initibmwallfun Subroutine

public subroutine initibmwallfun(fname_bnd, fname_sec, dir, bound_info)


  • proc~~initibmwallfun~~UsesGraph proc~initibmwallfun initibmwallfun decomp_2d decomp_2d proc~initibmwallfun->decomp_2d module~initfac initfac proc~initibmwallfun->module~initfac module~modglobal modglobal proc~initibmwallfun->module~modglobal module~modmpi modmpi proc~initibmwallfun->module~modmpi module~initfac->module~modglobal module~initfac->module~modmpi mpi mpi module~initfac->mpi netcdf netcdf module~initfac->netcdf module~modmpi->mpi


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=20), intent(in) :: fname_bnd
character(len=20), intent(in) :: fname_sec
real, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dir
type(bound_info_type) :: bound_info


proc~~initibmwallfun~~CallsGraph proc~initibmwallfun initibmwallfun mpi_bcast mpi_bcast proc~initibmwallfun->mpi_bcast proc~alignment alignment proc~initibmwallfun->proc~alignment proc~plane_line_intersection plane_line_intersection proc~initibmwallfun->proc~plane_line_intersection zend zend proc~initibmwallfun->zend zstart zstart proc~initibmwallfun->zstart proc~is_equal is_equal proc~alignment->proc~is_equal

Called by

proc~~initibmwallfun~~CalledByGraph proc~initibmwallfun initibmwallfun proc~initibm initibm proc~initibm->proc~initibmwallfun program~dalesurban DALESURBAN program~dalesurban->proc~initibm

Source Code

   subroutine initibmwallfun(fname_bnd, fname_sec, dir, bound_info)
     use modglobal, only : ifinput, ib, ie, itot, ih, jb, je, jtot, jh, kb, ktot, kh, &
                           xf, yf, zf, xh, yh, zh, dx, dy, dzh, dzf, xhat, yhat, zhat, eps1
     use modmpi,    only : myid, comm3d, MY_REAL, mpierr
     use initfac,   only : facnorm, facz0
     use decomp_2d, only : zstart, zend

     character(20), intent(in) :: fname_bnd, fname_sec
     type(bound_info_type) :: bound_info
     real, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dir
     real, dimension(ib:itot+ih) :: xgrid
     real, dimension(jb:jtot+jh) :: ygrid
     real, dimension(kb:ktot+kh) :: zgrid
     logical, dimension(bound_info%nbndpts)  :: lbndptsrank
     logical, dimension(bound_info%nfctsecs) :: lfctsecsrank
     real, dimension(3) :: norm, p0, p1, pxl, pxu, pyl, pyu, pzl, pzu
     integer, dimension(6) :: check
     integer, dimension(1) :: pos_min_dist
     real, dimension(6,3) :: inter
     real, dimension(6) :: inter_dists
     real :: xc, yc, zc, xl, yl, zl, xu, yu, zu, checkxl, checkxu, checkyl, checkyu, checkzl, checkzu, inter_dist
     integer i, j, k, n, m, norm_align, dir_align, pos, p
     real dst

     character(80) chmess


     ! read u points
     if (myid == 0) then
       open (ifinput, file=fname_bnd)
       read (ifinput, '(a80)') chmess
       do n = 1, bound_info%nbndpts
         read (ifinput, *) bound_info%bndpts(n,1), bound_info%bndpts(n,2), bound_info%bndpts(n,3)
       end do
       close (ifinput)
     end if

     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%bndpts, bound_info%nbndpts*3, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm3d, mpierr)

     ! Determine whether points are on this rank
     bound_info%nbndptsrank = 0
     do n = 1, bound_info%nbndpts
       if ((bound_info%bndpts(n,1) >= zstart(1) .and. bound_info%bndpts(n,1) <= zend(1)) .and. &
           (bound_info%bndpts(n,2) >= zstart(2) .and. bound_info%bndpts(n,2) <= zend(2))) then
          lbndptsrank(n) = .true.
          bound_info%nbndptsrank = bound_info%nbndptsrank + 1
          lbndptsrank(n) = .false.
       end if
     end do

     !write(*,*) "rank ", myid, " has ", bound_info%nbndptsrank, "points from ", fname_bnd

     ! Store indices of points on current rank - only loop through these points
     allocate(bound_info%bndptsrank(bound_info%nbndptsrank)) ! index in global list
     allocate(bound_info%bndpts_loc(bound_info%nbndptsrank,3)) ! location
     m = 0
     do n = 1, bound_info%nbndpts
       if (lbndptsrank(n)) then
          i = bound_info%bndpts(n,1) - zstart(1) + 1
          j = bound_info%bndpts(n,2) - zstart(2) + 1
          k = bound_info%bndpts(n,3) - zstart(3) + 1
          if ((i < ib) .or. (i > ie) .or. (j < jb) .or. (j > je)) then
            write(*,*) "problem in initibmwallfun", i, j
            stop 1
          end if
          m = m + 1
          bound_info%bndptsrank(m) = n
          bound_info%bndpts_loc(m,:) = (/bound_info%bndpts(n,1),bound_info%bndpts(n,2),bound_info%bndpts(n,3)/)
       end if
     end do


     dir_align = alignment(dir)
     select case(dir_align)
       xgrid = xh
       ygrid = yf
       zgrid = zf
       xgrid = xf
       ygrid = yh
       zgrid = zf
       xgrid = xf
       ygrid = yf
       zgrid = zh
       xgrid = xf
       ygrid = yf
       zgrid = zf
     end select

     if (myid == 0) then
       open (ifinput, file=fname_sec)
       read (ifinput, '(a80)') chmess
       do n = 1, bound_info%nfctsecs
         read (ifinput, *) bound_info%secfacids(n), bound_info%secareas(n), bound_info%secbndptids(n), bound_info%bnddst(n)
                           !bound_info%intpts(n,1),  bound_info%intpts(n,2), bound_info%intpts(n,3)
       end do
       close (ifinput)

       do n = 1,bound_info%nfctsecs
         m = bound_info%secbndptids(n)
         !bound_info%bndvec(n,1) = xgrid(bound_info%bndpts(m,1)) - bound_info%intpts(n,1)
         !bound_info%bndvec(n,2) = ygrid(bound_info%bndpts(m,2)) - bound_info%intpts(n,2)
         !bound_info%bndvec(n,3) = zgrid(bound_info%bndpts(m,3)) - bound_info%intpts(n,3)
         !bound_info%bnddst(n) = norm2(bound_info%bndvec(n,:))
         !write(*,*) bound_info%bnddst(n)
         !bound_info%bndvec(n,:) = bound_info%bndvec(n,:) / bound_info%bnddst(n)

         norm = facnorm(bound_info%secfacids(n),:)
         norm_align = alignment(norm)

         if ((dir_align /= 0 .and. dir_align == norm_align) .or. (facz0(bound_info%secfacids(n)) < eps1)) then
           ! (for velocities) if the facet is aligned with the grid AND in the same direction as the current velocity grid direction
           ! therefore no tangential component, don't need to calculate shear stress
           bound_info%lskipsec(n) = .true.
            bound_info%lskipsec(n) = .false.
         end if

         if (log(bound_info%bnddst(n)/facz0(bound_info%secfacids(n))) > 1. .or. lnorec) then ! the wall function is well-defined
            bound_info%lcomprec(n) = .true. ! do simple reconstruction
         else ! need to reconstruct
           bound_info%lcomprec(n) = .false.
           ! Find reconstruction point
           ! cell centre (of current grid)
           xc = xgrid(bound_info%bndpts(m,1))
           yc = ygrid(bound_info%bndpts(m,2))
           zc = zgrid(bound_info%bndpts(m,3))

           ! cell edges
           xl = xc - dx/2.
           xu = xc + dx/2.
           yl = yc - dy/2.
           yu = yc + dy/2.
           zl = zc - dzf(1)/2. ! assumes equidistant
           zu = zc + dzf(1)/2. ! assumes equidistant

           ! points on planes
           pxl = (/xl, yc, zc/)
           pxu = (/xu, yc, zc/)
           pyl = (/xc, yl, zc/)
           pyu = (/xc, yu, zc/)
           pzl = (/xc, yc, zl/)
           pzu = (/xc, yc, zu/)

           p0 = (/xc, yc, zc/)
           p1 = p0 + norm * sqrt(3.)*(dx*dy*dzf(1))**(1./3.)

           call plane_line_intersection(xhat, pxl, p0, p1, inter(1,:), check(1), inter_dists(1))
           call plane_line_intersection(xhat, pxu, p0, p1, inter(2,:), check(2), inter_dists(2))
           call plane_line_intersection(yhat, pyl, p0, p1, inter(3,:), check(3), inter_dists(3))
           call plane_line_intersection(yhat, pyu, p0, p1, inter(4,:), check(4), inter_dists(4))
           call plane_line_intersection(zhat, pzl, p0, p1, inter(5,:), check(5), inter_dists(5))
           call plane_line_intersection(zhat, pzu, p0, p1, inter(6,:), check(6), inter_dists(6))

           pos_min_dist = minloc(inter_dists, mask=check==1)
           pos = pos_min_dist(1)

           if (pos == 0) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: no intersection found"
             stop 1
             bound_info%recpts(n,:) = inter(pos,:) ! x y z
           end if

           ! find which cell the point lies in
           bound_info%recids_u(n,1) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,1) >= xh, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_u(n,2) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,2) >= yf, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_u(n,3) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,3) >= zf, .true., 1, back=.true.)

           bound_info%recids_v(n,1) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,1) >= xf, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_v(n,2) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,2) >= yh, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_v(n,3) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,3) >= zf, .true., 1, back=.true.)

           bound_info%recids_w(n,1) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,1) >= xf, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_w(n,2) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,2) >= yf, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_w(n,3) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,3) >= zh, .true., 1, back=.true.)

           bound_info%recids_c(n,1) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,1) >= xf, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_c(n,2) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,2) >= yf, .true., 1, back=.true.)
           bound_info%recids_c(n,3) = findloc(bound_info%recpts(n,3) >= zf, .true., 1, back=.true.)

           ! check to see if recids is inside the domain
           if (bound_info%recids_u(m,1) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_u(m,2) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_u(m,3) == 0) then
               bound_info%lskipsec(n) = .true.
           end if
           if (bound_info%recids_v(m,1) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_v(m,2) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_v(m,3) == 0) then
               bound_info%lskipsec(n) = .true.
           end if
           if (bound_info%recids_w(m,1) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_w(m,2) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_w(m,3) == 0) then
               bound_info%lskipsec(n) = .true.
           end if
           if (bound_info%recids_c(m,1) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_c(m,2) == 0 .or. bound_info%recids_c(m,3) == 0) then
               bound_info%lskipsec(n) = .true.
           end if

           !check recpts is inside the box defined by the corners
           ! u
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,1) < xh(bound_info%recids_u(n,1))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,1) > xh(bound_info%recids_u(n,1)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: x out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,2) < yf(bound_info%recids_u(n,2))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,2) > yf(bound_info%recids_u(n,2)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: y out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,3) < zf(bound_info%recids_u(n,3))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,3) > zf(bound_info%recids_u(n,3)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: z out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if

           ! v
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,1) < xf(bound_info%recids_v(n,1))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,1) > xf(bound_info%recids_v(n,1)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: x out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,2) < yh(bound_info%recids_v(n,2))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,2) > yh(bound_info%recids_v(n,2)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: y out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,3) < zf(bound_info%recids_v(n,3))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,3) > zf(bound_info%recids_v(n,3)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: z out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if

           ! w
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,1) < xf(bound_info%recids_w(n,1))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,1) > xf(bound_info%recids_w(n,1)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: x out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,2) < yf(bound_info%recids_w(n,2))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,2) > yf(bound_info%recids_w(n,2)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: y out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if
           if ((bound_info%recpts(n,3) < zh(bound_info%recids_w(n,3))) .or. &
               (bound_info%recpts(n,3) > zh(bound_info%recids_w(n,3)+1))) then
             write(*,*) "ERROR: z out of bounds"
             stop 1
           end if
         end if
       end do
     end if ! myid==0

     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%secfacids,   bound_info%nfctsecs,   MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%secareas,    bound_info%nfctsecs,   MY_REAL,     0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%secbndptids, bound_info%nfctsecs,   MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
     !call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%intpts,      bound_info%nfctsecs*3, MY_REAL,     0, comm3d, mpierr)
     !call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%bndvec,      bound_info%nfctsecs*3, MY_REAL,     0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%bnddst,      bound_info%nfctsecs,   MY_REAL,     0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%recpts,      bound_info%nfctsecs*3, MY_REAL,     0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%recids_u,    bound_info%nfctsecs*3, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%recids_v,    bound_info%nfctsecs*3, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%recids_w,    bound_info%nfctsecs*3, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%recids_c,    bound_info%nfctsecs*3, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%lskipsec,    bound_info%nfctsecs,   MPI_LOGICAL, 0, comm3d, mpierr)
     call MPI_BCAST(bound_info%lcomprec,    bound_info%nfctsecs,   MPI_LOGICAL, 0, comm3d, mpierr)

     ! Determine whether section needs to be updated by this rank
     bound_info%nfctsecsrank = 0
     do n = 1, bound_info%nfctsecs
       if (lbndptsrank(bound_info%secbndptids(n))) then
          lfctsecsrank(n) = .true.
          bound_info%nfctsecsrank = bound_info%nfctsecsrank + 1
          lfctsecsrank(n) = .false.
       end if
     end do

     ! Store indices of sections on current rank - only loop through these sections
     ! allocate local arrays

     m = 0
     do n = 1, bound_info%nfctsecs
       if (lfctsecsrank(n)) then
          m = m + 1
          bound_info%fctsecsrank(m) = n
          bound_info%secfacids_loc(m) = bound_info%secfacids(n) ! facet id
          bound_info%secareas_loc(m) = bound_info%secareas(n)
          bound_info%secbndpts_loc(m,:) = bound_info%bndpts(bound_info%secbndptids(n),:) ! boundary point location (in global coordinates)

          if (bound_info%bndpts(bound_info%secbndptids(n),1) < zstart(1) .or. bound_info%bndpts(bound_info%secbndptids(n),1) > zend(1)) then
            write(*,*) "problem in x boundary points on : ", myid, n, bound_info%secbndptids(n), bound_info%bndpts(bound_info%secbndptids(n),1), zstart(1), zend(1)
          end if
          if (bound_info%bndpts(bound_info%secbndptids(n),2) < zstart(2) .or. bound_info%bndpts(bound_info%secbndptids(n),2) > zend(2)) then
             write(*,*) "problem in y boundary points on rank: ", myid, n, bound_info%secbndptids(n), bound_info%bndpts(bound_info%secbndptids(n),2), zstart(2), zend(2)
          end if

          bound_info%bnddst_loc(m) = bound_info%bnddst(n)
          bound_info%recpts_loc(m,:) = bound_info%recpts(n,:)
          bound_info%recids_u_loc(m,:) = bound_info%recids_u(n,:)
          bound_info%recids_v_loc(m,:) = bound_info%recids_v(n,:)
          bound_info%recids_w_loc(m,:) = bound_info%recids_w(n,:)
          bound_info%recids_c_loc(m,:) = bound_info%recids_c(n,:)
          bound_info%lcomprec_loc(m) = bound_info%lcomprec(n)
          bound_info%lskipsec_loc(m) = bound_info%lskipsec(n)
       end if
     end do


   end subroutine initibmwallfun