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Namoptions overview

This list refers to the original code-base DALES. The latest version of the namoptions overview of DALES is documented here.

Namelist DOMAIN

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
imax 64 See itot in DALES.
jtot 64 See DALES.
kmax 96 See DALES.
xsize -1 See DALES.
ysize -1 See DALES.
xlat 52. See DALES.
xlon 0. See DALES.
xday 1. See DALES.
xtime 0. See DALES.
ksp -1 See DALES. (Setting to -1 calculates default value)


Possible advection schemes:

1 = 1st order upwind scheme

2 = 2nd order central difference scheme

7 = Kappa (flux limited) scheme. This scheme designed for quantities that should never become negative.

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
lqlnr .false. See DALES. Default switched from .true.
iadv_mom 2 2 Advection scheme for momentum. Also in DALES. -
iadv_tke -1 2 Advection scheme for TKE. Only used if loneeqn = True. Also in DALES. -
iadv_thl -1 2, 7 Advection scheme for temperature. Also in DALES. -
iadv_qt -1 2 Advection scheme for moisture. Also in DALES. -
iadv_sv -1 1, 2, 7 Advection scheme for scalars. Also in DALES. -
ipoiss 1 0, 1 Poisson solver. 0 = Fast Fourier Transformation, 1 = Cyclic reduction scheme. Default will change to 0 in the future. -

Namelist PHYSICS

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
ps -1 See DALES.
lcoriol .false. .true., .false. See DALES. Default switched to .false. -
igrw_damp 2 See DALES.
lmoist .false. .true., .false. See DALES. Default switched to .false. -
ltempeq .false. .true., .false. Switch for solving temperature equation. -
lbuoyancy .false. .true., .false. Switch for buoyancy force in temperature equation. -
lprofforc .false. .true., .false. Switch for nudging flow to a profile (forcing). -
luoutflowr .false. .true., .false. Switch that determines whether u-velocity is corrected to get a fixed outflow rate
lvoutflowr .false. .true., .false. Switch that determines whether u-velocity is corrected to get a fixed outflow rate
luvolflowr .false. .true., .false. Switch that determines whether u-velocity is corrected to get a fixed volume flow rate
lvvolflowr .false. .true., .false. Switch that determines whether u-velocity is corrected to get a fixed volume flow rate
uflowrate 1. REAL U-velocity flow rate for out- or volume-flow forcing. m/s
vflowrate 1. REAL V-velocity flow rate out- or volume-flow forcing. m/s
ifixuinf 0 1, 2 Choice for free stream forcing. (0 = nothing)
lvinf .false. .true., .false. Use Vinf instead of Uinf for the fixed velocity at infinity
tscale Timescale: domain height*Uinf/utau**2
lnudge .false. Switch for applying nudging at the top of the domain
tnudge 50. Time scale for nudging
nnudge 10
dpdx 0. Constant pressure gradient forcing in x.

Namelist RUN

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
iexpnr 0 See DALES.
runtime 300 See DALES.
dtmax 20 See DALES.
lwarmstart .false. See DALES.
lper2inout .false. .true., .false. Switch that determines type of restart: .true. means switching from periodic to in/outflow: inlet profile is read from prof.inp. Potentially deprecated. May be removed in the future.
startfile '' See DALES.
lstratstart .false. .true., .false. Description missing
trestart 10000. See DALES.
irandom 0 See DALES.
krand See DALES. Setting no value will return kmax.
randu 0. See DALES. Default changed from 0.5
randthl 0. See DALES. Default changed from 0.1
randqt 0. See DALES. Default changed from 1e-5.
ladaptive .false. See DALES.
courant -1 Default sets it to 1.5 or 1.1 (if Kappa or upwind scheme is used). These are different values than in DALES.
diffnr 0.25 Diffusion number? Used to determine adaptive time step.
author '' See DALES.
lles .true. .true., .false. Switch that determines whether the subgrid model is turned on or constant ekm and ekh are used (DNS) -
libm .true. Switch that determines whether the Immersed Boundary Method is turned on. Deprecated. Will be removed in the future.
lreadmean .false. Switch that determines whether mean variables should be read from means#myid#.#expnr# Potentially deprecated. May be removed in the future.
lwalldist .false. Switch that determines whether the wall distances should be computed for the subgrid models. Potentially deprecated. May be removed in the future.

Namelist OUTPUT

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
lfielddump .false. .true., .false. Switch for instantaneous field output. -
tfielddump 10000. Output time for fields. s
fieldvars '' Any of the given labels, several are seperated by a comma: u0,v0,w0,th,ql,qt,p0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 Variable names of fields. -
tsample 5. Sample time for statistics. s
tstatsdump 10000. Output time for statistics. s
ltdump .false. .true., .false. Switch to output time-averaged statistics. -
lydump .false. .true., .false. Switch to output y-averaged statistics. -
lytdump .false. .true., .false. Switch to output y- and time- averaged statistics. -
lxydump .false. .true., .false. Switch to output x- and y- averaged statistics. -
lxytdump .false. .true., .false. Switch to output x-, y- and time-averaged statistics. -
lslicedump .false. .true., .false. Switch to output slices in the xy-plane. -
ltkedump .false. .true., .false. Not supported in the current version. -


Name Default Possible values Description Unit
lvreman .false. .true., .false. Switch for Vreman (2004) sub-grid scheme. -
c_vreman 0.07 Model constant for Vreman scheme.
lbuoycorr .false. .true., .false. Switch for buoyancy correlation in the Vreman scheme. -
loneeqn .false. .true., .false. Switch for one-equation sub-grid scheme. -
ldelta .false. See DALES.
lmason .false. See DALES.
cf 2.5 See DALES.
cn 0.76 See DALES.
Rigc 0.25 See DALES.
Prandtl 0.333 See DALES.
lsmagorinsky .false . See DALES.
cs -1 See DALES.
nmason 2 See DALES.


Name Default Possible values Description Unit
tcheck 0 See DALES.

Namelist BC

Switches for boundary conditions: momentum (m), temperature (T), humidity (q) and scalars (s).

Lateral BCs (BCx, BCy): 1 = periodic, > 1 special in/outflow conditions

BCs at the top (BCtop): 1 = freeslip, 2 = noslip, 3 = determined by inflow conditions

BCs at the bottom (BCbot; only effective if not covered with road facets): 1 = flux, 2 = wall function

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
BCxm 1 Domain boundary condition for momentum in x.
BCxT 1 Domain boundary condition for temperature in x.
BCxq 1 Domain boundary condition for humidity in x.
BCxs 1 Domain boundary condition for scalars in x.
BCym 1 Domain boundary condition for momentum in y.
BCyT 1 Domain boundary condition for temperature in y.
BCyq 1 Domain boundary condition for humidity in y.
BCys 1 Domain boundary condition for scalars in y.
BCtopm 1 Boundary condition for momentum at domain top.
BCtopT 1 Boundary condition for temperature at domain top.
BCtopq 1 Boundary condition for humidity at domain top.
BCtops 1 Boundary condition for scalars at domain top.
BCbotm 2 Boundary condition for momentum at domain bottom.
BCbotT 1 Boundary condition for temperature at domain bottom.
BCbotq 1 Boundary condition for humidity at domain bottom.
BCbots 1 Boundary condition for scalars at domain bottom.
bctfxm 0. Bounary Condition Temperature Flux X-minus-wall.
bctfxp 0. Bounary Condition Temperature Flux X-plus-wall.
bctfym 0. Bounary Condition Temperature Flux Y-minus-wall.
bctfyp 0. Bounary Condition Temperature Flux y-plus-wall.
bctfz 0. Bounary Condition Temperature Flux z top-wall.
thl_top -1. Temperature at the top boundary.
qt_top -1. Humidity at the top boundary.
wttop 0. Temperature flux at the top boundary.
qts -1. Used in modthermodynamics to get a BC for the moisture profile.
wsvsurfdum Scalar boundary conditions bottom.
wsvtopdum Scalar boundary conditions top.
wtsurf -1. See DALES. Currently need to be set to reasonable values for subroutine bottom.
wqsurf -1. See DALES. Currently need to be set to reasonable values for subroutine bottom.
thls -1. See DALES. Currently need to be set to reasonable values for subroutine bottom.
z0 -1. See DALES. Currently need to be set to reasonable values for subroutine bottom.
z0h -1. Facet roughness length for heat. Currently need to be set to reasonable values for subroutine bottom.


Name Default Possible values Description Unit
lEB .false. .true., .false. Switch for using the facet energy balance. -
lwriteEBfiles .false. .true., .false. Switch for writing facet temperatures and energy budget to file. -
lconstW .false. .true., .false. Switch whether soil moisture is assumed as constant in time (.true.) or the evaporated water is from the soil (.false.). -
dtEB 10. REAL Time interval between calculations of facet energy balance. s
bldT 0. REAL Internal temperature of the buildings, currently also ground temperature at a depth equal to floor facet thickness. K
wsoil 0. REAL Water content of soil. kg/m3
wgrmax 450. REAL Maximum water content. kg/m3
wwilt 171. REAL Water content at wilting point. kg/m3
wfc 313. REAL Water content at field capacity. kg/m3
skyLW 0. REAL Long-wave radiation from the sky.
GRLAI 2. REAL Leaf area index of a green roof.
rsmin 110. REAL Minimum resistance of soil/plant.
nwalllayers 3 INTEGER Number of layers making up each facet.

Namelist WALLS

1 = fixed flux

2 = flux determined by wall function involving temperature

3 = flux determined by neutral wall function (set automatically if ltempeq = .false.)

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
nblocks 0 INTEGER Number of blocks specified in blocks.inp. -
nfcts -1 INTEGER Number of facets specified in facets.inp. -
iwallmom 2 2, 3 (1 currently not implemented) Building wall momentum flux. -
iwalltemp 1 1, 2 Building wall temperature flux. -
iwallmoist 1 1, 2 Building wall moisture flux. -
iwallscal 1 1, 2 Building wall scalar flux -

Namelist SCALARS

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
nsv 0 See DALES.
lreadscal .false. .true., .false. Switch for reading scalar pollutant field (warm start). Deprecated, will be removed in the future. -
lscasrcr .false. .true., .false. Switch for 2-D network of point sources at lowest level as defined in -
lscasrcl .false. .true., .false. Switch for passive scalar line source when using canyon geometry. -
lscasrc .false. .true., .false. Switch for passive scalar point source defined by xS,yS,zS,SS,sigS. -
xS 0 REAL Position of scalar source in x. m
yS 0 REAL Position of scalar source in y. m
zS 0 REAL Position of scalar source in z. m
SS 0. REAL Strength of scalar source. g/ms
sigS 0. REAL Standard deviation of scalar source. m

Namelist DRIVER

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
idriver 0 0, 1, 2 Options for running precursor driver simulations where *driver* files will be written (= 1) and reading a completed driver simulation as the inlet to a simulation (= 2). Default (= 0) will do neither. -
tdriverstart 0. REAL Time at which *driver* files start being written. In use for idriver = 1. s
dtdriver 0. REAL Timestep at which *driver* file planes are written. In use for idriver = 1. s
iplane - INTEGER Index of the position on the x-axis of the plane that will be written to *driver* files. In use for idriver = 1.
driverstore 0. INTEGER Number of timesteps (idriver = 1) to be written to *driver* files or (idriver = 2) contained in *driver* files to be read. -
driverjobnr - - Job number of the *driver* files to be read. These files should be copied into the experiments folder of the driven simulation. In use for idriver = 2. -
lsdriver .false. .true., .false. Switch for reading scalar driver files. In use for idriver = 2. -


This section will be updated with the next version.

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
lchem .false. .true., .false. Switch for basic chemistry. -
k1 0. Rate constant (O3 + NO -> NO2 + 02 ). Chemistry model parameter.
JNO2 0. NO2 photolysis rate. Chemistry model parameter.

Namelist INLET

This section will be updated with the next version.

Name Default Possible values Description Unit
Uinf 0.
Vinf 0.
inletav 0.
lstoreplane .false.
linletRA .false.
lfixinlet .false.
lfixutauin .false.
lreadminl .false.
di 0.09
lwallfunc .true. Switch that determines whether wall functions are used to compute the wall-shear stress. Deprecated, only in use in modinlet. Will be removed in the future.