subroutine initibm use modglobal, only : libm, xh, xf, yh, yf, zh, zf, xhat, yhat, zhat, vec0, & ib, ie, ih, ihc, jb, je, jh, jhc, kb, ke, kh, khc, nsv, & iwallmom, lmoist, ltempeq, cexpnr, nfcts, lwritefac use decomp_2d, only : exchange_halo_z use modmpi, only : myid use modstat_nc,only: open_nc, define_nc, ncinfo, writestat_dims_nc real, allocatable :: rhs(:,:,:) if (.not. libm) return solid_info_u%nsolpts = nsolpts_u solid_info_v%nsolpts = nsolpts_v solid_info_w%nsolpts = nsolpts_w call initibmnorm('solid_u.txt', solid_info_u) call initibmnorm('solid_v.txt', solid_info_v) call initibmnorm('solid_w.txt', solid_info_w) ! Define (real) masks ! Hopefully this can be removed eventually if (integer) IIx halos can be communicated ! These are only used in modibm, to cancel subgrid term across solid boundaries allocate(mask_u(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh)); mask_u = 1. allocate(mask_v(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh)); mask_v = 1. allocate(mask_w(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh)); mask_w = 1. mask_w(:,:,kb) = 0. ! In future this shouldn't be needed? mask_u(:,:,kb-kh) = 0. mask_v(:,:,kb-kh) = 0. mask_w(:,:,kb-kh) = 0. allocate(rhs(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb:ke+kh)) call solid(solid_info_u, mask_u, rhs, 0., ih, jh, kh) call solid(solid_info_v, mask_v, rhs, 0., ih, jh, kh) call solid(solid_info_w, mask_w, rhs, 0., ih, jh, kh) call exchange_halo_z(mask_u)!, opt_zlevel=(/ih,jh,0/)) call exchange_halo_z(mask_v)!, opt_zlevel=(/ih,jh,0/)) call exchange_halo_z(mask_w)!, opt_zlevel=(/ih,jh,0/)) if (iwallmom > 1) then bound_info_u%nbndpts = nbndpts_u bound_info_v%nbndpts = nbndpts_v bound_info_w%nbndpts = nbndpts_w bound_info_u%nfctsecs = nfctsecs_u bound_info_v%nfctsecs = nfctsecs_v bound_info_w%nfctsecs = nfctsecs_w call initibmwallfun('fluid_boundary_u.txt', 'facet_sections_u.txt', xhat, bound_info_u) call initibmwallfun('fluid_boundary_v.txt', 'facet_sections_v.txt', yhat, bound_info_v) call initibmwallfun('fluid_boundary_w.txt', 'facet_sections_w.txt', zhat, bound_info_w) end if if (ltempeq .or. lmoist .or. nsv>0 .or. lwritefac) then solid_info_c%nsolpts = nsolpts_c call initibmnorm('solid_c.txt', solid_info_c) bound_info_c%nbndpts = nbndpts_c bound_info_c%nfctsecs = nfctsecs_c call initibmwallfun('fluid_boundary_c.txt', 'facet_sections_c.txt', vec0, bound_info_c) allocate(mask_c(ib-ih:ie+ih,jb-jh:je+jh,kb-kh:ke+kh)); mask_c = 1. mask_c(:,:,kb-kh) = 0. call solid(solid_info_c, mask_c, rhs, 0., ih, jh, kh) call exchange_halo_z(mask_c)!, opt_zlevel=(/ih,jh,0/)) end if deallocate(rhs) ! write facet stresses and pressure to if (lwritefac) then allocate(fac_tau_x(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_tau_y(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_tau_z(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_pres(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_htc(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_cth(1:nfcts)) fac_tau_x = 0. fac_tau_y = 0. fac_tau_z = 0. fac_pres = 0. fac_htc = 0. fac_cth = 0. allocate(fac_tau_x_av(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_tau_y_av(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_tau_z_av(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_pres_av(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_htc_av(1:nfcts)) allocate(fac_cth_av(1:nfcts)) fac_tau_x_av = 0. fac_tau_y_av = 0. fac_tau_z_av = 0. fac_pres_av = 0. fac_htc_av = 0. fac_cth_av = 0. facname(5:7) = cexpnr allocate(ncstatfac(nstatfac,4)) call ncinfo(tncstatfac(1,:),'t', 'Time', 's', 'time') call ncinfo(ncstatfac( 1,:),'tau_x', 'tau_x', 'Pa','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatfac( 2,:),'tau_y', 'tau_y', 'Pa','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatfac( 3,:),'tau_z', 'tau_z', 'Pa','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatfac( 4,:),'pres', 'pressure', 'Pa','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatfac( 5,:),'htc', 'heat transfer coefficient', '','ft') call ncinfo(ncstatfac( 6,:),'cth', 'heat transfer coefficient (Ivo)', '','ft') if (myid==0) then call open_nc(facname, ncidfac, nrecfac, nfcts=nfcts) if (nrecfac==0) then call define_nc(ncidfac, 1, tncstatfac) call writestat_dims_nc(ncidfac) end if call define_nc(ncidfac, nstatfac, ncstatfac) end if end if end subroutine initibm