xwallscalar Subroutine

public subroutine xwallscalar(hi, hj, hk, putin, putout, bcvaluem, bcvaluep, n)


  • proc~~xwallscalar~~UsesGraph proc~xwallscalar modibm::xwallscalar module~initfac initfac proc~xwallscalar->module~initfac module~modfields modfields proc~xwallscalar->module~modfields module~modglobal modglobal proc~xwallscalar->module~modglobal module~modmpi modmpi proc~xwallscalar->module~modmpi module~modsubgriddata modsubgriddata proc~xwallscalar->module~modsubgriddata module~initfac->module~modglobal module~initfac->module~modmpi netcdf netcdf module~initfac->netcdf mpi mpi module~modmpi->mpi


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: hi
integer, intent(in) :: hj
integer, intent(in) :: hk
real, intent(in) :: putin(ib-hi:ie+hi,jb-hj:je+hj,kb-hk:ke+hk)
real, intent(inout) :: putout(ib-hi:ie+hi,jb-hj:je+hj,kb:ke+hk)
real, intent(in) :: bcvaluem
real, intent(in) :: bcvaluep
integer, intent(in) :: n

Called by

proc~~xwallscalar~~CalledByGraph proc~xwallscalar modibm::xwallscalar proc~xwallfun modibm::xwallfun proc~xwallfun->proc~xwallscalar proc~ibmwallfun modibm::ibmwallfun proc~ibmwallfun->proc~xwallfun program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~ibmwallfun


Source Code

Source Code

   subroutine xwallscalar(hi, hj, hk, putin, putout, bcvaluem, bcvaluep, n)
      use modglobal, only:jmax, dxf, dxfi, dxfi5, dxhi, dxh2i, nsv, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke, prandtlmoli, numol
      use modfields, only:u0
      use modmpi, only:myid
      use modsubgriddata, only:ekh
      use initfac, only:block
      integer i, j, k, jl, ju, kl, ku, iww, iee

      integer, intent(in) :: hi !<size of halo in i
      integer, intent(in) :: hj !<size of halo in j
      integer, intent(in) :: hk !<size of halo in k
      real, intent(in)    :: putin(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb - hk:ke + hk)
      real, intent(inout) :: putout(ib - hi:ie + hi, jb - hj:je + hj, kb:ke + hk)
      real, intent(in)    :: bcvaluem, bcvaluep
      integer, intent(in)    :: n

      iww = block(n, 1) - 1
      iee = block(n, 2) + 1

      jl = MAX(block(n, 3) - myid*jmax, 1) ! starting j-index
      ju = MIN(block(n, 4) - myid*jmax, jmax) ! ending j-index
      kl = block(n, 5) ! starting k-index
      ku = block(n, 6) ! ending k-index

      !fixed flux
      !remove standard diffusion term, add flux=bcvalue
      do k = kl, ku
         do j = jl, ju
            putout(iee, j, k) = putout(iee, j, k) + ( &
                                0.5*(ekh(iee, j, k)*dxf(iee - 1) + ekh(iee - 1, j, k)*dxf(iee))* &
                                (putin(iee, j, k) - putin(iee - 1, j, k))*dxh2i(iee) - &
                                bcvaluep)*dxfi(iee) !

            putout(iww, j, k) = putout(iww, j, k) + ( &
                                -0.5*(ekh(iww + 1, j, k)*dxf(iww) + ekh(iww, j, k)*dxf(iww + 1))* &
                                (putin(iww + 1, j, k) - putin(iww, j, k))*dxh2i(iww + 1) - &
                                bcvaluem)*dxfi(iww) !
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine xwallscalar