nearwall Subroutine

public subroutine nearwall()


  • proc~~nearwall~~UsesGraph proc~nearwall modibm::nearwall module~initfac initfac proc~nearwall->module~initfac module~modfields modfields proc~nearwall->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~nearwall->module~modglobal module~modibmdata modibmdata proc~nearwall->module~modibmdata module~modmpi modmpi proc~nearwall->module~modmpi module~modsubgriddata modsubgriddata proc~nearwall->module~modsubgriddata module~initfac->module~modglobal module~initfac->module~modmpi netcdf netcdf module~initfac->netcdf mpi mpi module~modmpi->mpi




Source Code

Source Code

   subroutine nearwall

      use modglobal, only:ib, ie, jb, je, jgb, jge, jmax, kb, ke, xh, xf, dy, zh, zf, lwarmstart, nblocks, libm, lzerogradtop, lwalldist
      use modsubgriddata, only:lsmagorinsky, loneeqn
      use modfields, only:mindist, wall
      use modibmdata, only:xwallsglobal, ywallsglobal, zwallsglobal
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use initfac, only:block
      implicit none

      integer, allocatable :: ux0all(:, :, :), vy0all(:, :, :), wz0all(:, :, :)
      real, allocatable :: distxf(:, :), distxh(:, :), distyf(:, :), distyh(:, :), distzf(:, :), distzh(:, :), &
                           distxf2(:, :), distxh2(:, :), distyf2(:, :), distyh2(:, :), distzf2(:, :), distzh2(:, :), distance(:)
      real distx, disty, distz ! distx is the distance to nearest x-wall, etc.
      ! integer, allocatable :: optie(:)
      integer ic, jc, kc, i, j, k, optie, il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku, n

      ! if (lwarmstart .or. lles.eqv..false. .or. lvreman) then
      if (((lsmagorinsky) .or. (loneeqn)) .and. (lwalldist)) then
      if (myid == 0) then
         write (6, *) 'Computing wall distances'
      end if
      ! if (lles.eqv..false. .or. lvreman) then
      mindist = 1.0e10

      allocate (ux0all(ib - 1:ie + 1, jgb - 1:jge + 1, kb - 1:ke + 1)) ! This contains ux0 + the lower and (possibly) the upper wall
      allocate (vy0all(ib - 1:ie + 1, jgb - 1:jge + 1, kb - 1:ke + 1)) ! This contains ux0 + the lower and (possibly) the upper wall
      allocate (wz0all(ib - 1:ie + 1, jgb - 1:jge + 1, kb - 1:ke + 1)) ! This contains ux0 + the lower and (possibly) the upper wall
      allocate (distxh(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distxf(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distyh(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distyf(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distzh(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distzf(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distxh2(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distxf2(ib:ie, ib:ie + 1))
      allocate (distyh2(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distyf2(jb:je, jgb:jge + 1))
      allocate (distzh2(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distzf2(kb:ke, kb:ke + 1))
      allocate (distance(4))

      ! initialize wall indicators
      ux0all = 0
      vy0all = 0
      wz0all = 0

      ! Determine for each cell face if an x/y/z-wall is present
      ! from immersed boundaries

      if (libm) then
         ! do loop over blocks
         do n = 1, nblocks
            il = block(n, 1)
            iu = block(n, 2)
            jl = block(n, 3)
            ju = block(n, 4)
            kl = block(n, 5)
            ku = block(n, 6)
            do k = kl, ku
               do j = jl, ju
                  ux0all(il, j, k) = 1 ! lower x-wall
                  ux0all(iu + 1, j, k) = 1 ! upper x-wall
               end do
            end do
            do k = kl, ku
               do i = il, iu
                  vy0all(i, jl, k) = 1 ! lower y-wall
                  vy0all(i, ju + 1, k) = 1 ! upper y-wall
               end do
            end do
            do j = jl, ju
               do i = il, iu
                  wz0all(i, j, kl) = 1 ! lower z-wall
                  wz0all(i, j, ku + 1) = 1 ! upper z-wall
               end do
            end do
         end do ! loop over nblocks

      end if ! libm = .true.

      ! add the global walls (probably upper and lower wall, or only lower wall)
      if (lzerogradtop) then
         do i = ib, ie
         do j = jgb, jge
            wz0all(i, j, kb) = 1 ! ground wall
         end do
         end do
         do i = ib, ie
         do j = jgb, jge
            wz0all(i, j, kb) = 1 ! ground wall
            wz0all(i, j, ke + 1) = 1; ! top wall
         end do
         end do
      end if

      write (6, *) 'Determing distance matrices, proc=', myid
      ! Determine x-distance matrices:
      do ic = ib, ie ! cell-center index
      do i = ib, ie + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers)
         distxh(ic, i) = xf(ic) - xh(i)
      end do
      end do

      do ic = ib, ie ! cell-center index
      do i = ib, ie + 1 ! center -index
         distxf(ic, i) = xf(ic) - xf(i)
      end do
      end do

      ! Determine y-distance matrices:
      do jc = jb, je ! cell-center index
      do j = jgb, jge + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers) (global index to make sure distance to all cells is determined)
         distyh(jc, j) = (jc + myid*jmax - j)*dy + 0.5*dy
      end do
      end do

      do jc = jb, je ! cell-center index
      do j = jgb, jge + 1 ! center-index  (global index to make sure distance to all cells is determined)
         distyf(jc, j) = (jc + myid*jmax - j)*dy
      end do
      end do

      ! Determine z-distance matrices:
      do kc = kb, ke ! cell-center index
      do k = kb, ke + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers)
         distzh(kc, k) = zf(kc) - zh(k)
      end do
      end do

      do kc = kb, ke ! cell-center index
      do k = kb, ke + 1 ! vertex-index (1 more than cell centers)
         distzf(kc, k) = zf(kc) - zf(k)
      end do
      end do

      distxh2 = distxh**2
      distyh2 = distyh**2
      distzh2 = distzh**2
      distxf2 = distxf**2
      distyf2 = distyf**2
      distzf2 = distzf**2

      write (6, *) 'Finished determing distance matrices, proc=', myid
      write (6, *) 'determing distance to nearest wall for each cell center, proc=', myid

      ! Loop over cells (ic,jc,kc) for which minimal wall-to-cell-center-distance needs to be determined
      !  do jc=jgb,jge
      do kc = kb, ke
      do jc = jb, je
      do ic = ib, ie
         ! Determine distance between cc of cell (ic,jc,kc) and faces of all cells (i,j,k)
         do k = kb, ke + 1 ! Level ke+1 is computed in a separate loop (only necessary with upper wall-> global approach=faster)
         do j = jgb, jge + 1 ! loop goes up to jge+1 because jge+1 contains the last vy0-wall
         do i = ib, ie + 1 ! loop goes up to ie+1 because ie+1 contains the last ux0-wall
            if (ux0all(i, j, k) == 1 .OR. vy0all(i, j, k) == 1 .OR. wz0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
               distx = 1.0e10 ! make sure distx is very large when no x-wall is present
               disty = 1.0e10 ! make sure disty is very large when no y-wall is present
               distz = 1.0e10 ! make sure distz is very large when no z-wall is present
               if (ux0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
                  distx = sqrt(distxh2(ic, i) + distyf2(jc, j) + distzf2(kc, k))
               end if
               if (vy0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
                  disty = sqrt(distxf2(ic, i) + distyh2(jc, j) + distzf2(kc, k))
               end if
               if (wz0all(i, j, k) == 1) then
                  distz = sqrt(distxf2(ic, i) + distyf2(jc, j) + distzh2(kc, k))
               end if
            else ! no walls are present in cell (i,j,k) -> distance does not need to be determined for this cell
               cycle ! go to next cell (i,j,k)
            end if
            ! determine minimal wall distance between cc of (ic,jc,kc) and faces of cell (i,j,k)
            distance = (/mindist(ic, jc, kc), distx, disty, distz/)
            optie = minloc(distance, 1)
            ! write(6,*) 'optie=', optie

            if (optie == 1) then
            else if (optie == 2) then
               mindist(ic, jc, kc) = distx
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k
               ! wall(ic,jc,kc,4) = 1     ! This means the wall closest to the cc of (ic,jc,kc) is at an x-wall at (i,j,k)
               if (ic >= i) then
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 5 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 9 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i - 1 ! in the subgrid this stress is computed in the cell i-1
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 6 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 10 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
               end if
            else if (optie == 3) then
               mindist(ic, jc, kc) = disty
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k
               ! wall(ic,jc,kc,4) = 2     ! This means the wall closest to the cc of (ic,jc,kc) is at a y-wall at (i,j,k)
               if (jc + myid*jmax >= j) then
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 1 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 11 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j - 1 ! in the subgrid this stress is computed in the cell j-1
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 2 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 12 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
               end if
            else if (optie == 4) then
               mindist(ic, jc, kc) = distz
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 1) = i
               wall(ic, jc, kc, 2) = j
               ! wall(ic,jc,kc,4) = 3     ! This means the wall closest to the cc of (ic,jc,kc) is at a z-wall at (i,j,k)
               if (kc >= k) then
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 3 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 7 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 3) = k - 1 ! in the subgrid this stress is computed in the cel k-1
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 4) = 4 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
                  wall(ic, jc, kc, 5) = 8 ! shear component index (variable: shear)
               end if
            end if
         ! mindist(ic,jc+myid*jmax,kc)=min(mindist(ic,jc+myid*jmax,kc),distx,disty,distz)   ! global j index
         end do
         end do
         end do
      ! if (myid==0) write(6,*) 'finished for cell (ic,jc,kc)=',ic,jc,kc
      end do
      end do
      end do

      write (6, *) 'Finished determing distance to nearest wall for each cell center, proc=', myid
      ! write(6,*) 'mindist(ib,jb+myid*jmax,kb),mindist(ib,je+myid*jmax,kb)',mindist(ib,jb+myid*jmax,kb),mindist(ib,je+myid*jmax,kb)

      end if !(lwarmstart)

      deallocate (ux0all, vy0all, wz0all)
      deallocate (xwallsglobal, ywallsglobal, zwallsglobal, block) ! used for determining boundaries
   end subroutine nearwall