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uDALES saves the outputs as NetCDF files. If a simulation is run on several processors, each processor writes independent output files. The script in the tools directory can be used to gather these output files into a single file. The wrapper script does this automatically for all output fields of the simulation. The script is automatically called after a simulation run when using or for executing your simulation.

If you have separate output files of a continuous simulation, e.g. because one simulation is the warmstart of the other simulation, you can append these output files into a single file using the script

Gather output fields

To gather the output files of serveral processors from your simulation to a single file, use:

# We assume you are running the following commands from your
# top-level project directory.

# General syntax: <path-to-exp-outputs>
./u-dales/tools/ outputs/009

Replace 009 with the number of your simulation.

Append two output files

We assume that simulation 1 was run before simulation 2, i.e. the time steps of simulation 1 are all before simulation 2. To append the output files of simulation 1 (009) to simulation 2 (010), use:

# We assume you are running the following commands from your
# top-level project directory.

# General syntax: <path-to-simulation-1-outputs> <path-to-simulation-2-outputs>
./u-dales/tools/ outputs/009 outputs/010

Replace 009 and 010 with the numbers of your simulations.

Different output files explained

The output files generated depend on the parameters specified under &OUPUT in the namoptions file of your simulation (see Configuration for details), and the name of the output file(s) matches the name of that switch, e.g. if lxytdump is selected for experiment 009 then there will be an output file called If lfielddump is selected, note that there will be a file for each cpu.

Reading output files

These output files are in netcdf format, and so it is possible to obtain a description of any particular file using the command ncdisp('<top-level-directory>/outputs/009/') in Matlab. To read a variable, one can use e.g. u = ncread(<top-level-directory>/outputs/009/', 'uxyt')