf(k) + bcTfluxA
         end do
      end if
      end if
      if (lmoist) then
      if (iwallmoist == 1) then
         do n = 1, nxwall ! loop over all shear x-walls
            call zwallscalar(ih, jh, kh, qt0, qtp, bcqfz, ixwall(n))
         end do
      end if
      if ((ltempeq) .and. (iwallmoist == 2)) then
         do n = 1, nxwall
            k = block(ixwall(n), 7)
            if (faclGR(k)) then
           call wfGR(ih, jh, kh, qtp, qfluxb, cth, bcqfluxA, qt0, facqsat(k), fachurel(k), facf(k, 4), facf(k, 5), ixwall(n), 1, 52)
                facef(k) = facef(k) + bcqfluxA
            end if
         end do
      end if
      end if

      if (nsv>0) then
      if (iwallscal == 1) then
         do n = 1, nxwall ! loop over all shear x-walls
            do m = 1, nsv
               call zwallscalar(ihc, jhc, khc, sv0(:,:,:,m), svp(:,:,:,m), 0., ixwall(n))
            end do
         end do
      end if
      end if

   end subroutine zwallfun

   subroutine zwallscalar(hi, hj, hk, putin, putout, bcvalue, n)
      use modglobal, only:jmax, dzf, dzfi, dzhi, dzh2i, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, prandtlmoli, numol
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekh
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use initfac, only:block
      integer i, j, k, il, iu, jl, ju, km
      integer, intent(in) :: hi !<size of halo in i
      integer, intent(in) :: hj !<size of halo in j
      integer, intent(in) :: hk !<size of halo in k
      real, intent(in)    :: putin(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb - hk:ke + hk)
      real, intent(inout) :: putout(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb:ke + hk)
      real, intent(in)    :: bcvalue
      integer, intent(in)    :: n

      k = block(n, 6) + 1 !block location
      km = k - 1 !
      il = block(n, 1)
      iu = block(n, 2)
      jl = MAX(block(n, 3) - myid*jmax, 1)
      ju = MIN(block(n, 4) - myid*jmax, jmax)

      !  delta=putout(3,1,2)
      do j = jl, ju
         do i = il, iu
            putout(i, j, k) = putout(i, j, k) + ( &
                              0.5*(dzf(km)*ekh(i, j, k) + dzf(k)*ekh(i, j, km))* & ! zero flux
                              (putin(i, j, k) - putin(i, j, km))*dzh2i(k) - &
         end do
      end do
   end subroutine zwallscalar

   subroutine ibmnorm
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, rk3step, dt, libm, jmax, &
         nblocks, nsv, ltempeq, lmoist, rk3step, ih, kh, dt, totavtime, &
         dxh, dzf, dy, ih, kh, jh, jge
      use modfields, only:up, vp, wp, um, vm, wm, u0, v0, w0, thl0, thlm, svp, svm, thlp, qtp, qt0, qtm
      use modmpi, only:myid, nprocs
      use initfac, only:block
      real, dimension(ib - ih:ie + ih, kb - kh:ke + kh)          ::  dummy
      real rk3coef, rk3coefi, timecomplibm, timecomplibmplusdti
      integer n, i, j, k, il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku, sc

      if (libm) then
         rk3coef = dt/(4.-dble(rk3step))
         rk3coefi = 1./rk3coef

         do n = 1, nxwall

            il = block(ixwall(n), 1)
            iu = block(ixwall(n), 2) + 1

            jl = max(block(ixwall(n), 3) - myid*jmax, 1) !
            ju = min(block(ixwall(n), 4) - myid*jmax, jmax) !

            !kl = block(ixwall(n), 5)
            kl = kb 
            ! tg3315 18.03.19 - use kb because for lEB buildings block starts at kb+1 but this leaves area underneath the buildings and horizontally between the roads where we have no block. Only leads to small velocities in these areas but this negates this issue. WARNING - for modelling overhangs this should be changed but this would also require another facade type etc. Similarly applied to y and z directions below.
            ku = block(ixwall(n), 6)

            !up(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = -um(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi
            up(iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = -um(iu, jl:ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi
            up(il, jl:ju, kl:ku) = -um(il, jl:ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi

            up(il + 1:iu - 1, jl:ju, kl:ku) = 0. !internal velocity don't change or
            um(il + 1:iu - 1, jl:ju, kl:ku) = 0. !internal velocity = 0    or both?

         end do ! 1,nxwallsnorm

         do n = 1, nyminwall

            if ((myid == nprocs-1 .and. block(iyminwall(n, 1), 3) == 1)) then 
              jl = jmax+1
              ju = jmax+1
              jl = max(block(iyminwall(n, 1), 3) - myid*jmax, 1)
              ju = min(block(iyminwall(n, 1), 4) - myid*jmax, jmax) + 1  
            end if

            il = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 1)
            iu = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 2)
            !kl = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 5)
            kl = kb ! tg3315 see comment for x-direction above
            ku = block(iyminwall(n, 1), 6)

            ! write(*,*) 'jl, ju, jmax, iyminwall(n,1)', jl, ju, jmax, iyminwall(n,1)

            ! vp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = -vm(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi
            vp(il:iu, jl, kl:ku) = -vm(il:iu, jl, kl:ku)*rk3coefi
            vp(il:iu, ju, kl:ku) = -vm(il:iu, ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi

            vp(il:iu, jl + 1:ju - 1, kl:ku) = 0.0
            vm(il:iu, jl + 1:ju - 1, kl:ku) = 0.0
         end do  !1,nyminwall

         do n = 1, nypluswall

            if (myid == 0 .and. block(iypluswall(n, 1), 4) == jge) then
              jl = 1
              ju = 1
              jl = max(block(iypluswall(n, 1), 3) - myid*jmax, 1) ! should this not be able to be zero?
              ju = min(block(iypluswall(n, 1), 4) - myid*jmax, jmax) + 1 
            end if

            il = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 1)
            iu = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 2)
            !kl = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 5)
            kl = kb ! tg3315 see comment for x-direction above
            ku = block(iypluswall(n, 1), 6)

            !write(*,*) 'jl, ju, jmax, iypluswall(n,1)', jl, ju, jmax, iypluswall(n,1)

            !vp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = -vm(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi
            vp(il:iu, jl, kl:ku) = -vm(il:iu, jl, kl:ku)*rk3coefi
            vp(il:iu, ju, kl:ku) = -vm(il:iu, ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi

            vp(il:iu, jl + 1:ju - 1, kl:ku) = 0.0
            vm(il:iu, jl + 1:ju - 1, kl:ku) = 0.0
         end do !1,nypluswall

         do n = 1, nxwall
            !kl = block(ixwall(n), 5)
            kl = kb ! tg3315 see comment for x-direction above
            ku = block(ixwall(n), 6) + 1

            il = block(ixwall(n), 1)
            iu = block(ixwall(n), 2)
            jl = max(block(ixwall(n), 3) - myid*jmax, 1)
            ju = min(block(ixwall(n), 4) - myid*jmax, jmax)

            !wp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = -wm(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku)*rk3coefi
            wp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl) = -wm(il:iu, jl:ju, kl)*rk3coefi
            wp(il:iu, jl:ju, ku) = -wm(il:iu, jl:ju, ku)*rk3coefi

            wp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl + 1:ku - 1) = 0.
            wm(il:iu, jl:ju, kl + 1:ku - 1) = 0.

         end do !1,nxwall

         if (ltempeq) then
            do n = 1, nblocks
               il = block(n, 1)
               iu = block(n, 2)
               !kl = block(n, 5)
               kl = kb ! tg3315 see comment for x-direction above
               ku = block(n, 6)
               jl = block(n, 3) - myid*jmax
               ju = block(n, 4) - myid*jmax
               if ((ju < jb) .or. (jl > je)) then
                  if (ju > je) ju = je
                  if (jl < jb) jl = jb
                  thlp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = 0.

                  !try setting internal T to fluid T
                  thlm(il, jl:ju, kl:ku) = thlm(il - 1, jl:ju, kl:ku)
                  thlm(iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = thlm(iu + 1, jl:ju, kl:ku)
                  thlm(il:iu, jl, kl:ku) = thlm(il:iu, jl - 1, kl:ku)
                  thlm(il:iu, ju, kl:ku) = thlm(il:iu, ju + 1, kl:ku)
                  thlm(il:iu, jl:ju, ku) = thlm(il:iu, jl:ju, ku + 1)
               end if
            end do
         end if

         if (lmoist) then
            do n = 1, nblocks
               il = block(n, 1)
               iu = block(n, 2)
               !kl = block(n, 5)
               kl = kb ! tg3315 see comment for x-direction above
               ku = block(n, 6)
               jl = block(n, 3) - myid*jmax
               ju = block(n, 4) - myid*jmax
               if ((ju < jb) .or. (jl > je)) then
                  if (ju > je) ju = je
                  if (jl < jb) jl = jb
                  qtp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = 0.

                  qtm(il, jl:ju, kl:ku) = qtm(il - 1, jl:ju, kl:ku)
                  qtm(iu, jl:ju, kl:ku) = qtm(iu + 1, jl:ju, kl:ku)
                  qtm(il:iu, jl, kl:ku) = qtm(il:iu, jl - 1, kl:ku)
                  qtm(il:iu, ju, kl:ku) = qtm(il:iu, ju + 1, kl:ku)
                  qtm(il:iu, jl:ju, ku) = qtm(il:iu, jl:ju, ku + 1)

               end if
            end do
         end if

         if (nsv > 0) then
            do n = 1, nblocks
               il = block(n, 1)
               iu = block(n, 2)
               !kl = block(n, 5)
               kl = kb ! tg3315 see comment for x-direction above
               ku = block(n, 6)
               jl = block(n, 3) - myid*jmax
               ju = block(n, 4) - myid*jmax
               if ((ju < jb) .or. (jl > je)) then
                  if (ju > je) ju = je
                  if (jl < jb) jl = jb
                  svp(il:iu, jl:ju, kl:ku, :) = 0.

              svp(il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku,:) = 0.
              svm(il, jl:ju, kl:ku, :) = svm(il - 1, jl:ju, kl:ku,:) ! tg3315 swapped these around with jl, ju as was getting values in buildings as blovks are split along x in real topology 
              svm(iu, jl:ju, kl:ku, :) = svm(iu + 1, jl:ju, kl:ku,:)
              svm(il:iu, jl, kl:ku, :) = svm(il:iu, jl - 1, kl:ku,:)
              svm(il:iu, ju, kl:ku, :) = svm(il:iu, ju + 1, kl:ku,:)
              svm(il:iu, jl:ju, ku, :) = svm(il:iu, jl:ju, ku + 1,:)

               end if
            end do
         end if

      end if ! libm

   end subroutine ibmnorm

   !> Determines the distance to the nearest wall for each cell center (used in v. Driest damping function)
   !> Output is a field with minimal distance to wall for each cell center
   !ILS13,10.07.17, not being called anymore
   !only for smagorinsky
   !indeces of walls are wrong (xwallsglobal etc don't exist anymore)
   subroutine nearwall

      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, jb, je, jgb, jge, jmax, kb, ke, xh, xf, dy, zh, zf, lwarmstart, nblocks, libm, lzerogradtop, lwalldist
      use modsubgriddata, only:lsmagorinsky, loneeqn
      use modfields, only:mindist, wall
      use modibmdata, only:xwallsglobal, ywallsglobal, zwallsglobal
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use initfac, only:block
      implicit none

      integer, allocatable :: ux0all(:, :, :), vy0all(:, :, :), wz0all(:, :, :)
      real, allocatable :: distxf(:, :), distxh(:, :), distyf(:, :), distyh(:, :), distzf(:, :), distzh(:, :), &
                           distxf2(:, :), distxh2(:, :), distyf2(:, :), distyh2(:, :), distzf2(:, :), distzh2(:, :), distance(:)
      real distx, disty, distz ! distx is the distance to nearest x-wall, etc.
      ! integer, allocatable :: optie(:)
      integer ic, jc, kc, i, j, k, optie, il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku, n

      ! if (lwarmstart .or. lles.eqv..false. .or. lvreman) then
      if (((lsmagorinsky) .or. (loneeqn)) .and. (lwalldist)) then
      if (myid == 0) then
         write (6, *) 'Computing wall distances'
      end if
      ! if (lles.eqv..false. .or. lvreman) then
      mindist = 1.0e10

      allocate (ux0all(ib - 1:ie + 1, jgb - 1:jge + 1, kb - 1:ke + 1)) ! This contains ux0 + the lower and (possibly) the upper wall
      allocate (vy0all(ib - 1:ie + 1, jgb - 1:jge + 1, kb - 1:ke + 1)) ! This contains ux0 + the lower and (possibly) the upper wall
      allocate (wz0all(ib - 1:ie + 1, jgb - 1:jge + 1, kb - 1:ke + 1)) ! This contains ux0 + the lower and (possibly) the upper wall
      allocate (distxh(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distxf(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distyh(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distyf(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distzh(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distzf(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distxh2(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distxf2(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distyh2(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distyf2(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distzh2(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distzf2(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distance(4))

      ! initialize wall indicators
      ux0all = 0
      vy0all = 0
      wz0all = 0

      ! Determine for each cell face if an x/y/z-wall is present
      ! from immersed boundaries

      if (libm) then
         ! do loop over blocks
         do n = 1, nblocks
            il = block(n, 1)
            iu = block(n, 2)
            jl = block(n, 3)
            ju = block(n, 4)
            kl = block(n, 5)
            ku = block(n, 6)
            do k = kl, ku
               do j = jl, ju
                  ux0all(il, j, k) = 1 ! lower x-wall
                  ux0all(iu + 1, j, k) = 1 ! upper x-wall
               end do
            end do
            do k = kl, ku
               do i = il, iu
                  vy0all(i, jl, k) = 1 ! lower y-wall
                  vy0all(i, ju + 1, k) = 1 ! upper y-wall
               end do
            end do
            do j = jl, ju
               do i = il, iu
                  wz0all(i, j, kl) = 1 ! lower z-wall
                  wz0all(i, j, ku + 1) = 1 ! upper z-wall
               end do
            end do
         end do ! loop over nblocks

      end if ! libm = .true.

      ! add the global walls (probably upper and lower wall, or only lower wall)
      if (lzerogradtop) then
         do i = ib, ie
         do j = jgb, jge
            wz0all(i, j, kb) = 1 ! ground wall
         end do
         end do
         do i = ib, ie
         do j = jgb, jge
            wz0all(i, j, kb) = 1 ! ground wall
            wz0all(i, j, ke + 1) = 1; ! top wall
         end do
         end do
      end if

      write (6, *) 'Determing distance matrices, proc=', myid
      ! Determine x-distance matrices:
      do ic = ib, ie ! cell-center index
      do i = ib, ie + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers)
         distxh(ic, i) = xf(ic) - xh(i)
      end do
      end do

      do ic = ib, ie ! cell-center index
      do i = ib, ie + 1 ! center -index
         distxf(ic, i) = xf(ic) - xf(i)
      end do
      end do

      ! Determine y-distance matrices:
      do jc = jb, je ! cell-center index
      do j = jgb, jge + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers) (global index to make sure distance to all cells is determined)
         distyh(jc, j) = (jc + myid*jmax - j)*dy + 0.5*dy
      end do
      end do

      do jc = jb, je ! cell-center index
      do j = jgb, jge + 1 ! center-index  (global index to make sure distance to all cells is determined)
         distyf(jc, j) = (jc + myid*jmax - j)*dy
      end do
      end do

      ! Determine z-distance matrices:
      do kc = kb, ke ! cell-center index
      do k = kb, ke + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers)
         distzh(kc, k) = zf(kc) - zh(k)
      end do
      end do

      do kc = kb, ke ! cell-center index
      do k = kb, ke + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers)
         distzf(kc, k) = zf(kc) - zf(k)
      end do
      end do

      distxh2 = distxh**2
      distyh2 = distyh**2
      distzh2 = distzh**2
      distxf2 = distxf**2
      distyf2 = distyf**2
      distzf2 = distzf**2

      write (6, *) 'Finished determing distance matrices, proc=', myid
      write (6, *) 'determing distance to nearest wall for each cell center, proc=', myid

      ! Loop over cells (ic,jc,kc) for which minimal wall-to-cell-center-distance needs to be determined
      !  do jc=jgb,jge
      do kc = kb, ke
      do jc = jb, je
      do ic = ib, ie
         ! Determine distance between cc of cell (ic,jc,kc) and faces of all cells (i,j,k)
         do k = kb, ke + 1 ! Level ke+1 is computed in a separate loop (only necessary with upper wall-> global approach=faster)
         do j = jgb, jge + 1 ! loop goes up to jge+1 because jge+1 contains the last vy0-wall
         do i = ib, ie + 1 ! loop goes up to ie+1 because ie+1 contains the last ux0-wall
            if (ux0all(i, j, k) == 1 .OR. vy0all(i, j, k) == 1 .OR. wz0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
               distx = 1.0e10 ! make sure distx is very large when no x-wall is present
               disty = 1.0e10 ! make sure disty is very large when no y-wall is present
               distz = 1.0e10 ! make sure distz is very large when no z-wall is present
               if (ux0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
                  distx = sqrt(distxh2(ic, i) + distyf2(jc, j) + distzf2(kc, k))
               end if
               if (vy0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
                  disty = sqrt(distxf2(ic, i) + distyh2(jc, j) + distzf2(kc, k))
               end if
               if (wz0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
                  distz = sqrt(distxf2(ic, i) + distyf2(jc, j) + distzh2(kc, k))
               end if
            else ! no walls are present in cell (i,j,k) -> distance does not need to be determined for this cell
               cycle ! go to next cell (i,j,k)
            end if
            ! determine minimal wall distance between cc of (ic,jc,kc) and faces of cell (i,j,k)
            distance = (/mindist(ic, jc, kc), distx, disty, distz/)
            optie = minloc(distance, 1)
            ! write(6,*) 'optie=', optie

            if (optie == 1) then
            else if (optie == 2) then
               mindist(ic, jc, kc) = distx
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k
               ! wall(ic,jc,kc,4) = 1     ! This means the wall closest to the cc of (ic,jc,kc) is at an x-wall at (i,j,k)
               if (ic >= i) then
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 5 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 9 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i - 1 ! in the subgrid this stress is computed in the cell i-1
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 6 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 10 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
               end if
            else if (optie == 3) then
               mindist(ic, jc, kc) = disty
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k
               ! wall(ic,jc,kc,4) = 2     ! This means the wall closest to the cc of (ic,jc,kc) is at a y-wall at (i,j,k)
               if (jc + myid*jmax >= j) then
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 1 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 11 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j - 1 ! in the subgrid this stress is computed in the cell j-1
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 2 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 12 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
               end if
            else if (optie == 4) then
               mindist(ic, jc, kc) = distz
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j
               ! wall(ic,jc,kc,4) = 3     ! This means the wall closest to the cc of (ic,jc,kc) is at a z-wall at (i,j,k)
               if (kc >= k) then
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 3 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 7 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k - 1 ! in the subgrid this stress is computed in the cel k-1
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 4 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 8 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
               end if
            end if
         ! mindist(ic,jc+myid*jmax,kc)=min(mindist(ic,jc+myid*jmax,kc),distx,disty,distz)   ! global j index
         end do
         end do
         end do
      ! if (myid==0) write(6,*) 'finished for cell (ic,jc,kc)=',ic,jc,kc
      end do
      end do
      end do

      write (6, *) 'Finished determing distance to nearest wall for each cell center, proc=', myid
      ! write(6,*) 'mindist(ib,jb+myid*jmax,kb),mindist(ib,je+myid*jmax,kb)',mindist(ib,jb+myid*jmax,kb),mindist(ib,je+myid*jmax,kb)

      end if !(lwarmstart)

      deallocate (ux0all, vy0all, wz0all)
      deallocate (xwallsglobal, ywallsglobal, zwallsglobal, block) ! used for determining boundaries
   end subroutine nearwall

   subroutine bottom 
      !kind of obsolete when road facets are being used
      !vegetated floor not added (could simply be copied from vegetated horizontal facets)
      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, ih, jh, kh, jb, je, kb, numol, prandtlmol, dzh, nsv, &
         dxf, dxhi, dzf, dzfi, numoli, ltempeq, khc, lmoist, BCbotT, BCbotq, BCbotm, BCbots, dzh2i
      use modfields, only : u0,v0,e120,um,vm,w0,wm,e12m,thl0,qt0,sv0,thlm,qtm,svm,up,vp,thlp,qtp,svp,shear,momfluxb,tfluxb,cth
      use modsurfdata, only:thlflux, qtflux, svflux, ustar, thvs, wtsurf, wqsurf, thls, z0, z0h
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekm, ekh
      use modmpi, only:myid
      implicit none
      integer :: i, j, jp, jm, m
      if (BCbotm.eq.2) then
      call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, vp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, v0, thl0, thls, z0, z0h, 0, 1, 91)
      elseif (BCbotm.eq.3) then
      call wfmneutral(ih, jh, kh, up, vp, momfluxb, u0, v0, z0, 0, 1, 91)
      write(0, *) "ERROR: bottom boundary type for momentum undefined"
      stop 1
      end if
      if (ltempeq) then
         if (BCbotT.eq.1) then !neumann/fixed flux bc for temperature
            do j = jb, je
               do i = ib, ie
                  thlp(i, j, kb) = thlp(i, j, kb) &
                                   + ( &
                                   0.5*(dzf(kb - 1)*ekh(i, j, kb) + dzf(kb)*ekh(i, j, kb - 1)) &
                                   *(thl0(i, j, kb) - thl0(i, j, kb - 1)) &
                                   *dzh2i(kb) &
                                   - wtsurf &
               end do
            end do
         else if (BCbotT.eq.2) then !wall function bc for temperature (fixed temperature)
            call wfuno(ih, jh, kh, up, vp, thlp, momfluxb, tfluxb, cth, bcTfluxA, u0, v0, thl0, thls, z0, z0h, 0, 1, 92)
         write(0, *) "ERROR: bottom boundary type for temperature undefined"
         stop 1
         end if
      end if ! ltempeq

      if (lmoist) then
         if (BCbotq.eq.1) then !neumann/fixed flux bc for moisture
            do j = jb, je
               do i = ib, ie
                  qtp(i, j, kb) = qtp(i, j, kb) + ( &
                                  0.5*(dzf(kb - 1)*ekh(i, j, kb) + dzf(kb)*ekh(i, j, kb - 1)) &
                                  *(qt0(i, j, kb) - qt0(i, j, kb - 1)) &
                                  *dzh2i(kb) &
                                  + wqsurf &
               end do
            end do
          write(0, *) "ERROR: bottom boundary type for moisture undefined"  
          stop 1
         end if !
      end if !lmoist

      if (nsv>0) then
         if (BCbots.eq.1) then !neumann/fixed flux bc for moisture
            do j = jb, je
               do i = ib, ie
                  do m = 1, nsv
                      svp(i, j, kb, m) = svp(i, j, kb, m) + ( &
                                      0.5*(dzf(kb - 1)*ekh(i, j, kb) + dzf(kb)*ekh(i, j, kb - 1)) &
                                     *(sv0(i, j, kb, m) - sv0(i, j, kb - 1, m)) &
                                     *dzh2i(kb) &
                                     + 0. &
                  end do
               end do
            end do
          write(0, *) "ERROR: bottom boundary type for scalars undefined"  
          stop 1
         end if !
      end if

      e120(:, :, kb - 1) = e120(:, :, kb)
      e12m(:, :, kb - 1) = e12m(:, :, kb)
      wm(:, :, kb) = 0.
      w0(:, :, kb) = 0.
   end subroutine bottom

end module modibm