wallfunheat Subroutine

public subroutine wallfunheat()


  • proc~~wallfunheat~~UsesGraph proc~wallfunheat wallfunheat decomp_2d decomp_2d proc~wallfunheat->decomp_2d module~initfac initfac proc~wallfunheat->module~initfac module~modfields modfields proc~wallfunheat->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~wallfunheat->module~modglobal module~modibmdata modibmdata proc~wallfunheat->module~modibmdata module~modmpi modmpi proc~wallfunheat->module~modmpi module~modsurfdata modsurfdata proc~wallfunheat->module~modsurfdata module~initfac->module~modglobal module~initfac->module~modmpi mpi mpi module~initfac->mpi netcdf netcdf module~initfac->netcdf module~modfields->decomp_2d module~modmpi->mpi




proc~~wallfunheat~~CallsGraph proc~wallfunheat wallfunheat mpi_allreduce mpi_allreduce proc~wallfunheat->mpi_allreduce proc~heat_transfer_coef_flux heat_transfer_coef_flux proc~wallfunheat->proc~heat_transfer_coef_flux proc~interp_velocity_c interp_velocity_c proc~wallfunheat->proc~interp_velocity_c proc~is_equal is_equal proc~wallfunheat->proc~is_equal proc~local_coords local_coords proc~wallfunheat->proc~local_coords proc~moist_flux moist_flux proc~wallfunheat->proc~moist_flux proc~trilinear_interp_var trilinear_interp_var proc~wallfunheat->proc~trilinear_interp_var zstart zstart proc~wallfunheat->zstart proc~local_coords->proc~is_equal proc~cross_product cross_product proc~local_coords->proc~cross_product proc~trilinear_interp_var->zstart proc~eval_corners eval_corners proc~trilinear_interp_var->proc~eval_corners proc~trilinear_interp trilinear_interp proc~trilinear_interp_var->proc~trilinear_interp

Called by

proc~~wallfunheat~~CalledByGraph proc~wallfunheat wallfunheat proc~ibmwallfun ibmwallfun proc~ibmwallfun->proc~wallfunheat program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~ibmwallfun

Source Code

   subroutine wallfunheat
     use modglobal, only : ib, ie, ih, jb, je, jh, kb, ke, kh, xf, yf, zf, xh, yh, zh, dx, dy, dzh, eps1, &
                           xhat, yhat, zhat, vec0, fkar, ltempeq, lmoist, iwalltemp, iwallmoist, lEB, lwritefac, nfcts, rk3step, totheatflux, totqflux
     use modfields, only : u0, v0, w0, thl0, thlp, qt0, qtp, pres0
     use initfac,   only : facT, facz0, facz0h, facnorm, fachf, facef, facqsat, fachurel, facf, faclGR, faca
     use modmpi,    only : comm3d, mpi_sum, mpierr, my_real
     use modsurfdata, only : z0, z0h
     use modibmdata, only : bctfxm, bctfxp, bctfym, bctfyp, bctfz
     use decomp_2d, only : zstart

     integer i, j, k, n, m, sec, fac
     real :: dist, flux, area, vol, tempvol, Tair, Tsurf, utan, cth, htc, cveg, hurel, qtair, qwall, resa, resc, ress, xrec, yrec, zrec
     real, dimension(3) :: uvec, norm, span, strm
     real, dimension(1:nfcts) :: fac_htc_loc, fac_cth_loc, fac_pres_loc
     logical :: valid

     fac_htc_loc = 0.
     fac_cth_loc = 0.
     fac_pres_loc = 0.
     do sec = 1,bound_info_c%nfctsecsrank
       ! sec = bound_info_c%fctsecsrank(m) ! index of section
       !n =   bound_info_c%secbndptids(sec) ! index of boundary point
       fac = bound_info_c%secfacids_loc(sec) ! index of facet
       area = bound_info_c%secareas_loc(sec) ! area
       norm = facnorm(fac,:)

       ! i = bound_info_c%bndpts(n,1) - zstart(1) + 1 ! should be on this rank!
       ! j = bound_info_c%bndpts(n,2) - zstart(2) + 1 ! should be on this rank!
       ! k = bound_info_c%bndpts(n,3) - zstart(3) + 1 ! should be on this rank!
       i = bound_info_c%secbndpts_loc(sec,1) - zstart(1) + 1 ! should be on this rank!
       j = bound_info_c%secbndpts_loc(sec,2) - zstart(2) + 1 ! should be on this rank!
       k = bound_info_c%secbndpts_loc(sec,3) - zstart(3) + 1 ! should be on this rank!

       if ((i < ib) .or. (i > ie) .or. (j < jb) .or. (j > je)) then
          write(*,*) "problem in wallfunheat", i, j
          stop 1
        end if

       fac_pres_loc(fac) = fac_pres_loc(fac) + pres0(i,j,k) * area ! output pressure on facets

       if (bound_info_c%lskipsec_loc(sec)) cycle
       !if (facz0(fac) < eps1) cycle

       if (bound_info_c%lcomprec_loc(sec) .or. lnorec) then ! section aligned with grid - use this cell's velocity
         uvec = interp_velocity_c(i, j, k)
         Tair = thl0(i,j,k)
         qtair = qt0(i,j,k)
         dist = bound_info_c%bnddst_loc(sec)

       else ! use velocity at reconstruction point
         xrec = bound_info_c%recpts_loc(sec,1)
         yrec = bound_info_c%recpts_loc(sec,2)
         zrec = bound_info_c%recpts_loc(sec,3)
         uvec(1) = trilinear_interp_var(u0, bound_info_c%recids_u_loc(sec,:), xh, yf, zf, xrec, yrec, zrec)
         uvec(2) = trilinear_interp_var(v0, bound_info_c%recids_v_loc(sec,:), xf, yh, zf, xrec, yrec, zrec)
         uvec(3) = trilinear_interp_var(w0, bound_info_c%recids_w_loc(sec,:), xf, yf, zh, xrec, yrec, zrec)
         Tair  = trilinear_interp_var(thl0, bound_info_c%recids_c_loc(sec,:), xf, yf, zf, xrec, yrec, zrec)
         qtair = trilinear_interp_var( qt0, bound_info_c%recids_c_loc(sec,:), xf, yf, zf, xrec, yrec, zrec)
         ! dist = bound_info_c%bnddst(sec) + norm2((/xrec - xf(bound_info_c%bndpts(n,1)), &
         !                                           yrec - yf(bound_info_c%bndpts(n,2)), &
         !                                           zrec - zf(bound_info_c%bndpts(n,3))/))
         dist = bound_info_c%bnddst_loc(sec) + norm2((/xrec - xf(bound_info_c%secbndpts_loc(sec,1)), &
                                                       yrec - yf(bound_info_c%secbndpts_loc(sec,2)), &
                                                       zrec - zf(bound_info_c%secbndpts_loc(sec,3))/))

       end if

       if (log(dist/facz0(fac)) <= 1.) then
          !dist = facz0(fac)+facz0h(fac)
       end if

       if (is_equal(uvec, vec0)) cycle

       call local_coords(uvec, norm, span, strm, valid)
       if (.not. valid) cycle
       utan = dot_product(uvec, strm)
       !utan = max(0.01, utan) ! uDALES 1

       ! Sensible heat
       if (ltempeq) then
         if (iwalltemp == 1) then ! probably remove this eventually, only relevant to grid-aligned facets
           !if     (all(abs(norm - xhat) < eps1)) then
           if     (is_equal(norm, xhat)) then
             flux = bctfxp
           !elseif (all(abs(norm + xhat) < eps1)) then
           elseif (is_equal(norm, -xhat)) then
             flux = bctfxm
           !elseif (all(abs(norm - yhat) < eps1)) then
           elseif (is_equal(norm, yhat)) then
             flux = bctfyp
           !elseif (all(abs(norm + yhat) < eps1)) then
           elseif (is_equal(norm, -yhat)) then
             flux = bctfxm
           !elseif (all(abs(norm - zhat) < eps1)) then
           elseif (is_equal(norm, zhat)) then
             flux = bctfz
           end if

         elseif (iwalltemp == 2) then
           call heat_transfer_coef_flux(utan, dist, facz0(fac), facz0h(fac), Tair, facT(fac, 1), cth, flux, htc)
           fac_cth_loc(fac) = fac_cth_loc(fac) + cth * area ! output heat transfer coefficients on facets
           fac_htc_loc(fac) = fac_htc_loc(fac) + htc * area ! output heat transfer coefficients on facets
         end if

         ! flux [Km/s]
         ! fluid volumetric sensible heat source/sink = flux * area / volume [K/s]
         ! facet sensible heat flux = volumetric heat capacity of air * flux * sectionarea / facetarea [W/m^2]
         thlp(i,j,k) = thlp(i,j,k) - flux * area / (dx*dy*dzh(k))

         if (lEB) then
           totheatflux = totheatflux + flux*area ! [Km^3s^-1] This sums the flux over all facets
           fachf(fac) = fachf(fac) + flux * area ! [Km^2/s] (will be divided by facetarea(fac) in modEB)
         end if
       end if

       ! Latent heat
       if (lmoist .and. faclGR(fac)) then
         if (iwallmoist == 1) then ! probably remove this eventually, only relevant to grid-aligned facets
           if     (is_equal(norm, xhat)) then
             flux = bcqfxp
           elseif (is_equal(norm, -xhat)) then
             flux = bcqfxm
           elseif (is_equal(norm, yhat)) then
             flux = bcqfyp
           elseif (is_equal(norm, -yhat)) then
             flux = bcqfym
           elseif (is_equal(norm, zhat)) then
             flux = bcqfz
           end if

         elseif (iwallmoist == 2) then
            if (abs(htc*abs(utan)) > 0.) then
               qwall = facqsat(fac) ! saturation humidity
               hurel = fachurel(fac) ! relative humidity
               resa = 1./(htc*abs(utan)) ! aerodynamic resistance
               resc = facf(fac,4) ! canopy resistance
               ress = facf(fac,5) ! soil resistance
               cveg = 0.8 ! vegetation fraction
               flux = moist_flux(cveg, resa, qtair, qwall, hurel, resc, ress)
            end if
         end if

         ! flux [kg/kg m/s]
         ! fluid volumetric latent heat source/sink = flux * area / volume [kg/kg / s]
         ! facet latent heat flux = volumetric heat capacity of air * flux * sectionarea / facetarea [W/m^2]
         totqflux = totqflux + flux*area ! [Km^3s^-1] This sums the flux over all facets
         qtp(i,j,k) = qtp(i,j,k) - flux * area / (dx*dy*dzh(k))

         if (lEB) then
           facef(fac) = facef(fac) + flux * area ! [Km^2/s] (will be divided by facetarea(fac) in modEB)
         end if
       end if

     end do

     if (lwritefac .and. rk3step==3) then
        fac_cth_loc(1:nfcts) = fac_cth_loc(1:nfcts) / faca(1:nfcts)
        fac_htc_loc(1:nfcts) = fac_htc_loc(1:nfcts) / faca(1:nfcts)
        fac_pres_loc(1:nfcts) = fac_pres_loc(1:nfcts) / faca(1:nfcts)
        call MPI_ALLREDUCE(fac_cth_loc(1:nfcts), fac_cth(1:nfcts), nfcts, MY_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)
        call MPI_ALLREDUCE(fac_htc_loc(1:nfcts), fac_htc(1:nfcts), nfcts, MY_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)
        call MPI_ALLREDUCE(fac_pres_loc(1:nfcts), fac_pres(1:nfcts), nfcts, MY_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm3d, mpierr)
     end if

   end subroutine wallfunheat